Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 594

Seeing the name on the screen, Tang shunian's lips show a sinister smile.

Shangguanning called him on his own initiative!

It seems that she is really worried about jingyichen!

Tang shunian took his mobile phone and turned to the exit of the basement.

Exit set is fingerprint identification system, without his fingerprint, no one can go out!

The basement door is a narrow door that can only accommodate one person. There are no restrictions on access, only restrictions on going out.

The situation in the basement is naturally watched. It's not safe here. He has to go somewhere else.

Tang shunian got out of the basement and got into a car. Then he connected the phone and said in a soft voice, "Miss Shangguan, where are you?"

"Mr. Tang, I don't know where this is. After all, I have never been to B city. I want to ask you, is my husband OK? You have not unilaterally broken our agreement, have you? "

Tang Shu's young voice smiles and seems to find shangguanning's words very interesting.

He looked up at Jing Yichen, who was fighting for blood in the distance, and said in a steady voice, "of course not. Jing Yichen is very good now, but I guess he may want to see you very much. I wish you a happy meeting first."

"May I have a word with him?"

"I'm very sorry, Miss Shangguan. I've given you a minute's talk time. I'm very sincere. You know, if the call time is too long, I'll be located here. If a large number of criminal police come to me and surround me, I'll be dead end."

"I didn't go to the police!"

"Oh, that's best, or I'm not sure what's wrong with your husband."

Tang shunian is full of gentlemanly demeanor. He also reminds shangguanning of his kindness: "I heard that jingyichen has a serious habit of cleanliness and can't be touched, is it? Do you want to know why? Tut Tut, I also have a very serious habit of cleanliness, and the reason is the same as Jing Yichen. This is really predestined! "

"Mr. Tang, aren't you afraid to talk to me too much and talk too long. Is your mobile phone located?"

"Oh, it seems that Miss Shangguan is not interested in this topic. She doesn't want to know that your husband was once humiliated by so many men. At that time, he was like a dog and ran around naked. Later, when he couldn't run, she had to cover his body with a corpse, so as not to be attacked by men. It's a pity that all my brothers have been cheated by him. He doesn't care about being a shrinking turtle at all

Shangguanning was driving and listening to the speech of Tang shunian.

She did not interrupt the story of Tang Dynasty as a madman, but her tears fell silently like a broken bead.

Her hand, tightly grasp the steering wheel, she is trying to control their emotions, afraid that they will cry out a voice, but also afraid that they will be too angry and hate and scold!

She knows jingyichen's cleanliness habit, and knows that he will not touch anyone except her. She always thought that he just likes to be clean and doesn't like to contact with others at will.

But later, she found out that he could not be touched, that was not Puritanism at all!

Jing Yichen is disgusted with the feeling of skin touching!

He never even refuses to shake hands with others, which is the most basic etiquette in shopping malls.

She asked jingyichen many times, but jingyichen was always smiling and never said why he could not be touched.

It turns out that the culprit is the year of the Tang Dynasty!

She didn't know what Tang shunian said was true or false, but after listening to it, her heart hurt so much that she felt that her heart was like a cut, and it seemed to suffocate!

Her Yichen, her most perfect and excellent man, has suffered from that Humiliating Torture and treatment!

Tang Shu Nian, you should die! You must die!

Shangguan Ning scolded Tang shunian in his heart. She hated this man and wanted to kill him immediately. He was not a human being!

However, Tang shunian did not seem to know shangguanning's anger at all. He continued to use a smiling tone: "however, although Jing Yichen escaped a robbery, I heard that he seems to have lost the basic ability of a man for a long time. I wonder if he can satisfy you now?"

Shangguan bit his lips. She can't make Tang shunian angry, at least not now!

Irritate him, the person who suffers is Jing Yichen!

Her silence made Tang shunian more unscrupulous. He seemed to have not spoken to others for a long time. He said all the words he had hidden in his heart.

"I'm really jealous of jingyichen sometimes. He's so lucky! He is always blessed! I'm not as lucky as he is. More than ten years ago, I was tortured by a group of smelly men and women. Every day I open my eyes, I want to die. It's getting harder and harder every day. "

"But do you know how I got through it? Ha ha, in fact, it's very simple. I've been telling myself that the Tang family has been ruined, and the Jing family, which has ruined me so miserably, is still in good condition. How can I die? I want to live, live revenge, live to see the collapse of the Jing family. All the men in the Jing family will not die easily. All the women of the Jing family will be my women! ""You see, I finally did it. Jingyichen was tortured by me and almost died. I finally had a good sleep. But I am not careful, he can touch a woman now, and this woman is not my poor sister who has loved him for more than ten years, Tang Yun, but you

"Strange, Miss Shangguan, do you have any special abilities? Otherwise how can cure jingyichen's clean addiction? I don't know. I can cure it, don't you? "

Shangguan Ning sat in the car, tears blurred.

She wants to say, Tang shunian, I can't cure you, I will only kill you!

But she can't, she can only choose patience!

Jing Zhongxiu must have arrived at the Tang Dynasty with people. She needs to distract the attention of Tang shunian, and he is willing to call her, which is the best!

Shangguan Ning didn't want to answer, but Tang shunian was not satisfied with her voice.

"Miss Shangguan, what do you mean by not talking? Do you think I don't deserve to talk to you? Or do you want Jing Yichen to taste the humiliation he suffered 11 years ago? "

"No, I don't!" Shangguan Ning almost subconsciously called out.

"I'll talk to you, but you have to keep your promise and don't hurt him until I arrive!"

She doesn't know if Tang shunian will keep his promise. People with distorted psychology like him will not care about the promise at all, but as long as there is a possibility, she will strive for it!

As long as the Tang Dynasty book year, Jing Yichen may face a huge threat! , the fastest update of the webnovel!