Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 593

There was a strange silence in the basement. One person died, and the others did not dare to step forward for a time.

However, after all, there are still some people who can not resist the impact of drugs, crazy toward Jing Yichen.

AHU and jingyichen stand back to back together, facing hundreds of strong and crazy men, they start a real fight.

The basement is very open, except for dozens of pillars used as support points, there is no shelter.

In this way, jingyichen has no place to avoid.

He looked at a pillar that was closest to him, and took ah Hu slowly to move there.

AHU's original physical strength and fighting ability are not inferior to Jing Yichen. He is responsible for the safety of jingyichen all the year round. With jingyichen, he doesn't know how many people he has killed. He has been in a desperate situation for countless times. His ability to survive is beyond doubt.

Although the current situation seems to be very unfavorable to them, ah Hu does not feel desperate.

He is very calm, and this calmness stems from his confidence in his young master.

They've all come across more difficult situations, and they've all beaten more crazy and twisted people.

Tang shunian is just one of them. However, he is very well prepared, so it is difficult for them to break through the encirclement.

Jing Yichen hasn't killed so much for a long time. He hasn't killed people in person for a long time.

Because he always does not like other people's touch, does not like the kind of skin contact that makes him sick, so many times, he uses a gun to solve, when can not use a gun, ah Hu will also solve the problem for him.

Kill again with fists and feet. Jingyichen is a little strange at the beginning, but soon his movements flow.

This kind of play aroused jingyichen's long sleepy fighting intention, and even made him a little happy. All the restlessness in his body was vented through tearing and beating.

His moves are all deadly moves, and almost all of them are successful in one shot. There is no need for a second shot.

This can not only reduce his contact with others, but also save physical strength to the maximum extent.

There are more and more corpses at the foot. On the side near the pillar, the corpses are almost piled into a hill. In this way, one side blocks the attack of the other side, and the pressure of jingyichen and AHU is reduced a lot.

Some people's internal organs were shattered, spit blood and died, while others were crushed and suffocated.

After half an hour, there were hundreds more bodies in the basement.

Jing Yichen and ah Hu have become two blood people, but their blood is others', Jing Yichen has not been injured so far.

When he was arrested, he was in full swing, and he didn't feel any discomfort even if he didn't eat anything all night.

When Tang shunian wanted to exhaust his physical strength and make him unable to move, he was tormented again, but jingyichen was not worried.

He is no longer fighting alone. He can be sure that his own people have come to this area and begin to fight with the people of the Tang Dynasty!

It seems that he didn't pay enough attention to Tang Yinian's books.

If Tang shunian wants his life, he can't live by himself!

It is estimated that Tang shunian himself is very aware of this, so he has not been killed.

If he died, there will be no peace after the book year of the Tang Dynasty!

However, if he was alive, Tang shunian would not live in peace.

Jing Yichen's guess is not wrong. Tang Shu Nian does know that if Jing Yichen dies, he will probably die in Jing Zhongxiu's hands immediately.

Not only did Jing Yichen know that Jingzhong society was coming, but also the year of the Tang Dynasty.

Eleven years ago, Jing Zhongxiu showed him his incomparable strength!

In the past, the hill was a very important and secret base for him. There were more than 1700 people stationed there. Except for 346 people who died in Jing Yichen's hands, all the other 14000 people died in jingzhongxiu's hands, and none of them escaped!

At that time, Tang shunian was always in fear. If he had not been too confident and thought that jingyichen would surely die, he would have died in the underground kingdom he built himself if he left ahead of time with his core subordinates to deal with other affairs!

At that time, the news that Tang shunian got was that the relationship between jingzhongxiu and jingyichen was very bad, even to the extent of mutual hatred and disgust. He had thought that Jing Zhongxiu would not take jingyichen seriously even if he went to save him.

Unexpectedly, jingzhongxiu, like a madman, blew up the hill into a flat ground. Dozens of strong basements were destroyed, and none of them was let go!

Tang shunian knew that the rumors from the outside world were not reliable at all. Jing Zhongxiu not only loved his son, but also hurt him to the bone. For those who dared to hurt Jing Yichen, he did not ask the reason. No matter what was right or wrong, he did not pity his life. He did not save his life!The Yang family is the best example.

Jing Yichen was injured, and as a result, the whole family was destroyed. The Yang family was razed to the ground, and even the scattered and escaped Yang family disappeared one by one.

Jingzhongxiugen is not afraid of causing trouble, and he doesn't care about other people's opinions. He also doesn't care about the huge cost of destroying a family or an influence.

There is such a violent, frightening father. If anyone provokes jingyichen, he should weigh it carefully.

Tang Shu Nian didn't want to fall into the hands of Jing Zhongxiu. He grasped Jing Yichen only if he was safe. Otherwise, why did he have to arrange for so many years.

The most important thing that Tang shunian wanted to do was not kill Jing Yichen, but to overthrow the Jing family, so that the Jing family, like the Tang family at that time, was bankrupt and decadent, and the whole family went to beg for food!

Tormenting jingyichen just makes Tang shunian feel better.

Jingyichen is going to die, but not now.

Tang Shu Nian is hidden in the shadow. Seeing Jing Yichen's cold and fierce killing, he is ruthless and straightforward. He doesn't pay any attention to the hundreds of people.

He only looked at it for a while, then said to one of his men behind him: "put in another 500 people, and each of them will take a strong stimulant. The dosage here is doubled. I want to see everyone go crazy!"

His men answered yes and took orders to leave.

Soon, there are more people in the basement. Jingyichen's pressure suddenly increases, and his body begins to show scars.

Tang shunian finally felt a little satisfied.

He lit the cigarette in his hand and was about to smoke when he saw that the screen of his mobile phone lit up, with the words "shangguanning" on it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!