Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 621

Jing Yiran put her finger on the ruddy and full lips of the fawn, gently stroked her, cast a charming look at her, and said in a sexy voice: "with your mouth."

Fawn is not even touched by his eyes. She is an insulator, insulated from all those flattering eyes and love words.

She just looked at jingyiran with her big black and white eyes, and slowly realized a question: "are you playing with me now?"

"Oh, no, in our present relationship, it's not called tune play, it's called interest!"

Jing Yiran looked at her doodle lips, not from licking their own lips.

He and fawn have almost no that kind of too intimate behavior, kiss several times, but each time failed.

Because, fawn doesn't like kissing at all, and even if she is kissed, she doesn't respond at all.

Jing Yiran often even if the mood is high, want to kiss her, will also be hurt by her indifferent attitude, and then all the mood will disappear, he can only helplessly smile bitterly.

Think of him, such a handsome and charming man, can't win a little woman who has never had any emotional experience. This is a big failure in his life!

When he was with fawn, he always felt like brother and sister rather than lovers.

However, this situation has improved a lot recently. The fawn is not as independent as before and doesn't care about emotional matters any more.

For example, now, fawn already knew that he was deliberately teasing her, and she would not seriously argue with him.

Learning from his movements, she reached out her crystal clear fingers and stroked his lips.

Jing Yiran looks at the deer in surprise. The girl is so active today. She really grabs the woman's stomach and catches the woman's heart?

This kind of action is so ambiguous that it easily causes fire, OK?

He was very interested in looking at the beautiful baby like woman in front of him. He wanted to bite her, but he was afraid to interrupt her movement.

Xiaolu now knows that jingyiran must not be hungry. He is not interested in what he eats. Unlike her, he will forget everything and never think of anything else.

He is always thinking about other things, always want to touch her, now kiss her forehead is very natural, and she also from the beginning not adapted to the present habit, even like.

Yes, she likes to kiss her forehead.

His lips are very soft, with his body's unique aroma, that kind of warm touch, let her gradually begin to infatuate.

For feelings, she is very slow, or in other words, she only knows how to kill people in her life, but she doesn't know how to get along with a man as a woman.

She sometimes feels like a robot, a robot with no emotion.

The virus in her body not only transformed her human body, but also her human emotions.

She is now like a toddler, under the guidance of jingyiran, slowly moving forward.

She thought of a more effective stupid way - how jingyiran treats her, she will treat jingyiran.

For example, he is now touching her lips. Although she does not think it is a meaningful action, she still imitates his action.

And Jing Yiran's expression shows that he is still very satisfied and happy.

The fish soup gradually cool, but the atmosphere in the living room is getting hotter and hotter.

Jing Yiran enjoyed her gentle touch for a while, and then held her in her lap and wrapped her in her arms with her long arms.

This kind of holding method shows a man's strong desire to control, but the deer is not clear about these.

Even if she knows, she will not care. If Jing Yiran wants to control her, let him control her. She does not exclude being controlled by him at all.

She is quite fond of jingyiran's decision to arrange everything, because she is really not good at it. Even if the arrangement is not as good as he has arranged.

In the eyes of fawn, he is not a safe young master Jing at all. He is really a man who can't be safe any more.

At the end of the day, there is always a suitable person for you. It depends on whether you have met him or not.

Obviously, jingyiran is very suitable for fawn. In fawn's eyes, his shortcomings are nothing at all. She never takes money seriously. She will think that he is very good, whether he is a young master of Jing family or a down and out ordinary man.

Now nestled in his arms, listening to his even breath, she sighed contentedly.

Jingyi ran saw that she didn't speak, just nestled in his arms, unconsciously stroked his lips with her fingers, and knew that she was now enjoying this warm feeling.

He took her tiny body, got up from the sofa and strode to the bedroom.

For the first time, fawn was sensitive to this kind of thing, and subconsciously said, "do you want to do something bad?"

Jing Yiran laughed happily: "Oh, you are enlightened. I'm sorry if I don't do bad things!"

He put the fawn on the bed, and then the whole man pressed on it.Fawn big eyes, with her own do not know the innocent eyes looking at jingyiran, seems very indifferent.

She was born with a baby face, coupled with that innocent eyes, the whole is a little girl who is not familiar with the world and has not yet grown up. However, the scenery on her is embarrassed to destroy her for a time.

That kind of charming -- beautiful feeling once again disappeared.

However, Jingyi did not give up. He stroked the soft hair of the fawn, pinched her ruddy and glossy little face, and whispered, "dear, close your eyes."

The deer closed his eyes.

Jingyiran looked at her lips, slowly lowered her head, and slowly approached. When there was still a millimeter away, the fawn suddenly opened her eyes again and said a sentence that made jingyiran almost spit blood: "why don't you kiss me? All the flowers I've been waiting for are thanks! "

Dead girl, who are you learning from?!

She would not have said that before, at most only the first half!

The scene can't be destroyed any longer.

This girl is on purpose!

Jingyi was angry and glared at her: "don't talk when kissing!"

"You've spoken, why can't I?" Fawn is not convinced and kisses her mouth. What's the big deal? Jingyiran looks constipated, which makes her feel very strange.

"That's not the same! What I said can make the atmosphere better. As soon as you speak, you will directly beat me to the 18th floor of hell

Jingyi ran picked up her eyebrows and squeezed her chin with all her strength. She threatened in a low voice: "don't talk next time. You should be delicate and soft. Girls should have the appearance of girls, otherwise they won't give food for three days!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!