Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 587

This time, it will take him a long time to catch him.

He could not allow the enemy to keep secretly coveting him and his wife and children.

Although Jing Yichen took a lot of people with him, he prepared for the year of the Tang Dynasty for 11 years and calculated everything, so Jing Yichen and ah Hu were arrested.

"Well, do you remember the humiliation of those days?"

"How does it feel to be loved by a man? Do you have nausea and vomiting? Ha ha ha! In those days, after the downfall of the Tang family, I lived for hundreds of days in this humiliation! Every day, they are taken as playthings by the rich old men and women. They want to die every day and kill people every day! "

Tang shunian, like a radio host, has a magnetic voice echoing in the open basement. He looks at jingyichen's pale face, with a cruel smile on his face. It seems that only language can kill people invisibly.

Although Jing Yichen's face is a little white, but the expression is cold, all eyes are cold, there is no trace of panic.

He is not what he was 11 years ago.

Even if the year of the Tang Dynasty was more cruel and comprehensive than it was eleven years ago, he was not afraid at all.

The embarrassment and humiliation in the past were uncovered mercilessly. After the initial strong physiological reaction, jingyichen vomited all the things in her stomach, but she no longer felt how painful the past was.

He has survived even the most painful and unbearable time, and now he can still survive.

He also has to go through and overcome his own psychological barriers, otherwise he will be defeated by Tang shunian. What should shangguanning and Jingrui do!

Today's situation is much better than 11 years ago. Although AHU was injured, he at least stood firmly by his side. He was not as helpless as before.

What's more, he has already arranged foreign aid, he and ah Hu will not be trapped for too long.

"The Tang family betrayed the Jing family when they became king and defeated the enemy. The king family did not kill them all. They are already very kind. Your fate is that you Tang family will die by themselves!"

Jingyichen is standing in the middle of a pile of corpses. His whole body is full of blood. However, the blood on his body is not his own. So far, there is no wound on his body. It is obvious that ah Hu has spared his life to protect him.

At the foot of the body, there are his men, there are many strange faces, those strange faces, there is no doubt that the Tang Dynasty people.

He didn't sympathize with Tang shunian at all. He only felt that jingzhongxiu was not cruel enough. Like a traitor, he didn't need to be merciful. Tang Jing's family had colluded with other families to help Tang's family.

Such a family is not worth dying!

Tang Shu Nian, even more damned!

In addition to the failure of the Tang family's business, the Tang family was burdened with huge debts. Jing Zhongxiu did not kill any of the Tang family. They all lived, and then died one by one. All of them were written by the book year of the Tang Dynasty.

Because he hated not only the Jing family, but also the Tang family's people who offended the Jing family. If they were not too greedy, coveted the Jing family's huge family assets, and tried to merge the Jing family with other forces, then the Tang family would not be decadent at all, and he would not become a humble person who lived by selling his body.

Therefore, after Tang shunian had the ability, the first one to kill was not Jing Zhongxiu, but the head of the Tang family, his own father, Tang Yi!

Tang Yi has four sons. Tang shunian is his youngest son and the son he has never raised carefully. It's not that Tang Yi doesn't like him, but he has long decided to hand over his family to the eldest son with the strongest ability. Therefore, he tries his best to cultivate the eldest son and will take the eldest son with him in everything he does. As a young son, Tang shunian has the protection of his father and three elder brothers, although he has had a very good time Scenery, but in fact, there is no real power, and has never participated in major family decisions.

Tang shunian is a very intelligent and ambitious man. When he is only in his thirties, he has climbed to the position of mayor. We can see that he is very capable and very good at drilling.

However, he has now been seriously distorted, killing people as a kind of enjoyment, to torture people for pleasure.

He retaliated on others for the torture and humiliation he had suffered, deliberately tormenting jingyichen. Only in this way can he feel balanced psychologically.

"Tang shunian, if you have been hiding, I may not have caught you, but you deliberately hit the gun, today will be your death date!"

"My death? Ha ha ha, jingyichen, haven't you figured out the situation yet? You've got a bloody brain? You open your eyes and see that all of your men are dead. What else do you have except a half dead, stupid man? "

Tang shunian's nervous laughter, pointing to jingyichen, seems to be very ridiculous.

"It took me 70 million yuan to build this basement, and it took me more than six years to build it. Do you think that you two can escape from this solid cage? indulge in wishful thinking! All the walls here are made of whole steel plates and concrete, and they have three layers. Let alone manpower, they can't be blasted off with big gunsTang shunian's tone is very proud. Looking at jingyichen is like watching a dead man.

"Don't worry, I'm the only one who knows the exit. In a moment, I'll send you all kinds of men, all of them will be locked up here, and none of them can escape! You won't be as lucky as you were 11 years ago. You can find an exit and escape. You can enjoy yourself here. I'll watch a play in a place you can never find until you take your last breath

Jingyichen looked at him coldly and said indifferently: "the dead person must be you. There is no need to doubt. After all these years, do you think you're the only one to prepare? I think I'll give you a big surprise

Tang shunian's ferocious face gradually dissipated, and a smile was pulled up from the corners of his lips, as if he remembered something interesting. He did not take jingyichen's words to heart at all.

"Surprise? Oh, by the way, if you don't tell me, I forgot. I also prepared an extra large surprise for you! You are so smart that you can guess what it is

Jing Yichen's face suddenly changed.

With Tang shunian's ruthlessness, he can't easily let go of his wife and son who he cares most!

"Oh, so soon?" Looking at jingyichen, Tang shunian's expression suddenly changed, and his laughter became particularly cheerful, as if he had won. , the fastest update of the webnovel!