Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 579


Rao is Zheng Jing's quick thinking and quick reaction. He is also confused by Li Feidao's words!

Today, Li Feidao doesn't follow the script everywhere, which woman does he like!

Zheng Jing took a look at Zhao an, who was also wide eyed, and said in a righteous way: "I only like an an an, where there are other women!"

"So you don't like Zheng Lun at all? Two days ago, I saw you and Zheng Lun holding hands and taking the elevator together. Why don't you admit it today? " Li Feidao's personality is a little dull, and he doesn't like to talk, but when it comes to speaking, he never grudges his words.

Moreover, he looks very strong, seems to have a simple mind and developed limbs, but in fact, he is very clever and observant, and he is not a man of courage and resourcefulness.

Zheng Jing was speechless by Li Feidao.

Because the person he really likes is Zheng Lun. Even in acting, it is very difficult for him to show how much he likes Zhao An'an! In his heart, he was unwilling to admit that he didn't like Zheng Lun.

Looking at Li Feidao's serious face, Zheng Jing finally realized that Li Feidao was not arranged by shangguanning. He found it by himself!

He really likes Zhao An'an!

Otherwise he couldn't be so real!

Seeing that Zheng Jing didn't speak, Zhao an was afraid that he would admit that they had nothing to do with each other. He was in a hurry: "Li Feidao, what's the matter with you! I have said, I don't like you, I like the person is Zheng Jing, you don't have to pester, otherwise I will not be polite! "

"He doesn't like you. He's deceiving your feelings. He's a couple with his sister. ANN, you can stay with me. I'm sure I won't like other women any more." Li Feidao doesn't want to give up. He thinks Zhao An'an is the best girl in his heart. He doesn't want to miss her.

If Zheng Jing is really good to Zhao An'an, he may also give up, but Zheng Jing is obviously stepping on two boats. After Zhao An'an follows him, he will not be happy.

Li Feidao felt that he could not watch his favorite girl jump into the fire pit.

Zhao An'an's teeth are going to be broken!

Why is this man so persistent!

It's too bad to be liked by him!

She didn't want to see this pervert at all, and she didn't want to talk to him! When she was imprisoned by Li Feidao, she always swore that she would break him to pieces after she came out!

Now he has become jingyichen's person, she certainly can't revenge, but also absolutely does not want to pay attention to him!

She simply did not pretend to be, and directly said: "yes, Zheng Jing doesn't like me, I don't like him, but this has nothing to do with you. Get out of here. You should protect my sister-in-law and drink my nephew. Who let you leave without permission?"

"I have three days off every month. Today is the first day of the month. I am not absent without permission." Li Feidao lightly explained two sentences, and then said, "since you don't like Zheng Jing, I can chase you later."

He was relieved that Zhao an and Zheng Jing were not together, so he had a chance!

Zhao an was so angry that she rolled her eyes. She pulled up Zheng Jing and left: "let's go to dinner. If we face such a face, I can't eat anything for a while. Go quickly!"

Li Feidao watched them go, but did not go after them.

He didn't know much about women's thoughts, but he knew something about Zhao An'an. After all, they had lived together in the same room for half a year. He knew that Zhao An'an was very impatient at the moment, so he didn't follow up to annoy her.

He has no experience in pursuing girls, nor does he know how to please Zhao An'an.

Li Feidao stood there for a long time, and finally decided to go back to ah Hu for advice. He felt that ah Hu seemed to know a lot about feelings.

Between meals, Zheng Jing excuse to go to the bathroom, immediately called shangguanning, and then learned that Li Feidao was not really arranged by her!

On the phone, Shangguan Ning is also very surprised, she did not expect that Li Feidao actually likes Zhao An'an!

This kind of accident was unexpected by Shangguan Ning, but it was not a bad thing. If Li Feidao wants to pursue Zhao An'an, he must rely on his own ability to catch up with him.

If Zhao An'an is so easy to chase, did Mu Qing wait for her for 11 years?

Li Feidao will suffer a lot in the future!

Pursuing Zhao An'an is simply a road of no return. I hope he can get rid of the difficulties as soon as possible.

Zhao an an ate a spicy hot pot with Zheng Jing. His mouth was red, his forehead was covered with sweat, and his tears came out. But he was in a good mood. He forgot about Li Feidao.

She has always been forgetful and does not hold grudges very much. She does not always keep in mind the unhappy things, let alone the words of others.

She didn't think Li Feidao was serious at all, nor did she think he would insist on pursuing himself.

At the moment, she will not only forget about eating the hot pot, but also the hot pot.Mu Qing is sitting in the corner of the hot pot shop, looking at Zhao an's big quick food, can't help but have some helplessness.

It's heartless. He can't eat well or sleep well. He's worried about her all the time. She's all right. She can eat so happily with Zheng Jing!

"When you see something in the hotpot, you can take care of it.

Mu Qing knows that with Zheng Jing, he doesn't need to worry about Zhao An'an at all. Zheng Jing can take care of her safety and her food and drink.

He is worthy of being a good brother. He not only works hard but also pays for his efforts. The key is that Zheng Jing absolutely reassures him that he will not make Zhao An'an's idea.

Mu Qing sees that Zhao an is in good condition. He puts down his heart and goes out of the hotpot shop to find Li Feidao.

Zheng Jing has just sent him a short message. The content of the message is: Li Feidao is pursuing Zhao An'an. You can settle the matter yourself. I don't want to help. He almost went in!

In fact, it is not the first time for Mu Qing to deal with love enemies.

There are not many people pursuing Zhao An'an, but he has met several in the past ten years.

Most of them are when Zhao An'an doesn't know, Mu Qing drives people away directly and covets his woman. How can he bear it!

This Li flying knife is quite hidden. It must be that when he imprisoned Zhao An'an, he fell in love with her. She is so lovely and beautiful. She has been guarding her for half a year. She is a man who will be moved!

Mu Qing thinks that Zhao An'an needs to get along for a long time to know that she is good, while Li Feidao has been alone with her for half a year. It is normal to like her, but not to like her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!