Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 583

"I used the money given by old men and women to dress myself up as a rich man. If it wasn't for Jing family, I didn't need to pretend at all! I was, I am the eldest young master of Tang family! There are lots of servants in the family, and there is no shortage of money! You never need to eat other people's garbage! "

As Tang shunian said, his temper began to break out again. His handsome face was full of blue veins, and his expression began to become ferocious again.

Only in his voice, there was a joy.

It was the joy of his revenge.

"I kidnap all the people who have tormented me one by one, throw them into the basement, and then give them some garbage to eat, so that they can survive. When they are about to starve to death, I will cut them into deformities and make them suffer a hundred times more than I did in those years! As a result, they died so fast that I didn't find it interesting. "

"They tormented me for so long that I have survived, and these people are so unruly! So I thought of a more interesting way to play. I kidnap their children and inject them with all kinds of drugs. No matter men or women, regardless of age, they will all be playing. Life is worse than death! I record the whole process and sell it to their parents for a high price

Speaking of this, Tang shunian took a look at jingyichen and showed a cruel and bloodthirsty smile: "just like you, ha ha ha! But it's a pity that when I sold your video to Jing Zhongxiu, he refused to give me a cent

Hearing his words, Jing Yichen finally couldn't bear to vomit again.

, as like as two peas in the area he was being shut eleven years ago, is everywhere with broken limbs and bloody corpses everywhere.

The memory that Jing Yichen has been trying to suppress comes like a tide, which breaks his willpower, blurs his sight and obliterates his perception.

That year, he was twenty-three.

After countless hard and painful training, he is like a scabbard sword, sharp, cold and merciless.

His long-term survival in the wilderness made him numb to human beings and despised his emotions.

It was not until a girl named Tang Yun appeared that his life began to fluctuate.

No one has ever been so afraid of pestering him with death before, and no one dares to follow him every day, or even follow him home regardless.

She is very beautiful, picturesque, voice is also very good to hear, like a graceful and crisp oriole.

She laughs very beautiful, has a kind of fresh flavor, with a girl's unique beauty.

But, he knew, the girl was not as innocent as she seemed.

She is a cruel girl.

For example, she will quietly kill a stray dog she once fed when he can't see, because the dog always follows her. She doesn't want to pretend to be a kind girl every day and waste time feeding the dog.

For example, she would deliberately approach Zhao An'an and find out that Zhao An'an is not willing to take care of her, she fights with Zhao An'an, beats her to death, and even wants her life for many times. Zhao An'an has been beaten by her for several times with internal bleeding and has to be sent to the hospital for rescue.

However, at that time, he was still too young to fully see through the hearts of the people.

He thought that Tang Yun tried every means to approach him and openly entangled him, just because she liked him.

Because every day she would tell him about her love and do all the stupid things a young girl would do.

He never thought that her approach, with a startling conspiracy.

She followed him every day, wherever he went, and she seemed to find him.

Until one day, she was entangled by several hooligans, crying to him for help.

He just hesitated for a moment, and then he did.

This girl has followed him for so many days. Although he is still not familiar with her, he is already the most familiar person.

He was strong and used to it, and he was too conceited to think that no one dared to provoke him, but he did not know that as soon as he started, he had fallen into the trap of the other party.

He and Tang Yun were confused at the same time and were taken into a dark basement.

In the basement, there are human bodies everywhere, men and women, old and young. A smell of bloody decay pervades the whole basement, making people nauseous.

Jingyichen wake up to see such a scene, just eyebrows slightly wrinkled, no panic.

The corpse, he saw more, this does not make his will power to shake, make him uncomfortable, just the disgusting smell in the air.

He always likes to be clean. Dirty things make him uncomfortable.

Beside him, Tang Yun was lying on the ground. Her clothes had been gone for a long time, revealing her graceful figure. However, she was covered with scars and was unconscious.

He took off his coat to cover her body and tried to go out, but was stopped by four tall and strong men.

"Two high-quality goods came today, ha ha!"

"We've just tasted that girl. She's very obedient and comfortable! The rest of the beautiful man, looking at the murderous look on his face, must be a fierce temperament"I like strong, I especially like to listen to men's screams, which is more exciting than women's screams, ha ha!"

"I haven't played with such a good-looking man for a long time. Why hasn't his medicine worked? I can't wait

They didn't know that his body had been modified by his father. Ordinary drugs didn't work for him.

He could feel a slight abnormality in his body. He felt a little feverish all over his body. It seemed that he wanted to find something to vent out, but he was also a little floating and comfortable.

It's supposed to be the result of being injected with a hallucinogen.

However, his willpower is 100 times stronger than ordinary people, and his restlessness has been suppressed by him.

He looked at the four men with a cold look, and then when the four of them were staring at him, it took a minute to end the lives of the four men.

To kill with bare hands, and to kill cleanly, is his instinct that has been engraved into his bone marrow.

He's not a killer, but he's better than a killer.

He was twenty-three years old. In his short but long life, he learned a lot, but he was intelligent and willing to work hard, so every skill reached the peak.

However, no matter how powerful he is, he is only one person after all.

In the basement, a steady stream of strong men, no one with guns, all fight against him with bare hands, as if to consume his physical strength, not his life at all.

As more and more people died, his physical strength gradually became exhausted.

Moreover, the air began to fill with a strong sweet and greasy smell of medicine, his body restlessness, has been almost unable to suppress.

More restless, is the other side of those men, they all like crazy like tearing, greatly increased his burden. , the fastest update of the webnovel!