Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 595

"It's so touching to have such a deep relationship with each other."

Tang shunian, sitting in the car, said in a languid tone and sarcastic tone.

Shangguanning heard his displeasure, but did not know why he suddenly became unhappy.

However, most people with psychological distortion are moody, and a little trivial matter may offend him, so shangguanning doesn't pay attention to it.

As long as Tang Shu Nian doesn't vent his anger on jingyichen.

"Mr. Tang, how can you agree to let go? If you want money, I think I can give you a number that you are very satisfied with. "

"Money? Oh, maybe if you give me more, I'll be happy and jingyichen will suffer less. "

Hearing about money, the mood of Tang Shu Nian is getting better.

He is a rich man, but he also spends a lot of money. In order to build the impregnable basement, he has spent more than 70 million yuan. In addition, he has so many strong men and thugs, and eating every day is an astronomical number.

Even though he has been expanding his black forces all the time, even if he has been running a powerful business in the United States, which has become a base for collecting money, the money is still not enough.

Shangguanning didn't expect to be able to move Tang shunian with money. This man is very crafty and cunning. Like a madman, money should be useless for people like him.

I didn't expect him to ask for money.

"How much do you want?"

Shangguanning knew that if Tang shunian asked for money, it would not be a small sum. He must know that the Jing family was very rich and would not easily let go of the opportunity to kill a sum of money.

Sure enough, the lion in the book year of the Tang Dynasty opened his mouth and said with a malicious smile: "I heard that the Jing family is a billionaire and is famous on the global Forbes list. In this case, if I want too little, I will lose face to the Jing family. I think Jing Yichen's life can be worth at least hundreds of billions, and I don't want too much."

Shangguan Ning wanted to scold him for being "insane". It was daydreaming that he wanted so much money!

Although the Jing family has a lot of money, it is impossible to put out 100 billion idle funds at once.

"Mr. Tang, you have too much appetite. I can't take so much money from Jing's house quietly. It must disturb my father. He won't agree to give you so much money."

"Oh, Miss Shangguan, you can't cheat me. No one knows better than me how much jingzhongxiu loves his precious son. Eleven years ago, I arrested his son. As a result, he exploded a mountain in anger. He did not let go of all the participants. All my poor brothers died. "

Shangguan Ning didn't expect to cheat Tang shunian!

Mr. Tang said, "I don't have the ability to transfer so much capital."

"I don't care. I want money anyway. How can you get this money has nothing to do with me! However, after you give me the money, I can let you meet jingyichen. How about it? Am I sincere enough? "

Tang shunian sat in the car. The car came out of a deep underground exit and entered another underground entrance. Along the entrance, it circled around the ground for many times, and finally stopped in front of a door.

He took his mobile phone and casually called Guan Ning, while he got out of the car and carried out fingerprint verification. After the door opened slowly, he walked in.

This basement is more than 1000 meters away from jingyichen's place, but it is deeper than there. The area is only 300 square meters, but it is more solid. Moreover, the decoration is very luxurious. There are four hidden passages to the outside world.

Tang shunian is an extremely insecure person. He not only likes to build all kinds of basements, but also likes to make them as impregnable as castles. His favorite place to live is not a seaside villa full of sunshine and clear air, but he enjoys living in a closed basement.

The black forces under his control operate casinos, provide various colored services and even resell arms all over the world. Although these transactions are extremely dangerous, they are all profiteering industries. He can obtain a lot of wealth every year.

This wealth was never retained in the book year of Tang Dynasty, but was used to build various underground kingdoms. Some of the underground kingdoms would be sold by him at a high price, but most of them were used by him.

That kind of open and solid basement, used to imprison men and women, is the safest place, because as long as the exits are buried well and tall trees and vegetation are planted, they will never be found.

In the construction of basements, Tang shunian has become an expert in this field, and no one is better at building basements.

With enough money, he could even build a basement capable of withstanding the destructive effects of an atomic bomb.

The basement in which he now lives has excellent defense, and he has no fear of being attacked.Tang shunian enters the basement of his presidential suite, which is comparable to that of a five-star hotel. Turning on the TV, he sees the scene of jingyichen fighting with a group of people on the screen. The corner of his lips leads to a trace of satisfied senleng smile.

"Miss Shangguan, I have spent a lot of money for jingyichen in the past ten years. All these money need to be made up by the Jing family. Originally, I was going to negotiate with Jing Zhongxiu. He is a father and should take money to redeem his son! However, I am not sure that I will win the negotiation with that old fox. It is easier to negotiate with a fresh and tender woman like you. If you give me enough money, jingyichen can live. If the money is less, I can only sell his organs for money! "

Tang shunian didn't intend to let jingyichen live again, but he can't die at this moment. He still has great use value.

For example, jingyichen can be used to control the enviable business empire of Jingsheng group, and jingyichen can be used to win jingzhongxiu!

As for shangguanning, Tang shunian didn't intend to let it go. He now has a strong desire for possession and curiosity about shangguanning. He wants to try to see if her cure him for his serious habit of cleanliness.

Shangguan Ning was silent for a moment and then said, "money is not a problem. I can give you 100 billion yuan. As long as you release my husband now."

"Oh, no, Miss Shangguan, you'd better not push forward. The money is used to buy jingyichen's life, not his freedom."

"Then what can buy his freedom?"

Tang shunian suddenly laughed happily and spat out a word: "you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!