Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 631

But Jing Yichen doesn't think so. In addition to shangguanning, other people have been tossed, and he doesn't care.

"Mu Qing didn't come to work for nothing. He owed me not only in his last life, but also in his whole life. Otherwise, could he run to us so diligently? He's smart. You don't need to sympathize with him at all. Besides, you have been sparing no effort to help him chase women, which is a great human relationship. Otherwise, with his indecisive character, Zhao An'an will never turn around to marry him! "

Shangguan listened to what he said, and immediately laughed.

In the evening, Zhao An'an, who can't turn around, comes in a hurry.

Although Zhao an was forced to light three fires when she took office, she was also very busy.

Being a teacher and being a principal are two concepts. The gap is more than one and a half!

Basically, the teacher only needs to go to class. When there is no class, all the time is her own. She can go wherever she wants. There is no one in charge of it. Zhao An'an never takes any professional title evaluation seriously. When she is a teacher, she is not too relaxed.

But it's no good to be a principal. She has been holding meetings, listening to reports, reading all the professor's materials, and getting familiar with all kinds of data and information of the school. In case someone asks how many students, teachers, teaching subjects, floor space and scientific research projects of X University, she will be laughed off if she doesn't know !

She was originally parachuted to the X University as the principal. Everyone knew that she entered the school by relationship. Everyone was respectful to her in the face, but they murmured that they looked down on her.

Zhao an was so angry that she vowed to be a good headmaster and let x-da be better than before and let those who despise her know that her brother's choice is right at all. She is very powerful!

Recently, when he got up at night, he didn't even have the pressure to sleep at night.

The old lady Zhao and Zhao Zhao's mother and daughter were shocked. They both felt that Zhao An'an was like a different person!

She had a jumping disposition from childhood to adulthood, and she had only three minutes' enthusiasm to do anything. If she had not been a little clever, how could her academic performance have reached the middle level? That was the proper countdown!

Of course, Zhao An'an knows the surprise of her grandmother and her mother, but she has no time to pay attention to them. She goes out early and comes back late every day. She puts out 12 points of strength and vows to make everyone break their glasses.

However, she even passed the college entrance examination carelessly. She did not study hard at all. Now she has to carry things every day. Her brain rusts for a long time. Now she wants to polish it, which makes her a little painful. Moreover, she has to deal with all kinds of people with the most appropriate smile every day. She has lost a circle of tired people.

Shangguan Ning and jingyichen had an accident, and no one in the family told her that until today, two students in the school were jealous. One of them had a fight with the other seriously and was taken away by the police. She called Zheng Jing for help, and only then did she know about their injuries.

When Shangguan Ning saw Zhao An'an, she was startled because she had lost a lot of weight. Even her plump chin became sharp and became a standard melon seed face. She was so beautiful.

What's more, she was wearing a black business suit with a white shirt and a black suit on her upper body, a knee length suit skirt and black high-heeled shoes that she would never wear!

Shangguan Ning was so frightened that his chin would fall off!

She wants Jing Yichen to put Zhao an in a high position and temper her temperament with the pressure of public opinion, but this change is too big!

If I don't dare to meet her in the street!

"Well, ANN, why are you wearing a skirt? Don't you say you can't walk with a skirt? By the way, are these your shoes? Why don't you wear sports shoes

Shangguan Ning felt a little stuttering. She actually wanted to ask Zhao an how she had lost so much weight, but when the words came to her mouth, she asked about skirts and shoes.

This really can't blame her, because thin is normal, but wearing skirt and high-heeled shoes is not Miss Zhao's style at all!

It's good that Shangguan Ning doesn't ask. Zhao An'an originally kept the rigorous and solemn appearance of the principal in the school. When Shangguan Ning asked, she immediately revealed her true colors.

Zhao an kicked off two high-heeled shoes, sat barefoot by the bed, bared his teeth and complained: "what kind of broken shoes, which abnormal invention of high-heeled shoes is harmful to our women! After wearing it for a few days, my feet are full of blisters. It hurts me so much! "

Shangguan Ning looked down. Sure enough, there was a bright bubble on each of her beautiful feet, and there were red marks on the edge of her little thumb. It should be the impression left by the flattening of the small bubbles a few days ago.

Shangguan Ning felt a little distressed. She took out the ointment at home and used a cotton swab to paint the wound to Zhao An'an. She said with a smile, "do you still wear this pain? It seems that I didn't like it beforeShangguan Ning didn't dislike her, but she also applied ointment to her feet, which made Zhao an's heart warm. Her best friend was her best friend!

If she knew later, this reliable friend was the culprit who sent her to school for exercise. She didn't know if she would be angry and spit blood.

She is not used to the task of leisure all day, so she is not used to it.

She happily took back her feet, rolled her eyes and said, "just these broken high-heeled shoes, who rarely wear them! I've found a pair of short heels. I don't know how those old women in school can run so fast with ten centimeter high heels

The ointment on his feet was cool and the burning pain was relieved. Zhao An'an was comfortable and comfortable and directly laid down on shangguanning's big bed, but his mouth was still complaining.

"You don't know, when I first went to school, I wore pants and flat shoes, but I was made a joke by those exterminated nuns in the school. I went to the city to attend those poor meetings of the Education Bureau, and I was asked for trouble. I'm really fed up. I'm not satisfied with everyone. I have to find something wrong with me before I give up!"

Zhao's face is too delicate to hold

"Well, they are not jealous of my beauty! They are jealous that I was a headmaster when I was young, and that my backstage was harder than them , the fastest update of the webnovel!