Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 629

Jingyichen gently patted his son's small buttocks, discontented way: "just fed you to eat, unexpectedly saw your mother later dislike me, see me later still feed you not to feed you!"

Shangguan is smiling. She wants to hold her son, but now she has no strength. She is afraid that one of her carelessness will fall Jingrui. She has to look at her son with guilt on her face and say in a soft voice, "ruiruirui, hold you when your mother is ready."

After that, she lowers her head and kisses Jingrui's delicate face. Jingrui doesn't even "ah" any more. He grins at her, as if he was kiss by his mother. He is very happy.

Shangguan Ning saw his smiling eyes bent into crescent, and his heart was soft.

Her son is so obedient, so sensible at such a young age, he must be a good child without her worry.

After the Shangguan Cong kisses Jingrui, Jing Yichen can't help kissing her smooth forehead. He holds Jingrui in one hand, takes another arm to hold her slender waist, and asks her in a low voice, "are you better? Hungry or not? Do you have anything to eat? "

Shangguan Ning leaned his head gently against his generous shoulder, held his son's small hand, and said in a soft voice, "I have no appetite, I'm not hungry, I don't want to eat."

Her tone with a slight coquetry, like a little girl with adults.

Jing Yichen is so delicate and young that he feels that his life has been so perfect that he can't be perfect any more. He coaxes her with a good temper: "if you don't have an appetite, you should eat something nutritious, so that you can recover quickly. Lao Du is on the sixth floor. I'll ask him to come up and make some fresh dishes for you. You can eat more. "

Although Shangguan Ning really didn't want to eat anything, she didn't refuse to take care of jingyichen so gently and carefully. She nodded and said, "OK."

Two people said a few words, Shangguan Ning then had no strength, she refused to let Jingyi Chen help, went to the bathroom alone.

When she washed her face, she saw jingyichen sitting on the sofa again, feeding Jingrui milk powder.

The morning sun shines in from the window, and the warm sunshine sprinkles on the father and son, plating a layer of good-looking gold on two similar faces, one big and one small. The atmosphere is warm and relaxed, as if they will be so happy all their lives.

Shangguan Ning had never thought before that jingyichen would coax the child so patiently and carefully and feed the baby.

He is cold-natured. In addition to showing a gentle side to her, he has always been very cold to others. He will not say a word more and will not care about others.

He is the model of Gao Leng.

But now he was holding his son and coaxing him to breast-feeding. Where there was a little cold, he was clearly warm and could not be warmer any more.

Shangguan's lips rose slightly, feeling that he had married a good man.

She took a look at their father and son and thought about it. She went to the bedroom to get her mobile phone. Then she went back to the living room and photographed the scene of jingyichen feeding Jingrui.

She thinks that when Jing Rui grows up, she will show her son this picture to let him know how much his father loves him. In his infatuated childhood, his father was an invincible father. He took care of him with great care and professionalism.

Jingyichen knows Shangguan Ning is patting him. He smiles helplessly, but he doesn't stop him.

Unlike other girls, shangguanning loves to take pictures of herself and all kinds of things. On the contrary, she seldom takes photos and seldom shows off certain things. She likes taking photos, which is only after she was born with Jing Rui.

She will always record Jing Rui's appearance, his various expressions, his growing up and the happy time of his family.

She often takes pictures of him holding his son and playing with him. It is the first time for her to nurse his son. Naturally, she will not miss such an important moment.

With a smile, he patted his son gently with his hand, and said in a sarcastic way: "son, your mother is secretly photographing us. Now she has the potential to become a paparazzi. After we have no food to eat, we can follow your mother as a paparazzi to eat!"

Jing Rui's "ah" says that he agrees with his father's suggestion, which makes jingyichen laugh.

Shangguan Ning tossed and tossed for a while. She was sweating and had no strength to stand. However, her body was sour and weak, but her heart was full of energy.

She returned to her bedroom with a smile on her face and lay on the bed. She soon fell asleep again.

However, she didn't sleep too long and was called up to eat by jingyichen.

She gets up in a daze and sees Jingrui's honest nest in jingyichen's arms, gnawing his fingers and staring at her with his big eyes. She seems to be thinking about whether to abandon her father and join her mother's arms.

After eating, Shangguan Ning finally regained some strength. She took her son in her arms and spoke to him in a soft voice.

Jingrui is very happy to express his joy with his mother in Martian Language. Unfortunately, her mother is an earth person, and she can't understand his Martian Language. What's more, his father took him away quickly, so that he could not enjoy his mother's warm and soft arms.

Jingyichen saw him reach out to shangguanning, knowing that he didn't want to go, he said with a smile: "OK, your mother doesn't have the strength to hold you now. Who let you eat so long and so heavy, you should go to bed now, and let her hold you when you wake up."Jingyichen is not very skilled in coaxing Jingrui to sleep. In the past, as long as Jingrui had enough food in Shangguan's arms and played for a while, he soon fell asleep. Basically, he didn't need to be coaxed.

But now he is not in Shangguan's arms, but in his arms.

Jingyichen goes to his baby room directly with Jingrui, and walks around with him in his arms. If he is sleepy and wants to sleep, he will surely go to sleep soon. After all, he is only a few months old now. It is the time when he sleeps a lot. If he is very energetic and doesn't want to sleep today, he will hold Jingrui and talk to him.

It is said that speaking to a child in his infancy is conducive to the cultivation of parent-child relationship and enables children to learn to speak as soon as possible.

In fact, Jing Rui now unconsciously utters the syllables "Ma" and "pa" because Shangguan Ning and Jing Yichen teach him every day. Of course, he doesn't really call his father or mother now. It's just a child's instinctive pronunciation.

Jingrui seems to like to talk to his father very much. Every time he hears jingyichen's pleasant voice, he always follows "mm-hmm-ah". Jingyichen teaches a "father", he will unconsciously follow the word "Dad". Jing Yichen teaches a word of "mother", and he will call out an ambiguous "Ma". , the fastest update of the webnovel!