Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 576

Zheng Jing followed Zhao An'an's strength and followed her out. As he walked along, he did not forget to say goodbye to Yu Mo: "Mayor Yu, let's go first. When I have time, I'll invite you to dinner and make amends to you."

When he got out of the teahouse, Zhao An'an released Zheng Jing's arm, and then put one hand on a car, gasping for breath.

"Sir! Grandma, this is looking for someone to make a blind date with me. It's abnormal! Meet the first day to get a certificate, he is not afraid I have AIDS! At last, I escaped, or my brother forced me to get the certificate, and my life would be completely over! "

She doesn't marry Mu Qing, and she can't marry anyone else. Marriage is not a joke. How can she live with a complete stranger.

She could not imagine that she would sleep in the same bed with a man except MuQing!

Today, Zheng Jing really helped her a lot!

Thank you very much. If you don't know how thick you are, I won't take off your skin

Zheng Jing smile is very brilliant: "you are welcome, help you should be!"

Zhao an an gave Yu Mo such a funny nickname so quickly. How dare you!

Zhao An'an chick pecked rice and nodded: "mm-hmm, yes, you should help me. Since this is the case, hurry to hand over all the money on you, or I can grope for it myself!"

Zheng Jing's face was covered with black lines. Recently, the girl fell into the eye of money. She couldn't say two words when she met. She must ask for money!

"Didn't I give you all the money yesterday? You're not going to run out so soon, are you? Thousands. How do you spend it? "

"Don't talk too much, get the money quickly!" Zhao An'an still thinks it's safer to rob acquaintances. Look, if you rob strangers this morning, you'll be killed! I was forced to throw the knife!

Robbery is risky. You should be careful when robbing!

Zheng Jing took out his wallet and handed it to Zhao An'an.

He can't do it without taking it. With Zhao an's personality, if he doesn't give it, she will really rush to grab it, and there won't be any taboo between men and women at all. She will touch him at random!

This feeling is really creepy, OK!

So far in his life, the closest woman is not Zheng Lun, but Zhao An'an!

Because she doesn't treat herself as a woman, she always moves her hands and feet, and holds him around his neck without any taboo. Especially when fighting, she dares to use all kinds of tricks, and even dares to grasp the key parts of him directly!

Fortunately, he hid quickly, otherwise, he would not have been occupied by her!

So in the past, Zheng Jing would deliberately hide from Zhao An'an, and basically didn't have a good face to see her.

A girl's family, always hit people, and specifically attack men's vulnerable parts, really let Zheng Jing not like it! What's more, he can't fight back, so every time he sees Zhao An'an, he can only hide far away.

But recently, he promised Zheng Lun that he would help Zhao An'an and Mu Qing, and let the happy couple get xiaohongben as soon as possible, so he had to be brave and follow shangguanning's script.

I hope that in a few days, when he makes a big move, Zhao an will not be angry to kill people.

Zhao An'an, who grabbed the money, was not satisfied. She frowned and said fiercely, "how can you have such a little money in your wallet? 726 yuan and 80 cents! Did you know you would meet me today, so you hid all your money? "

Zheng Jing grinned bitterly: "how could I know that I would meet you today? You robbed me of all my money two days ago. Now there is so much left. I haven't paid my salary this month. Can you stop robbing me?"

Zhao An'an doesn't look stupid at all! She even guessed right. He really knew that he would meet her today, so he deliberately took hundreds of yuan to go out, just in case she would steal the money.

However, Zheng Jing certainly will not admit it.

Zhao an took all the money. This time, he didn't even leave the bus money to Zheng Jing. Then he threw his wallet to him. He was ready to take the money and go shopping for a meal in the sea.

But she went out a few steps, suddenly remembered that she had left the letter of appointment in the teahouse.

It's just that she has absolutely no courage to go back to get it. Otherwise, jingyichen stays there and forces her to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau with that cuttlefish!

Zhao an's eyes turned and immediately turned around. He said to Zheng Jing with a smile: "officer Zheng, would you please do me a favor?"

Zheng Jing was frightened by her sudden change of attitude, but she had to be brave and said: "what's busy?"

"My letter of appointment has been left in the teahouse. If you go and get it back for me, I won't go up. Otherwise, the cuttlefish will covet my beauty and refuse to let me go."

Zheng Jing was relieved to hear that he was helping her get things.

As long as you don't let him kill Yu Mo!

He would like to say, in addition to Mu Qing, no one will covet your beauty any more! What kind of person is Yu Mo? He can't even covet Zhao An'an!Zheng Jing turned back to the teahouse and quickly took back the letter of appointment in Zhao an's mouth, but he had doubts on his face: "is this letter really for you? Are you kidding me, are you going to be the principal of X university? "

Zhao an an goes to X University as the principal. Will the employment rate of the school drop sharply this year? Will not even one student be recruited next year!

Can a headmaster be any one? This is too hasty!

Zhao an snatched his engagement letter and glared discontentedly: "why, do you have any opinions! It's very insightful to ask me to be the president. I'm sure that I can turn X university into the top university in the world and step down all the Harvard Cambridge schools in the future

She was so arrogant that Zheng Jing could only suppress the impulse to roll her eyes and boast with her: "yes, yes, X has you, and will definitely be the first in the world in the future."

Zhao An'an nodded with satisfaction, then waved a big hand to him: "OK, your final value has been used up by me, you can quit!"

Zheng Jing refused to go, standing upright, Lang said: "you are alone outside, how can I rest assured, I still accompany you!"

Zhao an looked at him suspiciously: "when did you care so much about me?"

Zheng Jing's face did not change: "I have been very concerned about you? It's just that you didn't find out. "

Zhao an soon got a layer of goose bumps on his body, and said with disgust: "you go away quickly. These two days, you talk so strangely. It's not your style at all. If you are sick, you should find MuQing to prescribe medicine. Don't show off in the street!"

Zheng Jing was Zhao an "show off coquettish" four words angry inverted!

He didn't want to follow her if she was not worried about the danger of her wandering around alone!

He went back to guard the gentle Zheng Lun. How nice to play chess with her! , the fastest update of the webnovel!