Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 577

In the end, Zhao An'an didn't drive Zheng Jing away because it was very simple. Zheng Jing offered to accompany her to go shopping for dinner, and he would swipe his card all the way. Zhao An'an didn't need to spend a cent.

This kind of money saving good thing, all of a sudden moved Zhao an that money like life heart.

So, two people went shopping together, Zhao an kept buying, Zheng Jing could only brush and brush with blood.

When two people go shopping and eat together, they will inevitably be regarded as lovers, especially when eating.

The waiter kindly advised them: "this beauty, you can order a couple set meal with your boyfriend, which is much more cost-effective than a single order, but also free couple ice cream."

Even if Zhao an loves money again, he won't let people have this misunderstanding. He immediately said, "he's not my boyfriend, he's my best friend's boyfriend!"

The smile of the waiter was stiff on his face.

There are such shameless women in the world!?

With my best friend and boyfriend for dinner, I dare to say it out loud!

Zheng Jing is full of black lines, Zhao an in the end will not talk, so much easy to cause misunderstanding!

However, he didn't mean to explain at all. This was the effect of shangguanning's request. The more people misunderstood, the better!

As long as Zheng Lun doesn't misunderstand, it's OK.

The people in the next seat were all whispering.

"My God, the girl's heart is really dark. She's eating with her boyfriend on her back!"

"So now it's all about fire and burglary and girlfriends! You can't have such a girl, or I don't know when I'll be pryed off the corner of the wall

"This man is not a good thing either. If his girlfriend knows about it, he will surely capsize."


Zhao an heard these people's comments clearly, and immediately stopped eating. She had to argue with others when she went up. Zheng Jing couldn't help but drag her away.

"Zheng Jing, don't pull me. I won't kill the rumor maker! I don't know anything. I'm still guessing and slandering my reputation. How can I take a fancy to such a big bull like you

"Auntie, do you want to make such a big fight after a meal?" Zheng Jing ignored Zhao an's sarcasm and hugged her to keep her from moving. "You can just say that we are ordinary friends. Why do you have to add that I'm your best friend's boyfriend, of course others will misunderstand me!"

"You are my best friend's boyfriend, why don't you let me say it?" Zhao an was very angry, her face was red, and she wanted to fight with others.

When she calmed down a little, she suddenly found that she was held in her arms by Zheng Jing. She immediately screamed: "Zheng Jing, you rascal, you are not serious. Let me go! You touch my stomach again and take advantage of me

Zheng Jing has no words to let go. He spent a little time with Zhao An'an today. He feels more tired than catching the most vicious criminal gang!

I don't know how Mu Qing lived for such a long time in Zhao An'an's hands. His vitality is really tenacious!

Or his family Zheng Lun, the most reassuring, never give him trouble, everywhere for his consideration.

"Let's go and eat in another place. You'd better not talk when you order. I basically know what you like to eat. I'll help you order."

Zheng Jing has been wandering for such a long time, and his chest is close to his back.

Zhao an was just about to express his dissatisfaction when he saw a man stronger than Zheng Jing.

"Ann." The man stood in front of Zhao'an and called out to her in a thick voice.

When Zhao an settled down, he opened his eyes and said in surprise: "muscle man? Why are you here? No, no, No. what did you just call me? "

Li Feidao didn't have any expression on his face. He just looked at her and called out again: "An'an."

Zhao an's hair stood up when he heard Li Feidao calling himself: "don't don't do it. We're not so close. Don't call me that! I still want to find you revenge, but you are by my brother's side now, and I have no chance to fight. When I have a chance, I will not let you go! "

Li Feidao was silent for a moment, and suddenly said, "how do you want to revenge so that you don't blame me?"

Zhao an looked at him strangely: "you came to me for revenge today? Would you be so kind? "

Li Feidao shook his head: "no, I have something else to look for you today, but if you want revenge, I won't hide. You can do whatever you want."

Now not only Zhao An'an felt strange, but also Zheng Jing on one side felt strange.

He was puzzled. Did shangguanning send Li Feidao to please Zhao An'an? But I didn't hear from Guan Ning before that there was such a thing!

However, it should be. Otherwise, how could Li Feidao say "you can do whatever you want"!

Zhao an's face full of doubts: "what do you want to see me today?"

Li Feidao looked calm, staring at Zhao An'an and said, "I heard that you broke up with Dr. mu. Are you single now?"Zhao an didn't know where to go, nodded his head and said, "yes, we broke up. What's the matter with you?"

"No, I just want to ask you, can you be my girlfriend?"

Zhao an's eyes widened: "what do you say?"

"I know it can be a little abrupt." Li Feidao always talks little, but today he makes an exception.

"But I'm afraid it's too late for you to be nice to someone else." He said here, a light look at Zhao an's side of the Zheng Jing, Zheng Jing to see the bitter smile.

"I've always liked you. I've been with you for half a year. I think you're very nice and suitable for me. I want you to be my girlfriend. Do you think so?"

Zhao An'an is completely petrified!

Li Feidao likes her? How could that be possible!

Aren't they enemies? His position is too weak!

However, Zheng Jing thinks that Li Feidao looks very silent and refuses to say a word. Unexpectedly, his acting skills are so good that they can't see any flaws! Master!

Zhao An'an has met a few confessions in her life. She is lack of experience in dealing with such situations!

Fortunately, there is a Zheng Jing beside her!

She took Zheng Jing's arm and looked at Li Feidao in disgust: "I won't be your girlfriend. I've been imprisoned for half a year and want me to be with you? Dream, you! What's more, I've got a new love. Look, my new love is more handsome than my old love, and more handsome than you are. You should go quickly, or my new love will be angry in a moment

In the twinkling of an eye, he became the "new love" of Zheng Jing. I really don't know how to act next.

Shangguanning's plan didn't come out like this at all!

How many meanings does it mean to suddenly kill a Li Feidao to express his feelings? , the fastest update of the webnovel!