Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 590

There was silence on the phone for a long time, and then came Shangguan Ning some cold voice.

"Mr. Tang, I will do as you ask. Please keep your promise and don't hurt my husband."

Tang shunian was a little surprised by Shangguan Ning's intelligence. He just said his name, and she knew who he was.

He took a deep look at jingyichen. It seemed that jingyichen did nothing to conceal shangguanning's wife.

He thought that Jing Yichen would not talk about many important matters, because women are prone to bad things. They are too emotional, impulsive, easy to lose their senses, and more likely to inadvertently disclose confidential matters.

Like Tang Yun.

But jingyichen actually told shangguanning everything about him, otherwise shangguanning could not guess his identity just by his name!

In fact, shangguanning didn't know the name of the book year of the Tang Dynasty. Jing Yichen told her the basic things, but did not tell her these very detailed information. Because jingyichen doesn't want her to worry too much, and doesn't want her to participate too much.

But as soon as Shangguan Ning heard that his surname was Tang, he was a strange number, but not a city's own number. She naturally guessed that Tang shunian was the family of Tang. It was he who sent people to wander around Lijing community. It was he who sent messages from Jing Yichen's mobile phone. It was he who captured jingyichen, and he was also the person Jing Yichen was looking for.

Tang shunian is very jealous of the trust and support between jingyichen and shangguanning.

He has never believed anyone, and he has never been trusted by others. He has always lived in treachery. His world is full of blood. He stepped on the white bones and experienced countless pain and suffering before he got his present position and great energy.

Since the Tang family's bankruptcy and decadence, Tang shunian's life has undergone a great change. Because of his painful memories, he has a strong rejection of people. No matter men or women, he will feel disgusted. Like Jing Yichen, he hates other people's touch. For many years, he has never touched a woman. Now, he finally has a woman interest.

Because she is not elegant, because she is not elegant, because she is not a woman, because she is not beautiful, and she is not beautiful!

Just talk, just hear her voice, Tang shunian has been boiling blood, excited!

This kind of feeling, is he has never had before!

Perhaps, this woman can really end or even cure his severe cleanliness addiction!

Tang shunian suddenly said with a smile, "Miss Shangguan, has anyone told you that your voice is very good?"

Jing Yichen is ten meters away, listening to the conversation clearly. In order to stimulate him, Tang shunian deliberately turns on the phone.

He was really stimulated by the book year of Tang Dynasty!

He even dare to speak to shangguanning in front of him in such a hostile tone!

At the bottom of Jing Yichen's heart, there is an angry flame burning, which makes him shiver slightly!

He hates himself!

If he is not controlled by others now, how can shangguanning be transferred to drama!

Shangguan Ning didn't get any anger. Her voice was still very calm. She didn't answer Tang shunian's words, but said faintly: "Mr. Tang, can I have a word with my husband? I want to make sure he's safe. "

"Why, Miss Shangguan can't believe me?" Tang shunian was not angry at all. He had a bright smile on his face. His voice sounded very pleasant because he enjoyed talking to shangguanning very much now.

In this way, he has the pleasure of seizing jingyichen's wife!

I'm afraid jingyichen has never been so cowardly in his life!

"Mr. Tang, I don't know you, and naturally I don't have any trust. However, I don't think you're the kind of person who goes back and forth, that kind of thing is only done by villains. I want to have a word with my husband, can I? Or is it that you have beaten him and he can't speak, that's why you stopped him? "

"Miss Shangguan, although we haven't met each other, I feel that you must be a very beautiful woman, and you are very intelligent and know how to advance and retreat. Although you used the simplest provocation, I was willing to win."

Tang shunian is still smiling. When he faces shangguanning, he seems very patient and has a good temper.

"Your husband is very safe now. In addition to being a little embarrassed, he doesn't seem to be hurt. His blood is all from others. However, if you don't follow what I said, whether he is alive or dead, it is not necessarily. "

"Don't worry, Mr. Tang, as long as my husband's safety is confirmed, I will certainly do what you say. I will not joke about his life. I think, you should know, I'm on my way now. I don't know how many people there are in that black Buick business car. There are so many of them. It's more than enough to deal with one of them. "Tang shunian finally burst out laughing: "Miss Shangguan is really good at eyesight and courage! Yes, they are my people. Follow them and you will find jingyichen! I hope you won't keep me waiting too long! "

"I'm driving at full speed. It's not that I'm not fast enough, it's your Buick that's too slow for business. It's time for your people to change."

"Oh, it's my fault." Tang shunian immediately admitted his mistake and said boldly, "how about replacing the Buick you dislike with your Audi after they finish this task?"

"This has nothing to do with me, Mr. Tang. Where's my husband? Please put him on the phone. "

"You and jingyichen are really married. I will be jealous if I have good feelings." Tang Shu young smile, eyes flash a trace of sinister, but the tone is still brisk way: "since you insist on talking to him, I will satisfy you!"

He chewed the three words "satisfy you" very seriously, and his tone was deliberately ambiguous. He wanted to anger shangguanning and jingyichen more.

It's a pity that Shangguan Ning and jingyichen are surprisingly calm, and neither of them shows any sign of anger!

Tang shunian didn't receive the expected effect. The hatred in his eyes flashed away, but he didn't break his promise. He turned his mobile phone to jingyichen and said faintly, "I'll give you one minute."

Jingyichen across a distance of more than ten meters, raised his voice and said to the mobile phone: "ah Ning, you don't want to come here. I can solve it. Believe me." , the fastest update of the webnovel!