Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 625

Mu Qing shook his head and said to the truth: "I have given Jing less use of large doses of antibiotics, so I can't use antipyretic injections for the time being. I could have rubbed his body with alcohol to lower the temperature, but now he is all over his body and is not suitable for physical cooling. So his temperature must not be able to go down again

He watched Shangguan Ning frown more and more tightly. The pain and worry in his eyes had already made him feel distressed. He immediately said, "sister-in-law, I know jingshao's physical condition best. Although he has a fever, it doesn't matter. It's his body's automatic response to the injury. As long as it's not a high fever, it won't affect his health. I will come to check his body regularly. If the temperature gets higher and higher, I will try to cool him down

Shangguan Ning knows that this level of fever is not fatal. She just loves jingyichen too much - the persistent fever will make him more miserable.

But now there is no better way, wood green and do not recommend to Jing Yichen with pain drugs, so Jing Yichen can only carry.

She reluctantly toward Mu Qing with a grateful smile: "OK, I know. You go to have a rest and have a day's work."

It's more than a day's tiredness. Shangguanning knows that Mu Qing has been working intensively for nearly ten hours since he received several wounded soldiers from jingyichen. He has not eaten a mouthful of food or drink any water.

He couldn't carry his iron beating body. His eyes were full of red blood and his expression was very tired.

MuQing was frank and said with a smile: "it's OK. As long as you're all OK, it's worthwhile for me to be tired again. The medical skills I've learned are not life-saving. I can be better than Jing Shao, which is my proudest thing."

He smiles and says a few words with the officer Ning, and assures her that jingyichen will be OK, and then turns to leave.

When he closed the door, he saw Shangguan Ning looking at jingyichen on the hospital bed with affectionate and concerned eyes. Her feeling was so deep and reckless that it was moving.

At the beginning, Mu Qing didn't understand why Jing Yichen got to know Shangguan Ning for such a short time, so he used the most powerful means to marry her back.

Jing Yichen has never been an impulsive person. On the contrary, he is very rational and never emotional. The only thing that makes Mu Qing feel emotional is his marriage.

However, it is now proved that even marriage is not impulsive or emotional.

He knows that shangguanning is very suitable for him. He is afraid that shangguanning will slip away from him. He can't wait to use the way that can restrain her and force her to stay by his side.

Mu Qing admires Jing Yichen very much. His vision is really good. He can't be any better, or he doesn't fall in love. He talks about one of the most reliable and affectionate.

The two of them, with the passage of time, have gradually deepened, and now they are inseparable from each other.

If one of them goes now, it will be difficult for the other to live alone.

The most beautiful love in the world is no better than this, holding the hand of the son, growing old together with the son, the sincere emotion has reached the point where the heart has a soul.

I don't know when he and Zhao An'an can be like them, depending on each other for life and death. Even though they have experienced many ups and downs, they still love each other like the first love.

Mu Qing doesn't dare to be too extravagant.

At the end of the day, there was only one jingyichen and only one shangguanning. He had been in contact with so many patients in the hospital, and there was no one as affectionate as them.

He gently pulled the door of the ward, nodded to Li duo and Li Feidao who were guarding outside, and then strode away.

In the ward, Shangguan Ning sits by the bed of jingyichen.

Because she was too worried, she ignored the discomfort and pain gradually revealed in her body.

The sequelae of the deer's blood has begun to appear. Her body is sour, and her bones begin to feel painful. However, it is not serious yet. Shangguanning has not taken it to heart.

She held jingyichen's hand tightly with her jade like hand. Looking at his pale face, she remembered that he stood alone on a high pile of corpses, fighting against so many crazy and strong men, and remembering the old story of 11 years ago that Tang shunian once said.

Fortunately, she rushed over in time. Fortunately, she took the deer with her. Otherwise, she went alone, not only could not help, but would drag him down. Otherwise, so many people beat him one, where could he support too long!

Shangguan Ning is very grateful to the deer. This time, she helped a lot! She saved her life and jingyili!

If only she knew kung fu. Even if she couldn't help Jing Yichen, she had to be able to protect herself.

The moment she saw jingyichen today, her heart was broken.

By the time they arrived, he was at the end of his tether, completely exhausted!

He just has been using his strong will to support himself and not allow himself to fall down!

She is so distressed, so distressed!It was such a disgusting environment that she even felt like she was going to faint when she saw the blood all over the basement. The disgusting smell of blood was beyond human endurance!

Inside the bodies piled up like mountains, and even the bodies had already rotted away, leaving only the skeleton of those heavy white bones!

Broken limbs and broken arms are everywhere. It's gloomy and terrible. The person who looks at it is numb, but Jing Yichen has stayed in it for so long!

When she just went in, she almost fainted!

Shangguanning doesn't know when he entered the basement, but looking at the corpses there, Jing Yichen must have been in it for a long time.

When she saw him, he was covered with blood all over his body, so embarrassed!

Jing Yichen is such a clean person. He usually feels uncomfortable even if his clothes are stained with a little dust. He hates to be touched, but he has to face the siege of thousands of people and fight with them with bare hands!

She finally learned the real reason why Jing Yichen could not be touched today, but she would rather not know!

How can Tang Dynasty be so shameless!

He is a madman, a mental state of the neuropathy!

Shangguan Ning carefully lies down beside jingyichen, closing her eyes to feel his breathing and his temperature. She wants to get closer to him and help him heal the past trauma.

A finger across her face, gently stroked away the tears on her face.

"Why are you crying?"

The deep husky voice sounded in the ear, Shangguan Ning suddenly opened his eyes, surprised way: "Yi Chen, you wake up!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!