Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 581

In fact, Zhao an didn't need to make any speeches when he entered the post. He only needed to hold a meeting with several senior leaders of the school to let everyone know that the new principal took office.

However, in order to make her have a stronger sense of responsibility for the school, and not let her take this job as a casual job, she specially arranged this speech for her.

Zhao an is very flustered and keeps calling jingyichen, but jingyichen's phone has never been answered.

She had no choice but to get off the bus and get ready to go to school.

At the gate of big school x, however, several people were anxiously waiting there. As soon as Zhao An'an stepped down from a luxury Rolls Royce, several people immediately welcomed him up.

"Hello, is this headmaster Zhao?" Asked the head, in a somewhat respectful tone.

Although Zhao An'an is not adapted to her new appellation, she still nods: "I am."

"My name is Jinning. I am your assistant. I will be responsible for conveying your instructions. I think jingshao has already told you."

Zhao an was overjoyed to hear that the man named Jinning was his assistant. He immediately said, "Hello, you may have to trouble you in the future."

"It's right to share the worries for the headmaster. I'll do what headmaster Zhao wants me to do in the future. But now we're going to the auditorium, where all the teachers and students are waiting for you."

Jin Ning's anxious brain sweat, but still dare not urge Zhao An'an too much, can only use as far as possible euphemistic words to remind her.

In fact, Zhao an was more anxious than he was, but even if he was in a hurry, it would be a shame to stand on the stage!

How she wants to escape!

"Well, assistant Kim, my brother Jing Shao said, "let me speak on the stage, but I can't speak. What should I do?"? Do you have any good ideas? "

Zhao an had no choice but to ask Jinning for help.

If it's really not possible, then she'll have to fight for shame, say something nice on the stage, and then come down.

Unexpectedly, Jinning immediately took out two pages of paper from her body and handed it to Zhao An'an: "headmaster, I'm ready for your speech!"

Zhao an was overjoyed and immediately followed Jinning to the auditorium and began her first powerful speech in her career.


Jingyichen did not return last night, Shangguan Ning is very worried.

Since his marriage, Jing Yichen has never spent the night outside except on business. Even if he is on a business trip, he will definitely call her before he goes to bed at night and chat with her for a while before resting.

But he did not come back last night, nor did he call her. Even shangguanning called him, and no one answered.

Ah Hu, who went out with him, couldn't get in touch with him. Shangguan Ning sat with Jingrui last night. Jingyichen was not there, and she couldn't sleep at all.

Jing Yichen also told her at noon yesterday that he was dealing with the power of the Tang family, but encountered great obstacles, and the progress was not very smooth.

Today, there is no news from him. Shangguan Ning is so flustered that she may not even have a mouthful of rice if it is not for providing sufficient milk for Jing Rui.

Even so, she ate very little last night, and this morning she barely drank a glass of milk.

Last night, Li duo had taken people to look for him, but until now, he has not heard from jingyichen.

Shangguan Ning's heart slowly sank.

In the hot summer, she felt cold and numb.

She doesn't believe that jingyichen will have an accident!

With his ability, with his IQ, no one can beat him, the people of Tang family are definitely not his opponents!

However, if he is good, if he is free, how can he not answer her phone? Even ah Hu's phone can't get through!

At about eight o'clock, Jing Zhongxiu opened the door and came in.

Shangguan Ning sees him and gets up with Jing Rui in his arms. Tears in his eyes can't stop any more. He keeps falling: "Dad..."

Jingzhongxiu patted her on the shoulder and said in a calm and calm way: "don't worry, Yichen is OK. Maybe you can't deliver the message for the time being. Take Jingrui back to the Jings first. The Jings are safer than here. Although there seems to be no danger at present, in case of emergency, you still don't live here alone. "

Shangguan Ning felt very bad. Seeing Jing Rui's quiet and obedient appearance, she hugged her son and choked her voice: "good."

She simply cleaned up some clothes, took Jing Rui and sister-in-law, and went back to Jing's home with Jing Zhongxiu.

Along the way, shangguanning didn't speak. Jing Zhongxiu kept on calling. The atmosphere in the carriage was very depressed.

Only Jing Rui doesn't know anything. He lies in Shangguan Ning's arms and smiles at her red eyes from time to time.

Shangguan Ning resists the impulse of tears and holds Jingrui's hand. He prays in his heart that jingyichen will not be in trouble.

To Jing's home, Moran and jingtianyuan are both there. Obviously, they already know that jingyichen can't be contacted. However, Mo Lan's face is full of worry, while Jing Tianyuan is still calm.Jingtianyuan's words are almost the same as those of jingzhongxiu: "don't worry, Yichen will certainly be OK. Take a good rest and he will be back soon."

Shangguan Ning reluctantly showed a smile, but the heaviness in his heart did not decrease at all.

As time goes by, every minute is a torment for Shangguan Ning.

At noon, shangguanning's mobile phone suddenly received a short message, the sender is jingyichen.

Shangguan Ning eagerly points to open, but the content makes her heart sink to the bottom again: "can't find jingyichen, right? If you come out alone, I can let you find him. If I find someone else besides you, your husband may not see the sun tomorrow

Shangguan Ning immediately came out of the room and went to the study to find the scene. She would not be silly enough to go alone! It's only in movies that you go to rescue alone.

If it is a trap, she will go alone, not only can't help jingyichen, but will only increase his burden. This kind of thing must be discussed with Jing Zhongxiu.

After reading the text message, Jing Zhongxiu said calmly: "I have found the position of Yichen, but the other party should have arranged for several years for this day, so the prevention work is very good, and you may not be able to find Yichen successfully after you go."

In fact, although Jing Zhongxiu's face did not show any impatience, his heart was also angry and anxious.

Shangguan Ning and know what Tang family did at that time, but he knew it. Now all the signs are very similar to the situation at that time!

"Dad, I'll pretend to go alone, and you can find someone to follow me!" Shangguan Ning's worry can't be concealed. She is so anxious that she can't wait to find jingyichen.

Without much thought, Jing Zhongxiu directly agreed with shangguanning's suggestion. He could still protect shangguanning. , the fastest update of the webnovel!