Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 627

Shangguanning now only wants to protect her favorite man, her son and her relatives. The rest of them, she won't care too much.

"Well, he's damned, but this time you have to make sure you're safe. You don't have to kill him in a hurry. You can take care of yourself first. You're still running a fever, and the temperature has been rising. If you feel any discomfort, let me know. I'll go to doctor mu

Jing Yichen is not a fawn. His muscles are sore and his body has a lot of wounds. At this moment, he is not comfortable anywhere. But he didn't say a word of pain. He just comforted Shangguan Ning and said, "it's OK. I'll have a sleep. Don't worry too much. It's you. Do you feel sick? "

Jingyichen doesn't say Shangguan Ning doesn't care too much. Now he says that she finally realizes something wrong with her body.

However, she already knew what kind of sequelae she would have from Mu Wensheng, so she was not too worried at the moment.

"I'm all right. I must be uncomfortable, but it's not as serious as master Mu said."

However, Jing Yichen said with a faint smile: "it is possible for Mu Qing to make mistakes in medical skills, but master Mu has never made any mistakes in this. He said that what kind of symptoms there will be, basically, what kind of symptoms there will be. You are not so serious now, because it is not yet time."

Deer's blood can greatly improve people's physical function in a short period of time, making people become "Superman". Once this kind of news is known to outsiders, the deer will certainly die.

There are many outlaws and violent elements who do not care about any sequelae at all. What they want is strength.

Therefore, only a few people know what kind of function and sequelae of deer's blood.

However, Mu Wensheng once extracted her blood samples and made a long time of research and analysis. In order to make the research accurate, he once took the blood of deer himself, and felt the destructive effect of those viruses with his body.

Therefore, he will not misjudge the situation of shangguanning.

Shangguan Ning is not worried about herself. She just loves jingyichen now.

She wanted to ask him whether he felt uncomfortable when dirty Cheng was like that yesterday, and whether he was humiliated by the book year of the Tang Dynasty. However, she was afraid that jingyichen could not bear to think of yesterday's affairs, so she just swallowed what she wanted to say.

But jingyichen seemed to know what she wanted to ask, and whispered in her ear: "fool, don't worry about me, I'm fine. It's all thanks to my dad. His previous demonic training allowed me to survive in the most difficult and dangerous conditions. In the past, I always felt that he was demanding too much. I always felt that I would never face the helpless situation. Now I know that I am wrong. My position determines that I may face all kinds of hopelessness in my life, and my life can't be too comfortable. "

Shangguan Ning's heart is as painful as being pricked by a needle.

He is a proud man who can spend freely and enjoy his life freely. But who knows how much he has suffered and how many injuries he has suffered in private.

Jing Yichen has never been afraid of difficulties, nor has he avoided any failure.

The only thing he avoided was the torture he suffered 11 years ago.

However, today, Tang shunian awakens his memory that he has been forced to close, and even wants to copy what happened 11 years ago. Jingyichen was really miserable at first. But now, lying on the hospital bed with a beloved woman in his arms, his heart is peaceful. He has no need to deliberately close and forget the past memory, and he can accept it calmly.

"Ah Ning, don't you always want to know why I can't be touched?"

Jingyichen's deep and hoarse voice rings, his words let shangguanning slightly shocked.

She didn't know his past before, so she would not ask about it. If she knew that was the reason, she would never ask.

Because it was salting his wounds, not caring.

In the past, jingyichen was not willing to say this thing, I am afraid he himself was very taboo, but now, he is willing to say, is it not that he has taken the matter aside in his heart?

She held out a finger and put it on his pale lip to stop him from going on.

"Shh, needless to say, I already know. Let him go of the past. You are mine, from head to toe. "

Jingyichen slightly surprised, but then relieved: "Tang Shu Nian told you?"

Shangguan Ning nodded gently: "yes, so I wanted to kill him at that time. In addition to I can touch you, no one else can do it, women can't do it, and men can't do it. Who's going to rob me and who's in a hurry! "

When Jing Yichen heard her overbearing tone, she couldn't help laughing.

He knew that she was comforting him in a different way.

But he didn't need any consolation.

He used to feel sick and ashamed, but now he feels that he can bear any kind of humiliation. As long as shangguanning is all right, he will be satisfied.

Compared with being humiliated, he didn't want to see the photos of shangguanning in front of Tang shunian every day, which made him angry.It is also normal for Tang shunian to tell shangguanning about his past. This is the thing he is most proud of. He always feels that he has defeated him through this matter.

Speaking of this kind of thing, Tang shunian would feel a great sense of achievement, which would destroy his husband's position in his wife's mind.

But the year of Tang Dynasty is wrong.

I'm afraid his position in Shangguan Ning's heart can't be shaken at all.

Jing Yichen kisses Shangguan Ning's forehead affectionately and says in a low voice: "sleep, I hold you to sleep, tomorrow you will be very uncomfortable, while the sequela is not obvious, sleep a little more."

Shangguan Ning was kissed, hugged and coaxed by him. She felt very happy in her heart. With him around, any kind of pain could be tolerated for her.

She raised her head and gave him a kiss on the stubble chin. Then she closed her eyes and fell asleep with him.

When he woke up the next day, jingyichen's fever had subsided. After a night's rest and drug nourishment, his face was no longer as pale and frightening as yesterday, and the whole person's state looked much better.

The man with pale face and low spirits changed to shangguanning.

The sequela of the virus finally broke out.

She is now all over the pain, especially the bones, as if there are ants gnawing, painful to the bone marrow!

She is so painful that she can't even eat. Even Jing Zhongxiu brings Jing Rui. She doesn't have much strength to hold him for fear of falling him to the ground. , the fastest update of the webnovel!