Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 601

Tang shunian's hand is lost, he can't help but a little Zheng.

A strange feeling arose in his heart. He felt that if he really met shangguanning, he would not have no reaction. He should still reject it.

It's just that the rejection is much milder than ever.

It seems that as long as he meets people who make him feel like him, his cleanliness habit can not be cured.

He took back his hand, clenched it and dropped it.

"Don't like me touching you?"

Shangguan Ning looked at his gentle and affectionate manner with vigilance and shook his head firmly: "of course I don't like it! You're a jerk. It's just disgusting. "

Tang shunian was not angry at all, but said with approval: "Oh, I can understand this feeling, because before I met you, I felt that any woman near me would make me sick and nauseous."

"But," he said, raising his eyebrows, "so far, you are the least disgusting woman for me, so you may want to stay with me."

"I'm married."

"It doesn't matter. I don't mind if you were married."

"I have children. You'd better go to other beautiful young women."

"It doesn't matter. I can make you childless. You are more beautiful than any woman. I can't find one more suitable for me."

Shangguanning knows that Tang shunian is not a joke at all. He will really threaten Jingrui's safety.

And this, she couldn't stand.

She and jingyichen can be injured, but they will not be willing to let Jingrui get hurt. He is still so small and doesn't know anything. They need their careful care and protection.

Shangguan Ning did not dare to talk about the child any more, and did not want to waste time with him. She suppressed her inner impatience and said in a cold voice, "when can I see my husband?"

Tang shunian was silent for a long time, until the atmosphere in the air was suffocating. Then he said, "since you want to go, I will make you happy. But I hope you don't die there, otherwise my loss will be a little big."

, Shangguan, had some accidents. He had promised so much this time. She sighed slightly. "I am dead or alive. Not all you has the final say. If you want me to die, I will not live. You want me to live, I will not go to death." This is your underground kingdom. You have absolute control. May I leave now? "

"First give me that 100 billion yuan, in case you die, I have at least money to take, so as not to be busy in vain."

Just now, she was still an infatuated man with deep feelings. In a twinkling of an eye, she didn't take her seriously. The Caprice of the book year of the Tang Dynasty made Shangguan Ning very nervous.

What's more, listen to his meaning, the place where Jing Yichen is located is very dangerous?

She was so anxious that she did not care much about it. She immediately took out her mobile phone and transferred money according to the account number given by the year of Tang Dynasty.

Tang shunian made 100 billion yuan so easily. He was in a good mood. For at least the next three years, he won't have to worry about money. He can buy the latest high-tech materials to build more and stronger basements, and he can raise more people to help him.

He used to be a rich man with no worries about food and clothing. He never needed to worry about money. But after he lost money, he became a dog that everyone could trample on. He even couldn't eat any food at one time. He was naked and slept in the street.

Therefore, he has developed a habit of making money desperately. His craze and greed for money have reached an unimaginable level.

Let shangguanning and jingyichen meet and receive a huge amount of money, Tang shunian thinks it is very cost-effective.

What's more, he originally planned to let shangguanning go to see jingyichen, because jingyichen must be in a mess at this time, and may even have been rolling with those crazy and strong men.

If Shangguan Ning sees this scene, jingyichen may not even have the final dignity, right? He is such a proud man, his wife saw such a shameless scene, must never have the face to live on!

After seeing it, Shangguan Ning will definitely feel extremely disgusting, and will never think of him again.

As for Jing Rui, the son of shangguanning, Tang shunian has never paid any attention to it. It is just a baby who can harvest his life at any time. It does not threaten him at all. He doesn't care to let a baby live a few days longer.

The original goal of the book year of the Tang Dynasty was jingyichen and jingzhongxiu, as well as the huge family property of the Jing family. However, now his goal is to add a shangguanning in addition to the Jing family.

How can he let go of a woman who makes him feel very comfortable!

"Well, you can go out. Someone will take you outside. Keep up. Don't go around and try to contact Jing Zhongxiu. Otherwise, don't blame me for losing your life. I have set strict rules for my underground kingdom, and everyone follows the rules, and you are no exception

After Tang shunian finished, the door of the hall opened and Shangguan Ning walked out without hesitation.

When people outside saw Shangguan Ning come out, they were very respectful to her. Because she was the only woman who could get close to the year of Tang Dynasty for so many years, and Tang shunian just told them not to let Shangguan Ning suffer any damage, otherwise they would not have to live.Of course, shangguanning could see the change of their attitude, but she didn't care. No matter how good the attitude of these people was, they would only listen to Tang shunian. They could not help her.

She just wants to find jingyichen as soon as possible, and then walk out of this huge underground labyrinth with him.

Shangguanning traveled underground for a long time with the people of Tang shunian. She even felt a little lack of oxygen and her head was dizzy. Because of the dim light, she could not see clearly and could not remember the way at all.

Don't know how far they went, they finally stopped in front of a huge stone gate.

This door, to the surprise of shangguanning, is not like other doors, which need fingerprint input, but can enter at will.

However, none of the people who led the way went in, only let shangguanning enter alone.

This time, Xiaolu is not at ease to let shangguanning go in alone. She already knows that jingyichen is likely to be in this basement. She needs to rescue people instead of putting shangguanning in.

The rest of the people saw the deer going in and tried to stop them. However, just one face-to-face, all the six people in charge of leading the way lost their breath of life. Before even a scream could be heard, they fell to the ground with their eyes closed.

Shangguanning is even more frightened!

She looked at the six people lying on the ground, and then looked at the deer's indifferent appearance. She could not help but turn pale. , the fastest update of the webnovel!