Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 584

His original white and clean shirt was covered with blood, and his whole body was dark red, emitting a strong fishy smell.

Someone unknowingly reached out to him and said the worst words.

He was so angry that he felt so disgusted and humiliated that he wanted to kill everyone immediately!

However, there are too many people here!

At the beginning, he was full of energy. When he approached him and touched him, he crushed his larynx and broke his neck. There was no breath of life.

I don't know how long, he gradually tired, exhausted, to the end, even the strength to stand up.

Waiting for him is endless torture.

There are rough big hands, moving on him, trying to stir his inner agitation.

Strong nausea made him vomit uncontrollably.

Several men surrounded him, tearing his clothes, leaving him all red, lying in a pile of corpses, lying in a pool of cold blood.

He felt that there were countless hands doing evil on his body, which doubled his pain in an instant.

He couldn't see how many men were around him. All he knew was that everyone had taken off their clothes, laughed disgustingly and screamed irrationally.

Some people can't wait to hold each other with their partners and tear up their clothes. The medicine has already made them lose their sense and can't tell who is who.

A man threw himself on him, laughing wildly, trying to do evil.

He used his last strength to crush the man's Adam's apple and let the man's body gradually cover his body.

Although the corpse disgusted him, it could at least act as a barrier. The men who had lost their senses did not pick up the corpse and do something disgusting. Instead, they sought relief from their companions.

Fatigue and pain, coupled with the stimulation of drugs, a strong impact on the spirit, so that he almost collapsed.

He was in a pile of corpses, soaked in blood, and fell asleep.

If he could, he wanted to die.

In the world, there is nothing worthy of his nostalgia, but he has always been numb and cold living. For him, death will not make him afraid, but will only bring him relief.

His life has always been gray, without any color, even the most bright red blood, will not bring him color perception.

It doesn't mean much to him to live or die.

Just, besieged and teased by a group of men, this is his shame!

If you want to die, you have to kill everyone before you die!

He had never been defeated in his life, and he was not allowed to be defeated by a group of scum before he died!

He fell asleep in the nightmare and woke up in the nightmare.

The mountain of corpses, the blood flowing everywhere, reminded him of what had happened before he fell asleep.

He had already forgotten Tang Yun's existence, and his weakness and hunger reminded him that he needed to eat.

Without hesitation, he bit through the artery of a corpse that was not yet completely rigid. Like a vampire, he drained the blood and fed his hunger.

In the wilderness, he ate everything and drank the blood of animals.

If you don't drink it, the only thing waiting for him is to be torn off by the sharp teeth of the animal and become the food of the animal.

Although it is the first time to drink human blood, he has been numb to these, animal blood or human blood, there is no difference at all.

An hour later, he recovered half his fitness.

He stood up naked, his blood trickling down.

He didn't look for clothes to wear. Any clothes were meaningless at the moment, and he didn't want to wear those people's dirty clothes.

He wants to find the exit and get out of here.

Just at this moment, a woman's shrill scream of terror rang out.


He turned to look, and then remembered that the woman named Tang Yun was arrested with him.

No, no, he was arrested because of Tang Yun.

She's still alive!

He thought that it was the strong men who took her as a corpse and let her escape. Otherwise, with the madness of those people, she would have been tortured to death.

He didn't know that all traces on Tang Yun were fake. Her surname was Tang, and she was the half master of those people. No one dared to touch her.

After Tang Yun screamed, she was scared to death by the scene in front of her.

He only looked at it once and did not look again.

He doesn't care about the life and death of this woman.

If it wasn't for her, he might not have suffered so much.

The wound on his body was scratched and dug, and he was infected with ulceration and excessive bacteria. His temperature gradually increased and he began to have a fever.

Dragging his heavy body, he began to search for an exit in the vast open basement.There was no light in the basement, and his watch had already disappeared in the process of tearing. He had no idea how long it had passed. He only knew that he had been hungry several times, drank blood several times, and finally found the exit.

Tang Yun has woken up from coma, she wrapped his clothes, shivering with him, he drank blood, she also bite teeth to drink blood, no delicate to let himself starve to death.

This changed his impression of her.

Not all people can endure the strong nausea and guilt of drinking human blood. Even if it is to live, many people can't get through the heart.

Most people would rather die than drink blood.

They worked together to open the heavy iron door of the basement and finally breathed the fresh air outside.

The glare of sunlight on them made them unable to open their eyes.

It took him a long time to get used to the bright sunshine.

When he opened his eyes and saw the scene around him, he realized that the basement, which had been trapped for many days, was actually built on the hillside.

No wonder a basement can be built so empty, no wonder he looked for a long time to find the exit.

However, even if he has found the exit, it is still very difficult to get out.

Because, out of the exit, a few steps forward, is a cliff, under which is a turbulent river.

There is no way down the mountain!

He realized that this exit was specially reserved for him by the other party. The real exit is definitely not this one!

Either jump down and die, or go back to the basement and be imprisoned and tortured!

Around came Tang Yun's frightened voice: "what to do? Are we going to die! There's no way out here! I don't want to stay here. It's terrible! They are not human beings

As soon as her voice dropped, a wild laugh came from the top of the mountain: "ha ha ha ha, you two miserable mandarin ducks, you are dead this time! You want to get out of me? Dream! Girl, come and serve me, and I will let you live! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!