Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 622

According to the deer's physical condition, if she does not eat for ten days and a half months, she will not die of starvation without eating. If she does not eat, the virus in her body will phagocytize the cells and generate energy for her to survive until all the cells die.

But she couldn't bear the feeling of starvation. Even if she was hungry, she needed to eat a lot of food every day, otherwise she would feel very uncomfortable.

I can't bear it if I don't eat for three days!

"That's no good. The conditions are too harsh. I won't talk delicately. I don't want to be hungry. You just said that you would cook delicious food for me in the future. Now how can you not keep your word?"

Jingyi Ran's mouth slightly puffed. How could he forget that it was more difficult for the deer to learn from other women's appearance and speak in a delicate and delicate way than to go to Mars!

Besides, she knows how to bargain!

Did he teach her so well?

"And you did keep me waiting for a long time, and you haven't kiss me yet!"

The deer's tone is even a little complaining. Jingyi can't help but be surprised.

"You want me to kiss you?" he asked

Is the sun out in the West today?

Every time he wanted to kiss fawn before, she always said with disgust: "why do we have to gnaw like those people? Do you like my saliva? But I don't like your food. I just want pig's feet. "

As a man, I'm afraid he won't have any desire to kiss again!

So until now, jingyiran also kiss her forehead at most, and will not kiss her red lips.

Kiss this kind of thing, must want two people to like only then, otherwise people regard you as a pig's hoof, how can you still be enthusiastic to pester with each other!

But now the fawn dislikes him for not kissing her. Does she want to kiss him or chew pig's feet?

Just had a meal, and eat very full, should not want to gnaw pig's hoof.

Jing Yiran's eyes brightened, and then he heard the deer say, "I didn't want you to kiss me, but you want to kiss me. Of course I want to cooperate with you. Isn't that what you said?"

Dare you, she is still not enlightened!

It's for him. It's not acting!

Love to the deep, not a kiss should be very normal, very eager?

Jing Yiran is completely defeated by fawn.

He seems to know why he can't always have that strong feeling for deer. She doesn't have that kind of hormone producing feeling!

In the past, he would have an impulse to those beautiful women. No matter how big the impulse was, he would be extinguished by her in an instant.

My God, what kind of evil did he do in his last life? He will suffer such punishment in this life!

Jing Yiran lies on the fawn's body powerlessly. It takes a long time to pick up her spirit. She takes a bite on her delicate shoulder.

Fawn is not very sensitive to pain, because she has suffered a lot of injuries and has been used to it for a long time.

In order to repay jingyiran, she also bit him on the shoulder.


Jingyi ran ate pain and immediately called out.

He looked at his shoulder and then at the fawn's shoulder. It was obvious that he bit the fawn more heavily, and the tooth marks were deeper, but the fawn did not say a word or even frown.

Jingyiran feels very unfortunate when she has a girlfriend who has an abnormal constitution and is the second largest killer in the world.

Because this does not show his superiority as a man. Fawn is 100 times stronger than he is, able to endure hardships, more capable than him, and does not need his tenderness. This makes him feel useless.

Jing Yiran gently touched the deer's face, and then some dejected to get up, look depressed to the living room to clean up the dishes, and then to the kitchen to do the dishes.

It is true that fawn is insensitive to feelings, but she is not stupid. Now she soon finds that jingyiran is not happy.

She was a little unclear, so she had another guess in her heart.

She also got up, followed Jingyi ran into the kitchen, and then learned from his appearance, put on a pair of rubber gloves, and washed dishes with him.

"Are you angry?"


"Why are you angry?"

"It's all said. I'm not angry."

"You must be angry. I can feel it."

"Come on, don't make a blind guess. You can have a rest and I'll do the dishes by myself."

"You're a grown-up, you can't make trouble with me."

Jing Yiran was unable to laugh or cry.

She learned to teach him a lesson!

What's wrong with him? If you are really angry and uncomfortable, where will you pay attention to her now.

It was not the first day he knew fawn. He had already known what Xiaolu's character was like. He was also ready to teach her from the beginning. He had already experienced her indifference and insensibility. Every time he wanted to kiss her, there would be various situations. This time, the situation was the lightest.He took off the rubber gloves, took the little woman into his arms, and bowed his head to kiss her smooth hair: "it's not awkward or angry. I just don't know what to do. I'm very upset."

"Because you didn't kiss me? But I didn't let you kiss. You didn't

Well, there's no way to communicate with girls like alien physique and brain circuits in the language of earth.

What's more, why does she always think about the kiss she just had?

Don't you really want him to kiss her?

Jing Yi Ran raised her chin, regardless of the deer with her wet innocent big eyes to look at her, bowed his head and directly kissed her.

Lips cool, soft and fragrant, like a piece of delicious fudge, people want to hold it and never let go.

However, jingyiran still had some self-control. He didn't poke into the deer's mouth because she didn't like it.

He just gently kisses her lips and brings her the deepest love -- caressing.

All of a sudden, the fawn's eyes stare at the boss, and then think of jingyiran before saying, in this case, should close his eyes.

Her long eyelashes quivered slightly and then closed her eyes.

When you close your eyes, you'll feel more keenly.

The touch and tenderness between the lips and teeth did not bring any pleasure to the deer, but she did not reject it.

Before, she didn't like it very much because it would make her feel uncomfortable.

However, Jing Yiran's kiss was just a little bit, and she didn't feel uncomfortable.

Jing Yiran also found that this time the fawn did not frown, nor pushed him away. With the strength of the fawn, he tried to push him away easily.

It seems that we still need to take it slowly. Little by little, we should treat her as a child, not as an adult woman. Although she knows something about the relationship between men and women, it is obvious that she has never made any attempts in her body, so there will be some rejection. , the fastest update of the webnovel!