Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 624

When the deer took a look in the mirror, he opened his eyes and said, "you've been busy for more than half an hour. How come my hair hasn't changed?"

Her hair looked just a little short, and now it's still that long shawl. She thought she'd see her short hair, but it didn't!

Where can he get a haircut!

Jingyi's tired wrists were all sour, but his "customers" didn't buy it. His mouth twitched for a moment and said, "what's your look in your eyes? Your hair has been shortened a lot! Why hasn't it changed? "

"No, it's too long. Cut it again."

"You can't cut it any more. It's just the right length. You look like a woman."

Where does the fawn care what feminine taste son, the hair is too long will hinder the son in the crucial time.

"my hair, I has the final say, too long hair, killing and fighting are not convenient, and it will easily reduce my fighting power!"

Jing Yiran also heard for the first time that too long hair will affect the fight and murder!

He put his arm around her waist in displeasure and frowned: "you don't need to fight in the future, let alone kill people, and there's no harm in growing your hair."

The deer was surprised that she didn't have to do those killing tasks endlessly in the future. Her life had changed a lot.

However, she is used to keeping a good state in order to deal with all kinds of unexpected situations.

Like yesterday's situation, if she is not in good condition, she will definitely suffer a lot.

You know, she is not only very excellent in strength, but also in speed. When her speed reaches the limit, she can really take down the gun before the enemy shoots!

However, if the hair is too long, it will definitely affect her speed.

She thought for a while, still way: "I don't like hair is too long, inconvenient, wash up also troublesome, you give me short cut."

Jingyi couldn't resist her, so she had to pick up the scissors again and cut her hair a large section. Now she tied it up. I'm afraid it's a very short ponytail. In this way, she looks more like a teenage girl.

The deer saw himself in the mirror, and finally he was a little satisfied.

However, Jing Yiran's craftsmanship seems to be inferior to hers. After all, she has cut her hair for several years, but jingyiran is the first time.

Fawn never cares too much about her hairstyle. If it wasn't for her bald head that would easily expose her identity and attract other people's attention, it would be possible for her to shave her head in order to save time and convenience.

Jing Yiran thought that cutting deer's hair would give him a sense of accomplishment, but he didn't.

He is not good at craftsmanship. Fortunately, the deer is beautiful enough. Otherwise, other girls' hair will look like a village girl.

Their lives are almost reversed day and night. During the day, they usually go to bed and rest, and they only come out for activities at night. So even though it is very late, jingyiran is still in good spirits.

However, the fawn is tired from fighting today and wants to rest.

She habitually hugged Jing Yiran's waist, buried her face in his arms, and murmured in a low voice: "I'm sleepy..."

Her attachment, naturally revealed, she is no longer the same as before, ran to the bedroom, fell asleep.

Although she didn't mean to be coquettish, she was born with a baby voice. When she spoke in a low voice, she always had a trace of coquetry. At this time, her sleepy speech sounded like coquetry.

Jing Yiran moved in her heart, then picked her up and took her to the bedroom to have a rest.

The height difference between them is close to 30cm, which is the most cute height difference in fashion now. Jingyi has no difficulty holding her.

Holding her on the bed, Jingyi ran just to leave, found his clothes were pulled by the deer.

"What's the matter?"

The deer's big misty eyes looked at him and whispered, "you sleep with me."

Jing Yiran because of her soft four words, the heart suddenly soft and unworthy.

Instead of getting up, he lay down beside her with his clothes and took her into his arms.

The deer's cool body was wrapped in his hot body, and he felt very comfortable all over. Although she has just changed her blood once, her temperature has risen, but compared with normal people, it is still cold.

She still likes to sleep in the arms of jingyiran. The more she sleeps, the more warm she feels.

If she sleeps by herself, it must be cold in the quilt when she wakes up. She doesn't like it.

Jing Yiran also likes to hold the deer. It's summer now. It's hot. It's very comfortable to sleep with a soft and cool body in my arms.


In Mu's Hospital, Shangguan Ning and jingyichen are arranged into the same ward.

Jingyichen is out of strength seriously and has shed a lot of blood. After the operation, she has already gone to sleep.

Shangguan Ning was unable to sleep.She was afraid that there was something wrong with jingyichen. She kept watch on him all the time. From time to time, she touched his forehead. He had a fever. For several hours, his temperature did not subside, but went up a little.

Zheng Jing lives in the ward next to them. He lives with him and ah Hu.

Ah Hu's injury is not light, and he has been in a state of lethargy. Mu Qing knows that he is not a follower at all for jingyichen, but just like his brother. Therefore, he personally examined AHU's body and sewed up the wound for him.

He was very busy this day. After he came out of the operating room, the two wards ran in rotation. Except for shangguanning, the other three patients were all suffering from fever. Although jingyichen was the most severely injured, it was the lightest, because his physical quality was not comparable to that of Zheng Jing and ah Hu.

After Mu Qing had seen Zheng Jing and a Hu, he came to jingyichen ward again to check his physical condition.

Shangguan Ning handed the thermometer that had just been measured to Mu Qing. Some worried murmured: "doctor mu, the body temperature of Yichen has risen, which is 38. It's 7 degrees. Why don't you give him another injection to reduce his fever? "

How to go on like this? He was all over the body, lying unconscious on the hospital bed, as weak as if to leave her at any time, Shangguan Ning's sore eyes were red.

Mu Qing took a look at the thermometer and said with a bitter smile, "sister-in-law, you can't use a fever reducing needle more. You've already given Jing two fewer injections. You can't do it any more. Otherwise, with his current physical condition, he can't bear it at all."

Shangguan Ning tightly grasped jingyichen's hand, and her delicate eyebrows all wrinkled: "what should I do? Can't you help it? "

In her heart, Mu Qing is a top doctor, there is no injury he can not handle. , the fastest update of the webnovel!