Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 580

At that time, when Zhao an learned that she was not strong enough to save her, she didn't think she was strong enough to save her!

It turned out that he had already taken a fancy to Zhao An'an!

Hum, this little flame of Li Feidao should be put out immediately!

Only half of the plan has been implemented. He hasn't married Zhao An'an yet. Li Feidao has mixed up with him!

Mu Qing asked Li Duo for Li Feidao's phone number, called him, confirmed his location, and then used the fastest speed to find him. He said bluntly: "Li Feidao, you are not allowed to make An'an's idea. She is my woman. She was, and will be, my woman!"

Li Feidao doubted: "have you broken up with An'an? Ann told me that personally today. What does it have to do with you to pursue An'an? It's useless for An'an to refuse me

Mu Qing was as green as his name by his mouth!

Can anyone call Ann's name?

Li Feidao, an outsider, is so close to him!

When Li Feidao had imprisoned An'an, he should have beaten Li Feidao fiercely, regardless of Li duo's obstruction!

This man can hardly find his position. How can he and Zhao An'an allow others to intervene!

It's true that he is so handsome that Zhao An'an refuses to marry him. Li Feidao is not like Xiao Li's flying dagger at all. It's tall and strong. His skin is bronze, but he looks like Zhang Fei very much. An'an definitely doesn't like his style!

"Who said I broke up with Ann? She's just joking. You can take it seriously! What a childish thing Wood green also can't care what demeanor, blush, neck thick roar, keep staring at Li Throwing Knife.

As long as Zhao an's affairs are involved, Mu Qing can hardly control himself.

At ordinary times, he is very open to everything, and never asks for fame and wealth, but he has no way to accept a woman who is coveted by others!

If Li Feidao was not a jingyichen person, but also responsible for protecting shangguanning's safety, he would have given Li Feidao a needle, so that he could not get out of bed for half a month!

What's more, is Ann's name whatever you want? It's not allowed to do that in the future. Only the closest people can call it that way. You are not qualified! "

Li Feidao was not willing to. He frowned, and the muscles on his arms were bulging. He looked like he was going to fight: "I only believe what Ann said! She broke up with you because you didn't treat her well! Since you broke up with ANN, you should stay away from her. It's my freedom to pursue her. What does it have to do with you? "

Mu Qing was so angry with him that he even let him stay away from An'an!

"She's my woman. It doesn't matter to me! She only likes me all her life. You should die as soon as possible. She will never take a fancy to you. You are not allowed to pester her in the future. "

"If you still like Ann, then we can compete fairly. However, I think I have a good chance of winning because Ann doesn't like you any more. And I'm sure I'll be nice to her in the future, and you won't have any advantages. " Li Feidao seems to have a good temper. He is pointed by MuQing and growls. He is not angry.

Fair competition?

Mu Qing laughs, who can compete with him fairly!

This matter has not to discuss, Zhao An'an will always be his own!

This period of time is just to cooperate with Shangguan Ning to dig a hole for Zhao An'an, otherwise how can he be willing to break up with her!

Although Mu Qing is not worried that Zhao An'an will like Li Feidao, he has absolute confidence in this respect. No one in the world loves Zhao an more than he does. Zhao An'an knows that, but it will make him uncomfortable to have such a person pestering Zhao An'an all the time.

He is not so careless as Zhao An'an. He is not jealous of the opposite sex around her.

If a man loves deeply, he is more likely to be jealous than a woman.

Mu Qing and Li Feidao argued for a long time, but no one could persuade them. Both of them decided that they would win. Finally, they parted unhappily.

Zheng Jing accompanied Zhao an for a day, and when she was sent back to the Zhao family in the evening, she was warmly received by Mrs. Zhao.

Zhao An'an is very clever because she is afraid of a series of problems during her blind date with Yu Mo, such as robbery, so she is very clever. She still holds on to Zheng Jing's clothes. She is afraid that after he leaves, she will be severely cleaned up by her grandmother.

As a result, grandma seemed to put all her thoughts on Zheng Jing. She not only kept him for dinner, but also inquired about the eighteen generations of his ancestors. In one night, she had a thorough understanding of Zheng Jing's family.

In Zhao an's impression, grandma did not know Zheng Jing, and they did not meet.

But Mrs. Zhao and Zheng Jing met in shangguanning for a long time, and had dinner together. Although they were not very familiar with each other, they were absolutely not unfamiliar.

What they talked about there was just to confuse Zhao An'an.

Zhao An'an takes advantage of the conversation between them and sneaks back to his room. Then he closes the door and goes to meet Zhou Gong.The next day, she went to sleep until the sun went up, but she was awakened by the ringing of her mobile phone.

Zhao an hated that someone would disturb her sleep and turned off her cell phone with her eyes closed.

Until aunt Qian came knocking on the door, Zhao an could not help waking up from her sleep.

"Don't knock, I want to sleep!"

When Aunt Qian heard her voice, she said anxiously, "Miss, it's time for you to go to school! Just now young master Jing called and said that you must go early on your first day of employment! What else do you want to make

Before aunt Qian finished speaking, she heard a shrill scream from her bedroom.

"Ah! Ah Zhao an all sleepiness all immediately ran without trace!

Oh, my God! Today, she joined the president of X university. She forgot it completely!

My God, if she forgot to go today and stood up all the teachers and students in the school, would my cousin kill her in a rage!

Zhao An'an gets up at the speed of light, dresses, washes her face and brushes her teeth. Then she doesn't even eat any food. She puts on the professional clothes that Aunt Qian has prepared for her. She doesn't care that the professional dress is a professional dress. She gets on a Rolls Royce specially provided for her by Zhao's family, and goes straight to the big X.

However, when she got to school, she remembered that she needed to speak to the whole school today! However, she forgot all about it yesterday and didn't prepare the speech at all!

She may not have the courage to face so many people's fluent reading. Without the manuscript, she must be a blank brain!

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