Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 630

Jingyichen takes the trouble to teach his son to call his father and mother, while his sister-in-law is rushed to the living room from the baby room.

Month sister-in-law more and more feel that she should be the highest salary, the most relaxed work, the most rest time in a city!

Jing Yichen, a father, robbed her sister-in-law of almost all the work, so that she had nothing to do. Every month with tens of thousands of yuan of salary, solid eyed sister-in-law feel strange.

She has even asked for a lower salary several times, but shangguanning has never agreed, and still pays according to the original standard.

The couple treat their son like eyes. Shangguanning, a mother, does not have to say that he is meticulous to Jing Rui. Even Jing Yichen, a father, is very patient and meticulous to his son. He often comes to see if Jing Rui kicks the quilt, is hungry, has urine, and needs it or not Change the diaper.

Sister in law is honest and careful, and takes good care of her children. Therefore, she once worked as a sister-in-law in many rich families to help take care of the young masters and young ladies. However, she has never seen a father as careful as Jing Yichen.

Many men not only don't know how to take care of children, but also don't want to take care of children who are a few months old. Men think it's a woman's job to take care of children. The more powerful a man is, the less he will devote himself to taking care of the baby. He will not change the diaper, nurse the baby and coax him to sleep.

Sister in law thinks that jingyichen is really a good man. Although he treats people indifferently and doesn't like talking, people are afraid of him and don't want to be close to him, but he treats his wife and children one in a thousand!

Naturally, Jing Yichen didn't know his lofty image in his sister-in-law's heart. It took him only half an hour to lull his son to sleep, which made him feel very successful.

He kisses his son's sleeping face and walks out of the baby's room, letting his sister-in-law return to guard Jingrui. Then he goes to the bedroom.

Shangguanning is cleaning her hair. She hasn't washed her hair for several days. She has just regained some physical strength after dinner. She rushed to take a shower, otherwise she can't look at herself directly.

Jing Yichen took the towel in her hand and said faintly, "I'll come."

Shangguan Ning just didn't have any strength, so he gave him the towel immediately.

After a few minutes, she picked up the hair dryer and gave it to her.

After her hair had dried, he smoothed her long hair with a comb, and then he picked her up and put her on the bed.

"Lie down. Your son is sleeping, and his sister-in-law is watching him. You can choose to continue sleeping or let your husband and I chat. First, we'll have a chat for one minute and one hundred times for one minute, and ten times for sleeping with me."

Shangguan Ning was not able to laugh at his serious appearance. He said boldly, "I have money. Hurry up, come and sleep with me!"

Jing Yichen also laughed. He lay down beside Shangguan Ning, held her in his arms, pressed her chin against her forehead, and then said, "you are in my arms. It's very nice of you to be in my arms."

Shangguanning knows that he is also worried about the events of the past few days, but he is not worried about himself, but about her suffering losses under the hands of the Tang Dynasty.

She whispered, "well, I'm in your arms. It's good."

She held jingyichen in her arms and stroked his back unconsciously. When she touched a rough place, she remembered that the wound on his body was not fully healed.

She pulled up jingyichen's clothes and looked back and forth at his wound. Seeing that there was no crack, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Then she had to take off his pants to see the wound on his thigh.

Jingyichen pressed her cool hand and said in a dangerous tone: "are you sure you want to do this? You can't be irresponsible for a while. You won't take off my pants and disown people, will you? However, if you feel uncomfortable, it is my husband's duty to meet your physiological needs, and I have to make a sacrifice

Shangguan Ning couldn't laugh or cry. This man really knew that she wanted to see his injuries, but he wanted to distort her meaning, saying how hungry and thirsty she was.

She didn't mean that!

In terms of her current physical condition, where can she do so exhausting things with him!

Shangguan Ning had to give up the act of taking off his trousers and glared at him with dissatisfaction: "don't frame me up!"

Jingyichen smiles and whispers, "OK, don't frame you. It's hard for me to hold back. I want it, OK?"

Shangguan Ning couldn't bear to pinch him on the waist. After listening to his "ouch" cry, he took back his hand.

Jingyichen pretended to be miserable for a while. Although shangguanning was smiling, he was still worried about his wound. A wound on his thigh was very deep at that time, and the bone could be seen. After only a few days' work, it was impossible to completely heal.

"It's better to keep your injury in the hospital. Why do you go home so early? There is no doctor at home to help you check your physical condition at any time. In case of inflammation or something, you have to suffer more"I can't be so vulnerable. This injury is nothing. It's long gone!" Jing Yichen doesn't take those injuries in his heart at all. His recovery ability is excellent. It has been four days. All his wounds have scab. Even if there is a strong movement, there is no obstacle.

"It's not a problem to live in the hospital. It's not as good as our own home. We'll be more convenient when we come back. Anyway, MuQing will come to check us every day. There's no big difference between living in a hospital and living in a hospital."

Shangguanning knows that jingyichen's coming back is mainly for her, because her body doesn't need any treatment. She just needs to have a good rest and eat more tonics. Her family is more beneficial to her recovery than the hospital.

Just let Mu Qing run back and forth like this, which really makes Shangguan feel sorry.

"Mu Qing owes you so much in her last life. She has to be tossed by you in this life."

Mu Qing's medical skills are really for jingyichen. Now, with her and Jing Rui, they may have to trouble Mu Qing in many aspects in the future. MuQing is almost on call. No matter in the middle of the night or in the hail, MuQing has no complaints.

He is, at least, the best young talent in city A. he is well-known internationally. He has won many medical awards, but for Zhao An'an, he is still the president of Mu's hospital.

All day long, jingyichen is calling and drinking, even shangguanning can't see it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!