Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 585

Frantic voice, dissolute words, reverberated in the mountains for a long time, everywhere is the man's wanton laughter.

It's just that their laughter seems to be on top of their heads, but they can't find people.

Tang Yun curled up in fear, but there was no place to hide, unless she returned to the cold, damp basement where the corpses were everywhere.

"You can live, but your boyfriend must die!"

The wild voice sounded again, and the whole valley seemed to shake.

"He is so cruel and merciless that he has killed so many of my brothers. I must let them have a good time with him. Ha ha ha! His physical quality is the strongest person I have ever seen. I have dozens of brothers in turn. I think he can bear it too

Serious injuries and rising body temperature make jingyichen a little unstable.

The blood on his hair is still dripping down. I don't know whether the blood is his own or someone else's.

The other party's provocative voice made him feel nauseous and his blood was emitting a bad smell, which was disgusting.

He has never been in such a mess as he is today!

I've never been so disgraced!

This is a kind of torture that life is not like death. This kind of torture can destroy his most powerful willpower and make him want to choose suicide!

However, he did not, as long as more than ten years of will training, so that he can abandon all negative emotions, tenaciously support his body, think about the most favorable way for himself, and escape from this cage!

He took a look at the bottom of the cliff, perhaps, the rapid river, can let him have a ray of life.

The other party seemed to see through his intention to escape, and roared angrily: "do you want to escape?! It's impossible! There is only a dead end for you to jump down. I don't know how many people have jumped down here. Everyone I caught wanted to escape from here, but none of them succeeded! Go back to the basement and let my brother have a good time! Otherwise, I'll shoot you now

And jingyichen seems to have heard nothing in general, red Lu o body, some mechanical, painful to go to the edge of the cliff, with the last reason to see the most favorable escape route.

"Bang" a gunshot, his feet around the rubble flying, sharp stones splashed on his legs, scratch a small wound.

Blood trickled down the wound, and the pain passed down the wound to his brain.

He looked calm and did not even frown, as if he had not been hurt.

Tang Yun was scared to keep screaming beside him. After the scream, she blocked him behind her with shaking body and yelled at the mountain: "don't shoot! Please don't shoot! Don't hurt him, you can do anything you want me to do! "

The arrogant voice came again: "ha ha ha, I didn't expect that you are quite infatuated, but your boyfriend doesn't seem to appreciate it!"

This time, the other side did not hide his body, but came out of a cave tens of meters away from them.

Together, there were at least ten people, each with a gun in his hand, aimed at both of them in the chest, ready to take their lives at any time.

He looked at the thin figure in front of his body, and his inner sense of cruelty and killing slightly converged.

Is anyone willing to do anything for him?

He didn't even say a word to her. After the accident, he ignored her and let her die on her own. Would she like to suffer from those people for his sake? Willing to die for him?

From being caught in the basement for no reason until now, a faint light shines into his dark heart, so that he will not collapse completely because of the intolerable humiliation and nausea.

He finally looked up and looked at a crowd dozens of meters away from the mountain. For the first time, he said, "who are you?"

His voice became very hoarse because of high fever and excessive lack of water. However, hoarseness could not hide the coldness and killing intention in his voice.

These people seem to be an ordinary underground black force, but Jing Yichen finds that their overall quality is very high, and their cooperation is very tacit, not like a scattered soldier.

Such a force should be very famous, but he has never heard of it.

This is obviously not normal.

He knows all the black forces in city a, but the force in front of him is more ferocious and crazy than any other force. It is definitely not from city A.

This hill is not from city a either.

In other words, he is not in the scope of city a at all.

He had the courage to move his influence, either because he was too weak to know the name of the Jing family, or he was so conceited that he thought his power was strong enough to resist the Jing family.

This force is very powerful, but it seems that he does not know the identity of the successor of his Jing family, so he will attack him unscrupulously.

After all, he was arrested only because of an occasional skirmish.Of course, things have evolved to the present, is not a small conflict, but never die!

That's why he wants to ask each other's name. In the future, none of these people want to live!

However, the other side is not stupid at all, and won't say his power at all. He just bluntly said, "boy, don't think you are so handsome! Who are we? You have no right to know! Today is the day of your death. Your girlfriend will become the woman of all our brothers. Ha ha ha

Jing Yichen never explained that Tang Yun was not his girlfriend, because it didn't make any sense to him. He didn't know Tang Yun very well. If Tang Yun didn't follow him every day and take the trouble to introduce himself, he didn't even know her name.

He doesn't need a woman. Even if he does, it's not Tang Yun's ruthless and deep-seated mind.

In fact, he didn't expect the other party to explain his identity. After all, many forces deliberately hide themselves so that they can survive for a long time, otherwise they will soon be swallowed up by other forces.

He has no time to spend with each other now, because he has lost too much blood and all his wounds fester. If he is not treated, he will die of the virus and severe high fever.

He needs to jump off the cliff at once!

However, the other party soon realized his intention. In other words, the other side should have seen too many prisoners and chose the way to jump off the cliff, so he reacted very quickly.

Before he jumped down, he fired at convenience.

He couldn't avoid the bullet, which came with a sharp howl.

But Tang Yun's thin figure is desperate to shoot at him when the shot! , the fastest update of the webnovel!