Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 586

Tang Yun's reaction at the moment is even faster than him!

Two bullets, one after the other, hit her in the chest.

She screamed bitterly, and the blood soon spread all over her front chest, and the powerful impact of bullet penetration made her involuntarily retreat. Before jingyichen could react, she stepped on the ground and screamed in horror and fell into the river under the cliff.

Jing Yichen did not hesitate to follow jump down.

At the moment, he jumped off the cliff, not only to survive, but also to find the girl who blocked the bullet for him!

If it wasn't for her, maybe he would have died!

Someone really wants to die for him!

Is he worth it?

What he said to her was no more than ten! He never treated her as air, never looked at her in the eye, even knew nothing about her!

It is such a girl who is willing to sacrifice her flowery life for him!

No one wants to die for him, and he never wants to die for others.

No one is worth it, and he has always felt that he is not worth it.

Even if there is a glimmer of possibility, he will find Tang Yun! He won't let her die like this!

He has always been a man without heart, but today, his frozen heart has produced a trace of vibration.

He fell into the water with the shock of his heart. The huge impact made him almost unconscious. But he had never been like this. He had a great will to survive. He wanted to live! He wanted to save the girl who had stopped the bullet for him!

He struggled to survive in the icy water. There were four helicopters above the top of the mountain, and then there was a fierce machine gun fire. The men who were still clamoring for a moment fell down one by one, and soon there was no sound.

Jing Yichen disappeared for three days and three nights. At first, jingzhongxiugang didn't know about his imprisonment. The relationship between father and son was very bad. It was common that he didn't meet or speak for ten days and a half months. Therefore, jingyichen was arrested, and he didn't know anything about it.

Until Jing Zhongxiu's mobile phone received a message from an unknown number, he didn't know that his son was captured by a black force!

The content of the message is: jingyichen is in my hand. If you want to save his life, take a billion yuan for it! Remember, you can only come alone. If you don't listen, wait for your son's corpse!

Jing Zhongxiu was extremely angry, and no one ever dared to touch his son, because all those who touched his son were already dead!

Jingyiran's life and death is not much in his heart. Jingyichen's life is the most precious! In his whole life, he only recognized jingyichen as a son. Even if their relationship was so bad, he only cared about Jing Yichen!

He immediately mobilized all his strength, combined with a city's criminal police team, to save Jing Yichen.

He was in the helicopter, watching his son jump off the cliff, a heartache simply can't breathe!

He only hates that he came too late and the helicopter flies too slowly! Otherwise, he can save his son before he jumps off the cliff!

After the helicopter landed, Jing Zhongxiu caught several people alive. From them, he knew that his son had been living a life of purgatory!

He sent all the people and helicopters to search for jingyichen along the fast flowing river.

Fortunately, when he found jingyichen, he still had a weak breath and heartbeat.

However, he was injured too much and lost too much blood. He was in a coma for a week before he woke up.

After jingyichen wakes up, her first reaction is to find Tang Yun.

He ignored Mu Wensheng's dissuasion, regardless of his weak body and serious injury, used all his strength to look for it, but he got nothing!

He didn't believe that Tang Yun was dead. He preferred to believe that she was still alive!

With incomparable humiliation and anger, he bloody washed the underground forces of a city and several neighboring cities!

He never let go of any suspicious people.

However, he was very clear that the mastermind who caught him and Tang Yun was still alive. He didn't even know each other's name!

For more than ten years, he has been suppressing the black forces, sparing no effort to find the clues of that year!

Today, he has found the culprit!

It is the current mayor of city B, the outstanding criminal police of city B, and the director of the public security bureau who arrested the most criminals with the most justice!

Yu Mo's identity is his most perfect cover!

If Tang Yun didn't accidentally say something to Jing Yiran, he would like to find the mastermind, at least it will take a long time!

But, like the last time, he inexplicably came to such a bloody place!

Eleven years ago, the scene began to play again!

Yesterday, he did mean to test Yu Mo, because he found that there were countless ties between the book year of the Tang Dynasty and Yu Mo, but it was not sure that the two people were actually the same person.He cut off a very important force in Tang Dynasty, but even though he lost a lot of manpower and assets, he still didn't show up.

For so many years, Tang shunian has always played two roles by one person. He even found himself a stand in for this. Once he could not separate himself from others and take care of one aspect, he would command the other person to do things for him by remote control.

And his double was killed by jingyichen the night before yesterday.

When the double died, Jing Yichen knew that the person he killed was not the real Tang Dynasty book year.

So Yu Mo's identity is more suspicious!

Zhao an arranged a blind date with Yu Mo, which was originally arranged in advance by Mrs. Zhao in order to cooperate with shangguanning's plan.

The Yu family has always been the jewelry supplier of Zhao family. The two companies have cooperated for many years, but if we really want to trace back to the initial cooperation, the time is exactly 11 years ago!

Yu Mo is also a real person. However, he has seldom appeared before, and few people know him. He was once a member of the special forces. After being injured, he retired from the army and went home to recuperate. After a year, he gradually appeared and joined the criminal police team of city B. since then, he has been a criminal policeman and become a mayor of a city!

Yu Mo had been hiding for so many years. He not only knew Jing Yichen long ago, but also had a good relationship with Zheng Jing. He had a good reputation in both black and white and had a wide range of contacts. Otherwise, it would be very difficult for him to be a mayor with his qualifications.

Yesterday, jingyichen's trial, startled Yu Mo, he will trick, pretend to panic escape, lure jingyichen on the hook. , the fastest update of the webnovel!