Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 574

Zhao an is interrupted by Jing Yichen. When she faces Yu Mo alone, she doesn't panic. It's as if the person who robbed others was not her at all.

She sat on the opposite side of Yu Mo with a natural look and planned to have a good talk with him.

"Well, mayor Mo, now that you have introduced yourself, now I will introduce myself as well!"

Zhao an put a cup of tea that jingyichen had not touched before. She took it and drank it up. Without waiting for Yu Mo's consent, she said directly: "my name is Zhao An'an, 28 years old. From a city, except for fighting, she has no special skills. She can't cook, wash clothes, do housework, have no brain, no body, no appearance, typical three no products. ”

when she finished, she waited for Yu Mo's reaction.

Yu Mo glanced at her and said faintly, "there are servants to do the housework. You don't need to do it. It's OK to fight. You can't beat me. "

Zhao an is speechless. How can she forget that this man is a special soldier!

She scares people with her little skilful fighting skills, and they won't pay any attention to them at all.

"As for the three noes you said..." Yu Mo's expression was indifferent, and his tone was not frivolous: "you are very beautiful, and you have a good figure, but it's true that you don't have a brain. It's not a good thing for a woman to be too smart."

Zhao an's dress today still has a little neutral style, but the clothes are all selected by Mrs. Zhao, so it's not the black she usually wears.

Her upper body is a light purple Short Sleeve Chiffon shirt, which is solemn and elegant. Moreover, the chiffon shirt is slightly transparent, and the white underwear she is wearing is faintly visible.

Her lower body is a pair of nine point white trousers and a pair of white flat shoes, which makes her legs straight and slender, which makes her eyes shine.

Zhao an can barely accept this dress. In fact, as long as she is not allowed to wear a skirt, she will not have too much reaction to wear other clothes. She just likes to dress herself up to be more handsome and cool. How can she be cool in a skirt.

In order to save time, she used to wear suspenders and shorts on the street, but always attracted men's attention, so she didn't wear them.

Zhao An'an's facial features are actually very beautiful. Zhao Zhao is a beautiful girl. Zhao An'an inherited her mother's gene, with a beautiful oval face, almond eyes, a nose with a raised nose and a good lip shape. So Yu Mo said that she was beautiful and did not lie, but really felt that she was beautiful.

However, most people like the beauty of girls, men usually like gentle, charming, and do not like too neutral, otherwise they always feel that they are in love with a good friend.

However, Zhao An'an didn't appreciate Yu Mo's saying that she was beautiful and her figure was good, because he said she had no brain at all!

She said that she had no brain, that was called modesty, but she didn't really think that she had no brain. This person was really serious, and said something as if it were true!

However, Zhao an is not going to argue with Yu mo.

"Not only do I have no brain, I'm still sick. I may not live for a few years. Do you like to marry a sick seedling back?" No one wants to go back with a sick wife, right? Zhao an was very proud, and felt that he had a chance to win.

"It doesn't matter. I knew that for a long time. Before we met, your family told me all about you. I can accept it." Yu Mo is still light, neither angry nor displeased.

Zhao an, lying on the table, deliberately approached Yu Mo and said in a low voice, "I have cancer, cancer! Do you know? This is an incurable disease, cancer, death

"Well, I know, I've had stomach cancer, do you have anything else to say?" Yu Mo looks indifferent to throw out an explosive news.

Zhao an's mouth was wide. If she hadn't put her chin on the table, she would have fallen off in surprise!

"You too?! It's impossible. There's no such a coincidence

Zhao an was suspicious and refused to believe Yu Mo's words.

"Cancer is very common now, but gastric cancer is relatively easy to treat. If it is discovered early, if the stomach is removed in time, there will be no danger. In the future, you can live to be at least 70-80 years old, just like normal people. You don't need to talk about cancer color change. As far as I know, your cancer has also been cured, but there is a certain incidence rate. You are scaring yourself. The more scared you are, the higher the probability of recurrence. You should relax and enjoy your life

Yu Mo didn't explain his illness too much, but tried to persuade Zhao An'an with a calm look.

Zhao An'an didn't hear what he said. She only had the word "stomach cancer" in her mind. It turned out that this cuttlefish was in the same boat with her and had a terminal illness. It was very sad.

A flash of light flashed in her mind and she said, "then you should not find a wife who has also suffered from cancer. Otherwise, both of them will die and your son will have no one to take care of! You should find someone who is in good health. Even if you are not here, you can take care of your son for you

"No, my ex-wife is in good health and will take care of my son. That is his mother and should be better than his stepmother.""Yes, yes, I was a stepmother in the past. I can't take good care of your son. I can't even take care of myself. If I hurt your son again, it will be bad!"

"It's OK. My son is seven years old. He has a strong ability to take care of himself. There are servants at home. His grandparents are also there. You don't need to take care of him."

"But..." Zhao an did not give up and racked his brains to find his own problem: "but I don't like children!"

Yu Mo seems to have not understood her words, the face is not red, the heart does not jump: "you do not like that does not live."

Zhao an scratched his short hair. Is this man really stupid or pretending to be stupid? How can oil and salt not enter!

"Well, I'll tell you, we're really out of place. You can't help but understand the truth." Zhao an had no idea, so he had to open up the matter.

"I think it's appropriate."

"I I don't want to get married so early. As you can see, my brother asked me to be the headmaster just now! I'm a person with a strong sense of career. I don't have time to think about feelings now. I have to concentrate on being a good headmaster! "

Zhao An'an said that she was guilty, but she said it bravely, which is a good reason! Originally, Jing Yichen found a headmaster's job for her, but she was not willing to do it. She didn't expect it would be useful so soon!

When Yu Mo heard her words, he was silent for a moment.

Zhao an's heart a joy, it seems that Yu Mo is also a career oriented man! , the fastest update of the webnovel!