Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 623

The kiss didn't last too long. Jing Yiran soon released the fawn, but he made a rule for the fawn: "you will kiss me every day in the future. Do you hear me?"

Fawn does not understand: "why?"

"Cultivate feelings!"

Jing Yiran put on the rubber gloves again and began to wash the dishes. However, she thought that she would kiss her every day. She would not have to spend half a month to get used to it! It's time to move on to the next step. You can't always behave like this? I don't think he's a man!

After washing the dishes, Jing Yi Ran went to the bathroom to take a shower. She washed off the smell of lampblack all over her body. She changed into a loose casual shirt and held a fawn to browse gossip news on the sofa.

The deer has already taken a bath. Her hair is still wet, and her body is fragrant after bathing. The scenery is so carefree that she has no idea.

Deer sat quietly on his lap and followed him to watch entertainment gossip.

Originally, she had no interest in these things, but after living with Jingyi for such a long time, he was used to seeing these things, and he must hold her to see them. When she was bored, she followed them.

Not to mention, she really learned a lot from the entertainment gossip.

Those entertainment gossip seemed to open the window of another world to her, and the things inside made her curious and puzzled. How could those people love each other so much and belittle each other for a while, as if they were enemies.

Jing Yiran said that it was human nature, and let her see and learn more, so that she could become more emotional.

Fawn doesn't think that's good. How can those people live more tired than her? Her life is very simple. Although she is a killer, although she has hidden dangers in her body, she never provokes some messy things. Why are those people so eager to find trouble?

Jing Yiran looked at the gossip for a while. Seeing that deer's hair was still not dry, and she didn't care about it, she couldn't help shaking her head. The girl's heart was so big that she didn't care about all the small things. She was so wet that she was not afraid of catching a cold.

The second young master of Jing loves the woman too much. He even forgets that the cold virus can't invade with the deer's body! All viruses, into her body have only one consequence - death! Who said she had a more powerful host in her body!

The hair dryer at home was bought by jingyiran. Of course, the original purpose was not to blow the hair of fawn, because when he just moved in, he and fawn were not as intimate as they are now, and he would not blow her hair for her.

He is a handsome man who loves beauty. He cares about his hair style as much as he cares about his life.

His head can be cut off and his hair should not be disordered. This is the true portrayal of the once elegant young master Jing er.

He is sure to blow his hair after taking a bath, and he will blow out all kinds of fashionable styles for his hair.

Never go out without blowing hair.

Of course, in the past, when he was at Jing's, he had a special hairdresser to help him with his hair care. Later, he lived alone. Without a hairdresser, he soon became a self-taught talent, and his hair care level was master level.

He does it very often and does it well.

He used to like women to dress up a little bit more beautiful fashion, most like a woman with long flowing hair, the best or coffee, or dark reddish brown, because it will appear very spiritual.

He once had a strong love for shangguanning's golden brown short hair. Some women's hair dyeing was not good-looking, but shangguanning belonged to the type with temperament after hair dyeing.

However, he now likes the deer's natural black hair, which has not been processed in any way. It is very smooth and looks like the best silk. He can't put it down.

Blowing hair for fawn is a great pleasure for jingyiran, and fawn also likes him to blow his hair for himself - no one has taken care of her so carefully before.

Turn on the hair dryer, Jing Yiran blows her hair skillfully. When it is half dry, he suddenly flashes a light and says, "little baby, how about I cut your hair for you?"

Fawn has always thought that his hair is too long, so it is inconvenient to move.

In fact, she loves short hair the most, but she can't cut it herself, and she doesn't like the barber holding scissors, which is a kind of "weapon" waving around her head. That kind of scene always makes her feel that the other party will plot a conspiracy and end her life with a pair of scissors when she is having a haircut.

Because two killers in the killer organization were killed in the process of hairdressing, fawn is very taboo to barbers. In fact, it is not only her, but many people in the killer organization have taboos against barbers. Most of them will not go to the barber's shop to have a haircut. They all solve the problem by themselves.

It's the same with fawn. She never goes to the barber's shop. When her hair grows, she cuts it at will. She can't cut that kind of neat short hair. She can still cut it into a ponytail.

Now jingyiran wanted to have her haircut, and she readily agreed.

She can't accept others holding scissors on her head, but she won't reject jingyiran. She is naturally at ease when he holds scissors.However, after she sat down on the balcony chair, she remembered a question: "jingyiran, do you still have a haircut?"

Jing Yiran stands behind her with scissors, slightly stiff.

Hair cutting is such a difficult job. Of course, he is It won't be.

However, you can't cut it. Anyway, the deer's hair is so long. It's just a piece of cake!

"How can I be defeated by such a simple matter as haircut? Don't worry, I'm sure it'll look good for you

Jing Yiran is boasting without blinking.

The simple fawn believed it. She nodded, with a trace of praise in her voice: "I didn't expect that you could do anything. It's very powerful. Unlike me, I don't know anything except killing people. It seems that we will never die of hunger in the future. If you cut your hair and I will kill you, we will have meat to eat

Jing Yiran took the scissors hand a shiver, a wisp of deer's long hair straight fell down.

What a strange thing to hear!

What do you mean to kill people and eat meat?!

It sounds terrible!

Jing Yiran felt that she must have been unable to eat meat for several days!

What's more, he can't cut his hair at all. He can fool fawn with his level. Anyone else will laugh at him.

However, the good thing is that it's easy to cut short the long hair. Jing Yiran, as long as her hands don't tremble, there is no big problem in cutting out the hair.

Jing Yiran still likes fawn to keep long hair, so she didn't want to cut off too much. , the fastest update of the webnovel!