Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 575

Who knows, the next moment Yu Mo unexpectedly said: "marriage and career are not in conflict. After you get married, you can live in city a for a long time and be busy with your business. It happens that I have my own business to be busy with. I was worried about getting married in the future, and you're bored at home alone. Now that you've solved the last problem, I'm relieved. "

Don't worry. Don't worry!

Don't worry. I'm not sure!

Zhao an's eyes rolled in anger, but the cuttlefish didn't seem to be out of the ordinary. He said as if they had known each other for several years. They only met for less than an hour, OK!

What does it mean to solve the last problem?! There are countless problems between them, and none of them has been solved!

Zhao An'an thinks that if he talks to Yu Mo again, he will be dizzy!

She patted the table cleanly and said in a loud voice, "to tell you the truth, I don't like men at all! I like women, so you can die of this heart

Yu Mo looked at her lightly, picked up the tea in front of her and sipped it gently: "it doesn't matter whether you like a man or a woman. The important thing is that you are a woman and I like women."

Zhao an was completely defeated by him. Grandma, where did she find this freak! No, this person and Jing Yichen also know each other. Is it jingyichen who comes to deal with her?

But this person is too difficult to deal with, she is simply a fiasco!

In her limited life, in addition to jingyichen, she has never been so crazy!

Zhao an was powerless to lie on the table and said with a sad face: "mayor, do you always have a grudge against me?"

"Of course not!"

"Don't hate you for forcing me to death like that?"

"Didn't your family agree to the blind date? I didn't force you to come. "

"But I don't like you, can't you see it?" Zhao an wanted to cry without tears.

Yu Mo confidently said: "it doesn't matter, you will like it later."

"I have someone I like!"

"I don't mind. As long as you are mine, you can't lose your heart."

"I don't like to be divorced and have a child!"

"My son is very sensible. I have nothing to do with my ex-wife. You can rest assured."

"I don't like the older ones!"

"In fact, you can't be older than any other person when I'm eight years old. In fact, you can't be older than me when I'm eight years old."

Zhao an turned her eyes speechless, and then lay on the table and pretended to be dead.

She doesn't want to marry this cuttlefish. He's terrible! It's more terrifying than jingyichen, because he's more shameless than jingyichen! The most humble person is invincible!

She has just escaped from MuQing, and will she fall into the hands of this cuttlefish?

Are mayors so cheeky? How can you confuse black and white?

"Is there anything else you want to ask me?" Yu Mo asked Zhao an an very gentlemanly.

Zhao an said powerless: "no more."

What are you asking? What are you asking for!

"Well, since there is no more, let's go." Yu Mo stood up, picked up the car key, ready to go out.

Zhao an raised his head and asked, "where to go?"

Yu Mo quietly looked at her, spit out three words: "Civil Affairs Bureau."

"Ah!" Zhao an almost fell out of his chair!

"I've got someone to figure it out. Today is a lucky day for marriage."

"I - no - go!" Zhao an roared, "I won't marry you!"

It's time to meet. Go to get the certificate!

How hungry and thirsty the cuttlefish is!

"Why are you dating me today if you don't marry me?" Yu Mo seems to find her a little strange.

Zhao an's eyes widened. What kind of ghost logic is this!

To promise a blind date is to marry him? As expected, it is a cuttlefish without intelligence quotient!

There is no way to communicate!

How on earth did this man become mayor? City B's economy has been depressed recently. Is it because he is a new mayor who has a lot of brains?

Zhao an can't stay for a minute. She wants to get away from this man. There are many wonderful flowers every year, especially this year. She doesn't want to fight with a wonderful flower who is worth fighting with.

As soon as she wanted to go out, the door of the elegant room was pushed open. Zhao An'an looked up and was overjoyed: "Zheng Jing?"

She did not have time to think about it. She immediately turned to Yu Mo and said, "mayor, I'm really sorry. My boyfriend has come to pick me up for a date. If you have a good chat with my brother, I'll go first!"

Then Yu Mo couldn't react, and no matter Zheng Jing was too frightened to drop his eyes, Zhao An'an shook Zheng Jing's arm: "honey, how did you come here? Just now someone is going to take me to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get my certificate. Fortunately, you are here, or I'm afraid people will be arrested and become the oppressor! What a frightZhao an an said, pinching Zheng Jing's waist with her hand, and then winking at him.

Zheng Jing was a "dear" call of her hair inverted, listen to her feigning coquettish talk, this morning's meal almost all spit out!

It's really not suitable for a woman like Zhao An'an! Although she is also very beautiful, is a beauty in a million, but she does not have a bit of delicate temperament, proper cute girl appearance, man's heart!

Take a look at her strength, he must have a big green waist now!

Zheng Jingqiang resisted the pain in his waist and nodded to Yu Mo in embarrassment: "Mayor Yu, let's laugh at you. An'an is not sensible. Don't blame me."

"It's OK. She's a good girl with true temperament, but if I had known she was the girlfriend of officer Zheng, I would not have come to see her today." Yu Mo looks calm, not even half angry.

Zhao an looked at them in surprise: "do you know?"

Zheng Jing couldn't tear down Zhao An'an's platform, so he couldn't explain that he and Zhao an were not boyfriend and girlfriend. He could only squeeze out a smile and said, "yes, and I've known each other for many years. I've solved a case with Mayor Yu."

Zhao an thought that it was right. Yu Mo was originally a criminal police officer, and later became the director of the Public Security Bureau. Although he and Zheng Jing are not in the same city, there are cross city cases, and cooperation between the two cities is common.

Let's not get to know each other again! My brother has something to talk to the mayor. Let's not get in the way here! "

Her subtext is that if she doesn't go, she won't be able to leave if she is caught by jingyichen!

Of course, Zheng Jing knew what she meant. He came to save the field by chance, but he didn't mean to bring her out! , the fastest update of the webnovel!