Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 597

Jing Zhongxiu led four helicopters, ten snipers, ten kung fu masters equipped with the most advanced guns, and two doctors to arrive at the basement where jingyichen is located.

The helicopter can't bring too many people, so jingzhongxiu just brought his own elite.

With a gun in his hand and a black tights, fawn follows jingzhongxiu's side.

On the top of jingyichen's basement is an abandoned factory building. Dozens of strong men, including Fawn and ten snipers, were stationed outside the workshop. It took only five minutes to solve all the problems.

When they entered the workshop, they saw that there were many bodies lying in the factory.

The workshop covers an area of about ten acres, and there are dense underground entrances. Besides some entrances, there are five or six quiet people in black who have no voice at all.

Seeing Jing Zhongxiu, the man in black immediately bowed to him in a uniform manner, but still did not make any sound.

Jing Zhongxiu was surprised to see these people.

It turns out that jingyichen has arranged for him, and his son's people will arrive earlier than his. Jing Zhongxiu is a little relieved.

His son really grew up and learned to prepare for the future. He should have known what would happen these days, so he made preparations in advance, otherwise these people would not be able to find here so soon.

Jing Zhongxiu inquired the men in black about their search progress. Only then did he know that there were too many underground entrances. Each entrance corresponded to a basement. Some of them would explode as soon as they entered. Some were still blowing up. Some were not in any danger. Some would lock people in the basement directly and could not get out at all.

They arrived in two batches, the first group of 200 people, the mortality rate has reached 90%!

Nearly half of the 600 people in the second group have died.

Jing Zhongxiu finally knew why Tang shunian was not afraid to expose his position.

It turned out that he had already made a trap, waiting for them to drill in.

Even if they knew it was a trap, they had to go in because the previous positioning showed that Jing Yichen must be under the factory building. Before shangguanning, he talked to Jing Yichen on the phone. Although the positioning of the book year of the Tang Dynasty has changed, Jing Zhongxiu thinks that Jing Yichen's position has not changed. Tang shunian should have left alone, I didn't take jingyichen away.

The passageways connecting the basement on the ground are very deep, and they crisscross under the ground, like a huge labyrinth. It is difficult to get out when you enter. Moreover, there are various dangers in it, and you will die if you are not careful.

To find a right way, either find someone who knows the way to take them in, or you need to lose a lot of manpower, spend a lot of time, try every channel.

Jing Zhongxiu was in a state of rage when he learned that Jing Yichen was missing.

At that time, the Tang family betrayed the Jing family, which was rectified and bankrupted by him. At that time, the Jing family lost a lot, but did not hurt the root. Therefore, Jing Zhongxiu did not kill the Tang family, but saved the Tang family's lives.

Now it seems that he should have directly eradicated the Tang family!

However, thinking about the past is no help now. Jing Zhongxiu just hates that Tang shunian seeks revenge on Jing Yichen. He, a father, would rather suffer instead of his son.

No one knows more about what Jing Yichen has experienced than Jing Zhongxiu. He doesn't want Jing Yichen to go through it again!

Instead of letting the ten snipers go down to explore the way, Jing Zhongxiu rearranged the ten kung fu masters and hundreds of jingyichen's elite men to explore the way.

After arranging these people, he issued a full speed mission to his own people.

Then he took the fawn to an entrance and went in.

Ordinary poison gas has no effect on Jing Zhongxiu and fawn. One of them has been trained in special medicine and has strong immunity to drugs. The other is full of virus, and his body has been transformed to be invincible.

The two explored five underground passages together, and all of them passed easily except one who was injured by the explosion.

However, only after going deep into the ground, can we know that this place has been built into a leech hive! Underground tunnels are in all directions, and there are often several intersections. There is no way to distinguish the direction under the ground. There is no mobile phone signal under the ground, so there is no way to make a phone call.

After exploring underground for half an hour, jingzhongxiu resolutely took the deer to the ground.

It is estimated that it will take at least five days to find all the passageways. The real underground entrance must be hidden in it, but it must be very dangerous and difficult to enter.

The efficiency is too low. Jingyichen must be very dangerous underground now. Every minute he delays, his danger will increase by one point. Moreover, if Tang shunian still followed his previous style, there would be no food and no water in the basement. Only a lot of people were fighting for jingyichen.

When he finds jingyichen, he will starve to death even if he is not tired or killed!Although Jing Zhongxiu had been strict with Jing Yichen, throwing him into the desert and island to survive, Jing Yichen ate everything to survive, but this does not mean that Jing Zhongxiu is willing to let his son drink blood!

Jing Yichen suffered, in fact, he is more distressed than anyone else, he does not want his son to drink those disgusting things!

Perhaps, shangguanning there is the real breakthrough!

Jing Zhongxiu wants to call shangguanning and ask her about the situation there and whether her own safety is guaranteed. However, he calls several times and the line is always busy.

He did not call again, but patiently waited for Shangguan Ning to call him back.

Shangguanning must be negotiating with Tang shunian, otherwise she would not have answered the phone. She was even more anxious than him, eager to rescue jingyichen.

Shangguan Ning is indeed still negotiating with Tang shunian. She has seen the call prompt from Shangjing Zhongxiu on her mobile phone and is trying to end the call with Tang shunian.

"Mr. Tang, first of all, I will prepare 100 billion for you now. I hope you can keep your promise, do not hurt my husband, and let me meet my husband."

Tang Shu's young smile, the corner of his lips pulled up a cold radian, and asked faintly, "how, did jingzhongxiu call you? Are you in a hurry to report my situation to him? Oh, I advise you to ask him first, he and Jing Yichen bring people, there are still a few alive. I'll let you have a word with that old man, because this should be the last time you call him, and he will soon become a corpse. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!