Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 602

Shangguanning has always regarded Xiaolu as a child. Although she knows her true identity, she has never seen her murder so ruthlessly. Moreover, she killed so cleanly that she did not blink her eyes.

In Shangguan Ning's opinion, the killing scene is almost the same as the special effects in the movie.

She didn't know how those people died, but they didn't have any blood on them, but their eyes were still open and they didn't close at all.

Shangguan Ning didn't care for these people. She just saw so many people dead at once, and she felt a little uneasy.

Fawn is used to killing people. Now she has only six dead. There is no wave in her heart.

"I'll go ahead and you'll stay behind to prevent any danger."

The deer said lightly, and then led the way to the narrow gate which only allowed one person to pass through.

Shangguan Ning didn't have any hesitation and walked in after her.

However, as soon as they entered, the door behind them slammed shut. No matter how Shangguan Ning pushed it, there was no movement at all. She could not help but be anxious. What if the door was closed and they couldn't get out!

The deer only looked at it once and said, "this door should be able to enter and not out. I have seen similar ones before. Maybe the scenery can be broken."

Shangguan Ning heard her say that jingyichen can crack, and immediately ignore the door: "OK, let's go, go in and find him."

The deer nodded and took Shangguan to move forward in the dark basement.

Although the basement is very dark, for fawn, this kind of darkness is not a problem at all. Her eyesight is far beyond normal, and night vision is basically no problem.

Shangguanning also gradually adapted to the darkness, but the thin air in the basement and the rotten and bloody smell in the air made her uncomfortable.

That kind of disgusting smell is beyond people's control. It stimulates the senses. After walking for a while, shangguanning can't help but vomit.

The deer stopped to wait for her, and then in the dark to listen to the faint sounds of fighting and the smell of fresh blood.

She is very sensitive to blood. Fresh blood can stimulate her brain cells and keep her whole body in peak condition.

Shangguan Ning vomited for a while, forced himself to stand up: "I'm ok, continue to go."

She is under unprecedented pressure both physically and psychologically. She doesn't know how jingyichen will survive in this environment!

According to Tang shunian, Jing Yichen lived in his basement for three days and nights before, and finally escaped successfully.

How strong he is to survive so many days!

Shangguan Ning followed the fawn, stepping on the water, tears fell down unconsciously.

Tears fall on the ground in the water, issued a crisp sound.

She quickly wiped away her tears and followed the fawn, who was completely blind to her surroundings.

Shangguanning is very lucky, thanks to the deer coming in with her. Otherwise, she would not be able to identify the most basic direction in the dark, even the disgusting smell. It would take a long time to find jingyichen.

This basement is very, very large, and seems to be a spiral shape. Shangguanning walked with the deer for at least half an hour. After several rounds, she finally heard the sound of fighting.

Moreover, walking here, the basement gradually has a light, at the same time, make Shangguan Ning disgusting smell of blood has been extremely strong.

In addition to the smell of blood, the air is also filled with a sweet, greasy, pungent smell. Shangguanning doesn't know what this smell means, but the deer does.

She turned and put her arm in front of Shangguan Ning, and said faintly, "you bite my arm and drink a little of my blood."


Shangguan Ning was anxious to go to the direction of the sound source, because she heard the fight, instinctively felt that Jing Yichen was not far away from her.

As a result, the deer suddenly came to such a sentence, scared her almost fell down.

Drink blood?! How can this work! How can I drink it!

Xiaolu also knows that her proposal is hard for ordinary people to accept. In fact, although she has killed countless people, she has never drunk human blood, which is not as simple as it sounds.

She explained to Guan Ning faintly: "there are a lot of strong drugs in the air here. If you inhale more drugs, you will have a strong sexual impulse and even lose self-consciousness. I only know how to have fun. My blood contains viruses that can restrain many drugs. After you drink them, those viruses may survive in your body for several hours, so that you will not be affected by those drugs Ring. "

Shangguanning knew that the deer's blood was special, but she never knew that there were a lot of viruses in her body.

Just, even if she could understand why fawn let her drink her blood, she couldn't accept it psychologically!

When the deer saw that she didn't drink, he took back his arm, then opened his mouth and bit his mouth. He took Shangguan Ning's chin and let his blood flow into her mouth.If she had not just finished the blood exchange, the deer would not have dared to give her blood to shangguanning because the virus in her body was too destructive and could easily damage shangguanning's own immune system. But after the exchange, the virus level in her body was low enough to be lethal. Of course, sequelae is certainly there, but it is better than shangguanning losing consciousness.

Shangguanning was forced to drink the warm and sticky blood of the fawn. The bloody smell immediately filled her nose. That feeling was worse than taking her life!

She used to love watching foreign vampire movies and TV, and thought that vampires were very good when drinking blood.

However, from today on, she will never watch vampires again!

Besides, she will definitely vomit when she sees blood!

Even now, she is also disgusting can not, want to spit out their own bile.

But the deer's blood was very strange. After she drank it, she was absorbed immediately. How could she vomit!

"Don't vomit. My blood contains active viruses. When they encounter living cells, they will fuse actively. Now they are all integrated into your blood."

Looking at Shangguan's tears, fawn had to explain in a soft voice.

"I'm sorry, it's a helpless move. And my blood may leave you with sequelae. When you go out, you need to go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination. But in a short period of time, you'll be able to improve your physical functions, such as hearing and vision, as well as drug resistance

Shangguan Ning also tried to distract her attention. When she heard Xiaolu's words, she soon found that her hearing and eyesight were really enhanced! , the fastest update of the webnovel!