Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 592

Shangguanning was driving at a high speed on the highway.

She was the only one in the car, but she was not afraid. She was just so anxious that she was afraid to go slowly. What danger does jingyichen have.

The other side has now appeared four cars, a Buick in front of the road, the other three black Volkswagen followed, blocking her retreat.

Shangguanning didn't intend to go back. Her car had been transformed. All performance indicators had reached the extreme, and its defensive and offensive performance were extremely excellent. If she wanted to win her, she would not be afraid of a dozen people from the other side even if they were going out together.

Moreover, jingzhongxiu also sent two helicopters to follow her from a distance. As long as she sent out a distress signal, the helicopter could come as fast as possible.

The orientation of the book year of Tang Dynasty shows that he was in city B, not city A.

City B was the sphere of influence of the Tang Dynasty. He had been operating in city B for more than ten years, and had already secretly controlled many forces in city B. all those who did not join in with him were suppressed by him with bloody means.

The power of Jing family in city B is weak, because city B is originally a small city with a much smaller area than that of city a, and its economy is not developed. It is not very useful for the Jings to operate City B.

In this way, the war in B city will be very beneficial to the book year of the Tang Dynasty.

While directing his men to the location of the book year of the Tang Dynasty, Jing Zhongxiu keeps in touch with shangguanning. He is not at ease that shangguanning is driving into the den of wolves and tigers alone.

Fortunately, shangguanning has always kept in touch with him. At present, she is still safe.


In the cold and dark basement, Tang Dynasty confronts Jing Yichen.

Tang shunian never gives the other party a good time for killing, because he has experienced painful torture and inhuman abuse, so after he catches someone, he will do his utmost to make the other party unable to bear the pain and commit suicide.

Most people can't have jingyichen's willpower, let alone his strong anti drug ability.

Jing Yichen once lived in the basement for three days and three nights, which was the longest among all the people arrested in the year of the Tang Dynasty, and he was the only one to escape.

There is no water or anything in the basement. The air is not in circulation. Bacteria and viruses are breeding and spreading. In addition, various harmful drugs and hallucinogens are put into the basement. There are many crazy men who are not afraid of death and can live for a day and a night are very rare.

Usually without any hands-on, those people will fall into endless hallucinations because of hallucinogens, and their spirits will soon collapse. Some people with weak willpower can only support for a few hours.

Even Jing Yichen, who survived, suffered from psychological stress disorder - he could not be touched. Once touched, he would cause physiological reactions beyond his control, muscle spasm, nausea and vomiting.

However, since jingyichen got married, this kind of reaction has been getting lighter and lighter.

Tang shunian was not reconciled because his stress reaction became more and more serious with the passage of time. Of course, he did not want to see jingyichen become normal.

The basement began to be filled with a strong sweet and greasy aroma. Jingyichen smelled the aroma, and his face changed slightly. Ah Hu behind him also knew what the aroma meant. His face became paler after losing too much blood.

AHU's drug resistance is very common. Unlike Jing Yichen, he has been trained in drug resistance since childhood. In this kind of aroma, he will soon lose his mind, leaving only some impulsive instinct, and he will be very eager for a woman's soft body.

He looked at jingyichen, his simple and honest face showed firmness: "young master, you knock me out!"

Jingyichen shook his head and said faintly: "when you lose control, I will knock you out. Now is not the time. Be on guard. I will take you out alive!"

Ah Hu's heart is warm because of jingyichen's words.

He followed jingyichen from life to death, never sparing his life.

In fact, his life was saved by jingyichen at first. He always felt that his life was jingyichen's. as long as jingyichen was in danger, he would not hesitate to give up his life and protect jingyichen.

He knew that the young master looked cold and indifferent. In fact, as long as he valued the people in his heart, he would take good care of them and would not give up at will.

When Tang shunian heard Jing Yichen say "go out alive", he burst into laughter, as if he had heard the funniest joke.

When he laughed enough, he raised his head and said, "jingyichen, you'd better live. Eleven years ago, you avoided punishment. Today, you can't escape! I'm here to supervise myself, so that you don't hide yourself under the body again, so that those idiots can't find it! I promise, after today's happiness, you will never want a woman again! Ha ha ha

With that, he waved to a group of people in the shadow, and then he walked into the large shadow in the basement.

Jing Yichen and ah Hu are slowly surrounded by a group of men who are naked and only wear shorts. The drugs in the air make their brains excited. They seem to see their prey, and they all show a bloodthirsty smile.These people, who had been trained by Tang shunian all year round, had already developed a habit of tormenting the prey held here.

At the moment, seeing jingyichen and ah Hu, although they were taken by their momentum, they did not consider too much. After they were surrounded, some people couldn't wait to rush up.

Jingyichen looks indifferent and looks at the strong man who pounces on him. When he approaches his body, he quickly steps out of his feet. Then, the man who rushes forward fiercely flies out and falls on the hard ground without breathing.

Kill one person in a second.

The group of strong men were all slightly stunned.

They are used to bullying in this basement. The people who are caught in usually have no ability to resist at all, because it is like the most frightening purgatory here. When they come in, they will be scared to beg for mercy. They can't think of resistance.

Even if someone wants to resist, the drugs in the air will make their whole body soft. They will not only lose the ability to resist, but also will be extremely eager to be touched by others.

They have never seen Jing Yichen, a man of clear mind and extraordinary combat effectiveness.

They are used to being wolves. Before they were captured, they were all docile lambs. They were allowed to bite and torture. Today, a lion that was even more terrifying than the wolf suddenly appeared, which made them appear temporarily sluggish.

People have the most instinctive fear of death. When they see the death of their companions, they will instinctively want to escape. , the fastest update of the webnovel!