Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 626

Mu Qing also said two hours ago that Jing Yichen would not wake up until tomorrow at the earliest. He was a bit seriously injured this time. He didn't drink water and eat for a long time, and consumed all his physical strength. His recovery must be slow.

I didn't expect that he should wake up so soon!

Shangguan Ning's tears of joy fell again.

Jingyichen gently wiped her tears and coaxed her with the same doting tone: "darling, don't cry, I'm ok, don't be afraid. Cover the quilt and come to my arms

Shangguan Ning in order to prevent the wound on his body, and clothes lying on the quilt, and did not go into the bed with him close.

She wanted to hold him and lie in his arms. She was scared today, full of panic and fear. All of them were pressed to the bottom of her heart. Because of the situation of jingyichen, she was not allowed to cry or shrink back.

Now think of today's matter, she is very afraid, a careless, she may put herself into it! However, at that time, she only wanted to save Jing Yichen, where she could take any danger into consideration.

Now jingyichen wakes up, she wants to hold him and talk to him.

"But you have a wound. If I get too close to you, I will open your wound."

Jingyichen's pale and handsome face showed a faint smile: "would you be so careless? Listen. Come here. I want to hold you. My injuries are all right. They're all minor ones. They're all right. "

Shangguan Ning hesitated for a while, or into the quilt, gently lying in his arms, carefully hugged his generous waist.

"I haven't hurt my waist. You can hold on a little bit."

Shangguan Ning was really tight.

Jing Yichen feels the warm and soft body of the little woman in her arms, feels her dependence, trust and love, and her empty heart is finally filled.

Although the wounds on his body are burning pain, but he did not put it in his heart, only put all his mind on the woman in his arms.

He bowed his head and gently kisses her delicate and beautiful eyebrows and eyes, as if he were treating his most carefully cherished treasure, gentle and doting.

Jingyichen wakes up, and the stone block in Shangguan Ning's heart is finally put down a little.

She held jingyichen in her arms and said in a choked voice: "you didn't go home last night, and I couldn't get through the phone. I'm so scared. I've been waiting for you all night with my son in my arms. I know that if it wasn't for an accident, you would go home. So before dawn, I called my father, and then I went to find you with my father. Rui Rui is now in the king's house and has not been suckling for a day. Now I don't know what's going on. "

Jing Yichen can imagine Shangguan Ning's panic and fear at that time. After all, he has never stayed overnight. Even if he can't go home for the night, or even if he can't go home for dinner, he will call her and tell her why.

The two of them have the same feelings for each other. If Shangguan Ning doesn't come back all night and there is no news, he must be crazy!

She can persist until now to tell her inner fear, so calm and calm to find Tang shunian, go to the bloody basement like hell to find him, has made him very impressed.

Her courage is beyond imagination!

Her love for him was also beyond imagination.

Jing Yichen looked at her frightened appearance, heartache kisses her: "is I not good, lets you follow be afraid, later I will be more careful."

She guessed that something had happened to him, and she must have ignored Jing Rui. At this moment, she remembered that Jingrui had not yet been fed milk.

Jingyichen patted her on the back and comforted her in a low voice: "my son will not be hungry. The old lady will certainly feed him very well. Jing Yiran was raised by her. She must be very concerned about taking care of her great grandson. My grandfather must also be at home. The king's house is well protected and there won't be any mistakes. "

Shangguan nodded his head and gave a gentle "um" sound.

There are no mothers who don't care about their children. What's more, Jing Rui is still so young. It's the time when he needs his mother most.

But now she can't go back to the Jings to take care of Jing Rui. She has to take good care of Jing Yichen first. After all, everything is fine with Jing Rui, who is not injured or sick. However, jingyichen is too injured to get out of bed.

Only when jingyichen is ready, can their mother and son rely on each other, and their home is complete and warm.

"Ah Ning, today's event is the only time. Next time, I'm not allowed to take risks for me. Tang shunian is too cruel. You are not his opponent. You can leave him as far as you can

Jing Yichen was silent for a moment, and then solemnly told his wife in his arms.

He felt that shangguanning didn't understand Tang shunian. He was a complete madman. His psychology was twisted to an abominable level. When he negotiated with him, he was jumping into the fire pit.

What's more, Tang shunian has obviously been coveting shangguanning. He is crazy enough to let people take a photo of her, and then use her photo as a mobile phone screensaver!

This has seriously touched the bottom line of jingyichen!He never allowed anyone to covet his own woman!

"But don't worry. Now that I have found out his true identity, he will never escape. It will take half a month for a long time, or ten days for a short time. I will definitely kill him!"

At the end of the day, jingyichen's tone is grim.

He won't let the year of Tang Shu live too long!

It's been 11 years since Tang Dynasty. He should have died.

He must be hiding now. It's unrealistic to find him in a day or two. After all, the best thing about Tang shunian is hiding.

But five days is enough for jingyichen. Even if Tang shunian hides in a place and doesn't show up, he can dig three feet to find him out!

Jing Yichen doesn't know that shangguanning has already known about the fact that she was secretly photographed in the Tang Dynasty. Although Shangguan Ning doesn't know the year of Tang as well as Jing Yichen, she has long had a profound understanding of the neuroticism of the Tang Dynasty.

She hated the year of Tang very much, but it was not because he coveted her, but because he had hurt her most beloved man.

Shangguanning has experienced today's big battle. Now when Jing Yichen says that he wants to kill Tang shunian, he doesn't have any fluctuation in his heart. It's like he's going to kill a mad dog that can bite people, not a man.

In her heart, her attitude towards life has changed quietly, and she is no longer uneasy and guilty about the death of others.

Maybe it's because she saw too many dead people today, or maybe it's because she thinks that the crimes committed by such people as Tang shunian are too numerous to be written. Anyway, shangguanning's character gradually becomes as cold as Jing Yichen. , the fastest update of the webnovel!