Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 591

Shangguan Ning heard his voice and almost cried.

She drove the refitted car that jingzhongxiu gave her that was comparable to a small tank, followed by a black Buick business, and sped forward.

The conversation time between her and Tang shunian has been more than a minute. The location of Tang shunian has been found by the people of Jing Zhongxiu. He is taking people with her to catch up with the location.

Jing Zhongxiu's task is to delay the year of the Tang Dynasty as much as possible!

And she did it!

Although I don't know why, Tang shunian seems to like to talk to her, but as long as he is willing to chat, that is enough!

She didn't care about being taken advantage of by the Tang Dynasty in terms of words, what's more, he didn't say too much at all. In the process of calling, he always seemed very gentlemanly.

She is willing to chat with Tang shunian. Only in this way can he not be distracted from jingyichen, and jingyichen will be relatively safe!

Although Shangguan Ning hears jingyichen's voice a little bit small, she is still very happy. Listening to the voice, jingyichen does not seem to be hurt.

"Yi Chen, how are you?"

The voice of Shangguan Ning's concern and worry was transmitted into the basement by mobile phone.

Maybe the signal in the basement is not very good. Her voice is a little intermittent.

Jingyichen's angry and painful heart is warmed by the intermittent voice. The shirt on his body, which does not know how many people's blood is, seems not so unbearable to him.

"I'm fine. Don't come. Listen to me. Don't come."

"No, I will go. I will go. He promised me that as long as I go, you will be OK! If I don't, you will be in danger! "

Tang shunian heard Shangguan Ning's firm voice, his lips set off a cold and cruel arc.

Good, jingyichen's favorite woman is coming! The great beauty of the healing system he has been waiting for is coming!

It's a good show. It's time to start!

Tang shunian and shangguanning are not familiar with each other, but Jing Yichen and shangguanning are almost interlinked in their hearts. When she talks so willfully, Jing Yichen immediately understands that she is not impulsive, but has made full preparations.

Shangguanning has never been a willful person, nor a person without reason. She can keep calm under great pressure and crisis. She can never believe a person at will, let alone believe what Tang shunian cajoled her.

She said that on purpose.

Jing Yichen knew that her father would certainly come.

However, he still did not want Shangguan to come here. It was as inhuman as hell. He did not want her to suffer such torture and impact.

He wanted to say something more, but Tang shunian took back his mobile phone, turned off his hands-free, and said to the phone, "OK, Miss Shangguan, one minute has already arrived. You and your husband are going to end their show of love. What's the matter? You'd better talk to each other face to face. What do you say?"

Jing Yichen can't hear what Shangguan Ning is saying on the phone, but he hears Tang shunian saying "don't worry, your husband is safe for the time being". He knows, I'm afraid Shangguan Ning is begging Tang shunian not to do anything to him.

Two people said for a long time, Tang shunian just hang up the phone.

He looked at the photos on the mobile phone for a long time, then raised his head and said with a ferocious smile: "what a tender woman, a little simple, and a little careful with the machine. It looks very suitable for me! I don't like women who are too idiotic, but I don't like women who are too resourceful. Shangguanning is just right! "

Perhaps because of the conversation with the official, jingyichen is completely calm down.

For him, the dark and bloody heart of him could not be disturbed.

Shangguanning doesn't even need to do anything, so he can get peace in his heart and get sunshine in the dark.

All along, she is the most brilliant sun in his life, bringing him warmth and color.

Jing Yichen looked at the book year of the Tang Dynasty and restrained all his emotions. He said indifferently: "she is mine, and you, even if you go to hell, are also a ghost."

Tang shunian looked at jingyichen with an idiot's eyes, and said with exaggeration: "jingyichen, you should not have lost your memory? Look at the ground. Who are the dead people? Think about it again 11 years ago, who, like a dead dog, hid under a pile of corpses in order to avoid crazy men

For the first time in 11 years, Jing Yichen faced up to what had happened and made him extremely ashamed.

The first time he didn't mention it, he felt unbearable nausea, and the first time he didn't vomit.

"Yes, I remember it all. I was forced by you to hide under the body. I couldn't stand being touched by those people. But I'm lucky, I dodged. They're all driven crazy by your medicine, and they even kill each other, so I can survive. My avoidance is not shameful, and my survival is not embarrassing. I'm always better than you. You betrayed yourself, and I didn'tTang shunian was uncovered by jingyichen, the scar that can't be touched, and immediately roared: "shut up for me!"

"What, do you remember the humiliation you've suffered in the past? Think of the old dog and pig life Jingyichen looks cold and fierce, and doesn't care that Tang shunian is almost out of his mind.

However, Tang shunian was only angry for a while, and he quickly suppressed his emotions.

Over the years, he has learned to control his emotions.

He can not be provoked, he can think with the most rational thinking.

"Jingyichen, do you want to irritate me?" Tang shunian slowed down his voice, with disdain and ridicule in his tone. "You were able to escape because I was too careless."

"I misjudged your strength. I thought that hundreds of people would be enough to subdue you. What's more, there are still many medicines. I was 100% sure. It's a pity that you are so good at fighting. Those brothers of mine were killed and injured countless times

Tang shunian recalled the past, and his handsome face appeared a little surprised.

"I totally misjudged. I didn't expect that you could fight so well, and that you were so resistant to the large doses of hallucinogens that I gave you. I thought that you must be dead, so I only watched the play for a day and left. As a result, I let you escape. Thanks to the fact that I only watched the drama for one day, otherwise, I would die in the hands of jingzhongxiu like my brothers! But now I have known your strength. This time, I will never make any mistakes again

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