Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 578

Zheng Jing wants to call Shangguan Ning and ask her whether he should be jealous of Li Feidao or give Zhao an an a hand.

However, Zhao an kept on winking at him, holding his arm tightly, pinching the flesh on his arm quietly, taking him as a shield.

He can only be a "new love" for a while.

"Li Feidao, you may not know. The reason why An'an broke up with Mu Qing is because she likes me. You don't have a chance. You'd better go back to jingshao to do your business."

Zheng Jing had to be brave enough to lie.

But Zhao An'an is very satisfied with Zheng Jing's words. This reason is quite similar to that!

"Yes, yes, I broke up with Mu Qing because I fell in love with Zheng Jing! You go away quickly. I'm angry when I see you. I always want to hit people. If you don't want to have your head broken and bleeding, you will disappear from my eyes immediately! "

Zhao An'an is really a bit of a psychological shadow to Li Feidao.

Because he is really a very strong man, in that half a year, she tried every means, but never escaped! Li Feidao looked at her dead. She was not impatient at all. She didn't feel that she had been locked in the room and felt broken down!

His mental quality, physical quality, reaction ability, are all very strong, is a best candidate for imprisonment! You can never escape from his captivity!

When Zhao An'an sees him, he will think of that dark life and always feel that he will be imprisoned again at the next moment!

Don't say that she only has Mu Qing in her heart now. Even if she really doesn't like MuQing, even if all the men in the world are dead, she can't be with Li Feidao!

Li Feidao looked at Zhao An'an tightly holding Zheng Jing's arm, frowned slightly, and asked: "do I really have no chance? You are the first woman I like. I will certainly treat you well in the future. I can protect you

If a change of personal confession, Zhao An'an may be a little proud, will be complacent that his charm is good.

However, the one who confessed today was Li Feidao. She just felt that she was not strong all over. She felt uncomfortable everywhere! Always feel a breath hold in the chest, can not go up or down, depressed she almost want to vomit blood!

Her peach blossom luck has been flourishing recently!

Just now there was a man who was expensive for mayor to go with her to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a certificate. Now a muscle man wanted to be her boyfriend!

Will someone propose to her tomorrow!

"Don't be kidding. Can you keep me in jail for half a year? I didn't bite you. It's all about my brother's face. Get out of here. I don't want to see you! " Zhao an scolded Li Feidao angrily. When she was imprisoned before, she did not bow her head under the eaves, and now she will not bow her head.

Unexpectedly, Li Feidao was not angry at all. He looked serious and said, "I'm not kidding. I'm serious. I had no choice but to imprison you at the beginning. I did business with money, not because I was willing to imprison you. And when I imprisoned you, I didn't abuse you. I took good care of you all the time. I really like you. Maybe I've been in love for a long time

Zhao an was speechless.

What is caring for her? He's so nice to say it!

All day long, in addition to potatoes is beef, she ate herself into potatoes!

Not to mention, he often didn't give her food after she ran away, and she was starving and dizzy!

This is also called like?

If Li Feidao looks too strong and his muscles are full of explosive force, Zhao An'an would have jumped on him and beat him hard!

She knew the power of Li Feidao too well. When she was imprisoned by him, she did not fight with him. However, every time she hit him, he had nothing to do with him, but her own fists began to ache.

Such a person is too terrible, Zhao An'an always said fierce, but really dare not start.

Li Feidao is not the same as Zheng Jing. He is an iron plate, and he doesn't know what it means to be pitiful. Zheng Jing will let her at all costs and will not really hurt her.

Zhao an thought of what he had suffered, and his anger could no longer be suppressed. He roared: "get out of here! I don't like you at all, and you must not like me! I have been very kind without my brother breaking your leg. Do you dare to provoke me to death? "

Li Feidao had already experienced Zhao An'an's "lion roar skill" in the six months since he got along with Zhao an'an.

In fact, he missed the six months he spent with Zhao An'an, which was the best time in his life.

He didn't need to fight and kill every day. He didn't need to worry. He couldn't sleep or eat food like before. In those six months, except for Zhao An'an's nail scratch, he didn't have any other injuries. It was a very happy thing!You know, in the past, when he was in the city, he was fighting with others and fighting for territory almost every day. He was injured every day and bleeding every day.

In those six months, his life was really comfortable.

Every day can stay at home, and then listen to Zhao an's chattering, listen to her boring to sing a variety of pop songs with a pleasant voice, sometimes fight with her, also is tickle, let him feel very comfortable.

He even hoped that life could go on forever.

He did not have contact with women before, but he never had the idea of protecting any woman. Only Zhao An'an always wanted to protect her.

She is careless and ancient, which is the most bright color in his dull and dreary life.

In fact, he wanted to tell Zhao An'an that she would be his girlfriend for a long time, but he couldn't say it. Later, he learned that she and MuQing were a couple, and MuQing almost spoiled her to heaven, so he had to suppress that thought.

Now it's hard to wait for them to break up, and he's going to say it right away.

Li Feidao did not expect that Zhao An'an fell in love with Zheng Jing again!

However, AHU Mingming said that Zheng Jing and Zheng Lun have that special feeling between them, and their relationship is definitely not just brother and sister.

Li Feidao looked at Zhao an and Zheng Jing tightly together. He could not help raising his face and questioning Zheng Jing: "which woman do you like?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!