Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 588

"It's really smart, and really cares about the woman named shangguanning, just like the rumor said."

Tang shunian is smiling on his face, but there is no smile in his eyes. There are only strong jealousy and killing intention in his eyes.

His identity is false, the original Yu Mo has been killed by him, Yu Mo's son has been raised by him, ready to cultivate his own successor.

However, he did not have his own son after all.

What he didn't have, jingyichen had everything, so he always wanted Jing Yichen to become nothing like him!

Jingyichen looks at Tang shunian coldly and coldly, and his voice seems to come from Hell: "if you dare to move her, you will know what is life better than death! Do you think the life you lived before was hard to bear? No, you're wrong. You haven't tasted anything more painful. After that, you won't be able to live for a minute! "

"Ha ha ha ha, isn't it? Then I must try it! "

Tang shunian's psychology has been distorted for a long time. He doesn't pay any attention to the threat to Jing Yichen. Like Jing Yichen 11 years ago, he has no fear of death and no fear of torture, because now only pain can make him feel alive!

"I've heard that you have a serious habit of cleanliness. You can't be touched by others, men and women. Even touching your clothes can cause your convulsion and vomiting. It's a coincidence that I have the same problem, but I'm a little different from you. As long as other people touch me, all the people who touch me will die! "

Tang shunian took out a cigarette from his body, took out a limited edition of the gold lighter, and lit the cigarette with a bang.

He took a deep breath, and his face began to look cheerful.

"Of course, you are a little different from me. You can't be touched, but you can be touched by shangguanning. I have to say, you are so lucky! Fortunately, I feel very jealous

Tang shunian spits out a mouthful of white smoke, wrapped his face in the smoke, and revealed his worries hidden in his heart for many years.

"Over the years, I've become more and more obsessed with cleanliness. I can't even touch women! I've been a monk for more than ten years. Nightmares keep coming. Only killing people can make me feel comfortable! And the chief culprit is Jing family and Jing Zhongxiu. He has done me harm to people, ghosts and ghosts! I don't even dare to use my own name. Only I know how painful I am after all these years

"You can touch women, not only married, but also have children! I haven't seen what kind of woman it is that can cure your cleanliness addiction. Perhaps, her gentle and beautiful, can also cure my heart disease! I haven't touched a woman for many years. I almost forget what it's like to be a woman! Is her body very soft? Is her voice very nice? I've seen the pictures. She's a rare and elegant beauty! "

Jingyichen stood in the same place, suddenly burst out a strong intention to kill. If it was not for someone in the distance who had been aiming at him and ah Hu, he would have broken the neck of Tang Shu Nian and pulled out every tooth of him!

Tang shunian suddenly burst into laughter and soon burst into tears.

"Why, are you angry? Do you always wonder why I sent so many people around your house, but never did anything to hurt the beauty? " Tang shunian wiped away his tears, and a little tenderness appeared in his eyes.

"The hatred between you and me is our business. The Jing family has ruined my family and made me want to pick up garbage. Of course, I will not let jingzhongxiu go. You are his son. Of course, you should die! However, shangguanning is a woman and a beautiful woman. I haven't got it yet. How can I let her die easily? I sent so many people, just want to take more photos of her. You see, I even use her photos for the wallpaper of my mobile phone. "

Tang shunian said, showing his mobile phone to Jing Yichen.

Although the distance between the two people is more than ten meters, Jing Yichen can still tell at a glance that there is a photo of shangguanning on the mobile phone of the book year of the Tang Dynasty!

I see!

It turns out that Tang shunian sent people to hang around in Lijing District, but it was to secretly photograph shangguanning!

But jingyichen, who knows the truth, is more angry than ever!

From knowing shangguanning to now, he has been holding her in his hands, caring for her, taking care of her, and even Mu Qing's contact with her will make him jealous.

In this respect, he is a very stingy man, he absolutely does not allow anyone to covet his wife!

He also can't accept, there is another man, using his wife's photo as mobile phone wallpaper, looking at her photos every day! Moreover, in the mobile phone of the book year of the Tang Dynasty, there may be a large number of photos of shangguanning!

This is the biggest blasphemy and insult to shangguanning!

What an insult to her husband!

Jing Yichen is heartbroken. He hates shangguanning being bullied, even if it is a photo!

Anger and heartache offset Jing Yichen's nausea and discomfort caused by the dark memories of the past. Now he has ignored the familiar images and the smell of bloody decay around him. He only has the anger from his heart.If you can't protect shangguanning, he will be extremely self reproach, will incomparably hate himself.

Just like Jing Zhongxiu, he didn't protect Zhao Qing and let her have an accident because of another woman. He hated himself for many years. Up to now, he still can't forgive himself, and he still refuses to touch another woman's finger!

Jing Yichen once swore in his heart that he would never let his wife have an accident like his father. He would let her live happily and live happily!

He clenched his hands tightly, making knuckles crack with excessive force.

"I warn you, Tang shunian, don't move my wife!"

Jingyichen's voice is cold and angry. Her eyes are slightly red. She looks like a lion who will be angry at any time.

However, even though he was extremely angry, he did not lose his mind because of Tang shunian's words. He knew that shangguanning had always been very careful, and there were many people around her to protect her, so he would not be easily caught by Tang shunian.

"Do you love her so much? Poor Tang Yun, my poor sister, she loves you so much that she can't help herself. She wants to be the little lady of the king family day and night. As a result, you don't have her in your heart, only shangguanning is alone! She had no grudge against me. She was born to another parent. I didn't want her to die, but she was determined to marry into the Jing family. She was bewildered by the wealth and your appearance of the Jing family. I was so embarrassed by her eyes that I left her to die. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!