Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 603

As a result of the improvement of various functions of the body, shangguanning began to vomit uncontrollably!

Because, after her eyesight has been improved, she can see the "water" on the ground by weak light.

Since she came in, she had always thought that the liquid under her feet was water. Until now, she could see clearly that in this very open and boundless basement, what water was on the ground, and the dark red large area was all blood!

Moreover, she not only improved her eyesight, but also her sense of smell was more sensitive. The disgusting smell and bloody smell in the air made her unable to breathe at all!

Anyone who finds himself standing in a sea of blood will be greatly impacted.

Shangguanning's performance has been very good, because she is now more worried about jingyichen, so she ignored part of the bad external environment.

All she could vomit in her stomach had been vomited, and now she was just holding the post to retch.

Shangguan Ning got up and nodded to the deer, indicating her to go on.

After walking for more than ten minutes, shangguanning felt that he had gone deep underground. Then his sight finally became clear, and the fighting sound became extremely clear.

A light that is not very bright is hanging on the top of the head, which makes the ground brighter than other places. Although it is still dark, shangguanning can see the surrounding scene with the help of deer's blood to improve vision.

Hundreds of square meters of space, lying full of bodies, men and women have, some have rotten, some just died.

In the middle of a mountain of corpses, there are a group of strong men who are fighting with red eyes, but those who are besieged by those men are covered with blood and can't see their faces clearly.

However, even if you can't see his face clearly, shangguanning knows who he is just by intuition.

Shangguan Ning looked at him, tears had fallen uncontrollably. She wanted to call his name, but she was afraid that it would distract his attention and make him suffer.

Jing Yichen is very tired at the moment. If it wasn't for ah Hu who replaced him from time to time, he might have fallen.

Because there are too many people on the other side, they can't kill them completely. Besides, AHU is not only injured, but also affected by the drugs. Now he is a little confused.

At a certain moment, he seemed to have telepathy. His eyes crossed the dense crowd and looked at the slender figure standing in the distance.

He was shocked, and there was a gentle look in his cold and indifferent eyes.

However, as soon as he was distracted, someone immediately kicked him, hurt his leg, and staggered under his feet. Then he took back his eyes and stood firm and continued to fight with the other party's people.

And shangguanning has been surrounded by many people.

As soon as she and fawn came in, they attracted a lot of people's attention. They were all men, and naturally they were more interested in women.

Jing Yichen is a tough guy. She can't chew at all. The two new women must be two pieces of fat.

Of course, shangguanning is not an opponent of these people, but it seems that fawn has no difficulty in killing these people.

She cut melons and vegetables, reaching for a pat on the body, listen to the "click" a crisp sound, and then people will be soft and soft down, can not get up again.

All men realize that the delicate woman in front of her is not fat at all, but a hard bone than jingyichen!

Xiaolu is really more skilled than Jing Yichen in killing people. She is a real professional killer and the world's top killer. She must have killed more people than Jing Yichen.

After all, Jing Yichen usually does it only when he has to kill someone. Most of the time, he doesn't need to do it himself, and Xiaolu kills himself himself. Moreover, she makes a living by killing people, and she will kill those who have no hatred.

What's more, fawn has a unique advantage in killing people. She has abundant physical strength, long endurance, quick reaction and great strength. Even in the face of a dozen people attacking at the same time, she can win in a few minutes.

Therefore, after the deer joined, the speed of death in the book year of Tang Dynasty has been greatly improved.

Shangguanning, with a gun in her hand, clings to the fawn. She does not try to kill people. She knows that her task is to protect herself.

She didn't shoot because there were only six bullets in her gun, which could save lives at a critical time. She would not use it until she had to.

She is more than 100 meters away from jingyichen. However, it can not be overstepped. Because there are all people here, they rush towards her and fawn bravely. They seem to be fierce wolves. They don't have much wisdom, only bloody fighting instinct.


On jingzhongxiu's mobile phone, shangguanning's mobile location could have been displayed. However, since Shangguan's mobile phone has entered the abandoned residential building, her positioning has disappeared.

Obviously, it could block the tracker in her phone.His men came in a steady stream, and Zheng Jing also brought his people, and brought a large number of gas masks.

He divided all the people into two routes. On the one hand, he continued to search for jingyichen in this area. On the other hand, he took a helicopter, crossed the river and landed in the abandoned residential area.

Jing Zhongxiu guessed that the year of the Tang Dynasty should be under this residential area. He took people with him and explored it in person.

There are many entrances, and after entering, each passage is divided into three forks, leading to the deep underground.

It takes a lot of time to crack the system. Even if it takes a lot of time to crack the door, it takes a lot of time to crack the door.

Most of the time, animals are better at some aspects than humans, for example, tracking.

The police dog of the criminal police team brought by Zheng Jing played an unexpected role in jingzhongxiu. It took everyone along the road that shangguanning had gone through and successfully arrived at the golden hall where shangguanning had been.

Because shangguanning has been away for less than an hour, her breath is very clear to trained police dogs.

The police dog stayed here for a while, wandering in the place where shangguanning and Tang shunian had stood. Zheng Jing immediately said to Jingzhong, "sister-in-law must have met someone here!"

Jing Zhongxiu nodded: "the most likely one is the Tang Dynasty. He should be around here. Some people will continue to search here. If they can't find them, they will blow up all of them! "

Zheng Jing nodded, and then ordered his own hand to go down.

However, at this time, the whole hall seemed to have an earthquake, and began to shake violently! , the fastest update of the webnovel!