Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 596

"How about exchanging your freedom for jingyichen's freedom? In fact, I'm much more gentle than jingyichen. I've always been a very gentlemanly woman. You'll be happier in the future

Obviously, it was a bandit's behavior, but the tone of Tang Shu Nian was gentle and his pleasant voice made him look like a gentleman of European classical aristocracy.

Shangguan Ning heart sneer, light way: "can, I promise!"


Tang shunian was a little surprised, and he did not hide his surprise.

"Miss Shangguan, did you agree too soon? Don't you need to think about it again? If you promise so quickly, I will doubt your sincerity. You seem to be perfunctory to me. I hate being perfunctory. "

"I can do anything for my husband, you can doubt my sincerity to you, but you don't need to doubt my sincerity to my husband and exchange my freedom for his freedom. It doesn't need any hesitation."

Shangguanning now hated Tang shunian, but his voice was very calm and rational.

No matter what he said, she would promise him!

Her task is to delay Tang shunian and prevent him from further harming jingyichen.

After such a long time, she drove slowly. Jingzhongxiuke went directly by helicopter. It should have arrived by now.

Sure enough, the next moment, she heard the voice of Tang shunian on the phone: "Oh, Miss Shangguan, you seem very disobedient! My surveillance screen here has already captured the disgusting face of kyushio. He came so fast that you must have exposed my position? "

Shangguan Ning denied lightly: "it has nothing to do with me. Since I received your message, I have been driving out. During this period, I have not contacted my father. I don't know where he went."

"Ha ha ha ha!" Tang shunian suddenly wantonly laughed, but there was no sense of happiness in his laughter.

"Shangguanning, I really look down on you. I thought you were just a vase. It turns out that your acting level is so high, and you are so bold. You dare to follow more than a dozen of my subordinates to me alone. I'm looking forward to you more and more

"My life is in your hands now, Tang shunian. Why, are you afraid that I, a weak woman, will run away? Or are you afraid of my father and feel that you will lose in his hands? "

"Oh, you're starting to use the thrill again." In Tang Dynasty, who is still gentle? It's been a long time since no woman dared to talk to me like this, because all the people who dare to talk to me like this have been chopped up and fed to the dog

Shangguan Ning has goose bumps all over the place.

This man is definitely a change!

He's twisted to the point of horror!

"After that, will you chop up the dog?"

"Xiaoning, are you afraid?" As long as Tang shunian mentions all kinds of ways to torture people, he will be inexplicably excited, his temper will be more and more good, his tone will be gentle and sweet, he even directly used a very intimate address.

You know, since the Tang family's bankruptcy and decline, the book year of the Tang Dynasty has not spoken to a woman like this for more than ten years!

He hates women!

Because all the women would remind him of the torture he had suffered in the past, the women with flabby skin and old-fashioned appearance. They were so old, so ugly, so disgusting! They keep him in captivity for their own pleasure!

But don't know why, Tang shunian found that he did not hate shangguanning!

In order to cure the disease that he could not touch women, he had found countless beautiful women, lovely, simple, green and enchanting, but never succeeded.

Shangguanning is the most relaxed woman that Tang shunian has met so far!

It's amazing that she can not only make jingyichen overcome the psychological obstacles that she had been in agony, but also make him feel comfortable and happy!

Tang shunian turned on the computer and looked through thousands of photos stored in the computer one by one. All the photos were the same person - shangguanning.

Shangguanning didn't know that he had been secretly photographed, and he didn't know that Tang shunian had stored a large number of photos of himself and was enjoying himself slowly.

She just noticed that Tang shunian didn't seem to be afraid of jingzhongxiu's coming to visit.

She has some doubts in her heart, but she should be careful to ask Tang shunian: "I said I am not afraid, will you believe it?"

"Oh, you are quite honest. You see, I have found another advantage in you, so I feel that I have a little bit more favorable for you. Maybe you will really suit me?"

"I don't think so." Shangguan Ning stealthily grasped the way of Tang shunian's speech and said in a cold voice, "you are so cruel that you will make me fear."Sure enough, Tang shunian seems very happy. He likes shangguanning's tone of not being humble or arrogant, but also likes shangguanning's disobedience to him.

His voice seemed to be drunk, a little lazy but full of interest: "Xiaoning, don't be afraid. I like you to talk to me, and I won't be willing to chop you up to feed the dog. Your voice is so nice, which makes me itchy. I'm a little sorry that I found out that you found it too late, otherwise, you would have been my man. After that, will you read me stories every day? "

"Not good." Shangguan Ning coldly refused, "if you want to listen to the story, I think the tender female announcer of midnight radio station is more suitable for you."

"No, honey, you're so smart, haven't you found out? I don't like the gentle and the submissive. I like the cold like you. I don't like to please me from the bottom of my heart, and I don't like to please me because of my fear

Shangguan Ning was shocked.

Although Tang shunian is psychologically distorted, his IQ is obviously very high. He even knows that she has discovered his preferences and is making use of his preferences.

Tang shunian stroked Guan Ning's eyebrows and eyes on the computer screen, stroked her delicate face, and said to the mobile phone: "you are just beautiful, your appearance, figure, temperament, voice, when you are coquettish, when you are dazed, even when you are angry, you are the most beautiful woman in the world, do you know?"

Shangguan Ning frowned unconsciously.

She always feels that Tang shunian's words are very strange.

He met her?

Or did he know her a long time ago?

The tone of his voice, as if he were very familiar with her! , the fastest update of the webnovel!