Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 573

"Brother, are you right?"

The words "Comrade Zhao An'an" on it are really her, Zhao An'an?

Jing Yi Chen looked at her faintly and pinched out her last bit of luck: "yes, you are."

Dear brother, Hello, can you make a big joke!

How many catties do she have? Does she not know?

To be an English teacher is still struggling. After all, she can speak English very well, but when the principal? She can't be such a big official!

"That Elder brother, I know that you are good to me and love me. I am afraid that I will be expelled by the headmaster again, so I will be a headmaster. But where can I have such a big ability? You should change my position quickly. I am still interested in being a teacher. "

"Don't be late tomorrow. The headmaster needs to give an induction speech when he takes office. You are going to prepare for it tonight. All the teachers and students will see that if you don't feel shameful and unprepared, don't say it's my cousin."

Jing Yichen said, then stood up, picked up his black leather bag, go out.

"You talk first. When you're finished, I'll talk to Mayor Yu. If you run away, you should know what the consequences are."

Zhao an's face has turned into a bitter gourd face. It is a small matter to make a blind date with the mayor of cuttlefish. After all, it's just a blind date. It's impossible to get married immediately. She can tell Grandma that if this man is not suitable, she can get rid of it.

The most frightening thing for her is to be the president of X university!

It's hard for her to escape even if she wants to!

In the past, she felt that it was a very happy thing to have a cousin who had a means to communicate with the sky, because he could settle everything. With him, he could also sleep peacefully when he poked a hole in the sky.

Now, she really felt that her cousin's tactics were too good to be a good thing!

Zhao an didn't give up. He ran to the door and blocked the door to prevent jingyichen from going out: "brother, brother! You can't push your sister into the fire pit! When I was the headmaster, didn't it hurt all the students in the school? You can't shine the future of the motherland

"The principal only needs to direct the overall situation and coordinate the work of the whole school teachers. You don't need to teach. The quality of students has nothing to do with you."

"Commanding the overall situation? Just me? Brother, don't tease me, OK? I can't even direct myself. I'm going to command all the professors in the school? I work on the heat of three minutes, looking forward to regardless of the future, X is sure to be destroyed in my hands! I will be scolded to death

X university is one of the top quality universities in China, and its assessment index is very high every year. It depends not only on the faculty, but also on the employment rate and the development of the students after three years' employment. It also has to participate in the selection of various awards. If it fails to meet the requirements, the ranking will drop slowly, and the enrollment situation in the next year will be very poor.

Zhao an was a teacher in X university. She knew a lot about it, but at the same time, she felt that her head was big! At that time, it was Jing Yichen's contribution that she was able to evaluate the title of a professor. At that time, her own level, even publishing papers, was a problem. How could she become a professor!

If she becomes the principal, X big to be tossed and disabled, still can't be torn by those students and parents!

This responsibility is too heavy, her weak shoulder really can not afford it!

Once she became the headmaster, she really had no leisure time to live!

"Brother, please take this letter back, I can't be the headmaster!"

"This letter of appointment is for you. The appointment has passed through the Education Bureau today and has been distributed to the school. Even if the letter of appointment is collected, you have already been employed, and you will still go to work tomorrow."

Jing Yi Chen seldom patiently explains with Zhao An'an, but after explaining, Zhao An'an is even more panicked.

"This, this, this I'm totally unprepared! How can I manage a good school! Brother, why don't you tell me in advance? I also have a transitional period. What will I say in my speech tomorrow! I can't do anything! "

Jing Yichen looked at her and said a pertinent comment: "pig brain, even speech can't!"

"Yes, yes, I'm a pig's brain. But elder brother, you can't push me into the fire pit. If you hurt me like this, I'll report to my sister-in-law!"

"All right, don't make a fuss. Just go to work. You will have an assistant to the principal. He will help you with some work. You just need to cooperate."

Jing Yichen is not afraid that Zhao An'an will sue shangguanning. After all, shangguanning asked him to arrange the job, but he didn't want Zhao an to annoy his wife, so he had to talk about the principal assistant.

Zhao an an listened to him say so, the heart that has been in suspense finally let go.

She said, jingyichen can't ignore her at all and let her spoil a high-quality university.

"Ha ha, I knew you were the best to me! So Is there an assistant to help me write the speech? But I remember that President min used to speak to someone who wrote for him. Can't I be a headmaster? "

"Maybe in the future, but not tomorrow. Write by yourself!"Zhao An'an's face drooped again.

Where can she write a speech!

"You don't want to open the door because you want me to listen to your blind date? If you don't mind, I'll just sit by. "

Zhao an was startled and quickly let the door open. He flattered him by saying, "jingshao, you go well, you go well!"

She can't let Jing Yichen listen to her talk to mayor of cuttlefish, or she will be shot dead by him.

When jingyichen came out of the door, Zhao an suddenly remembered and asked, "brother, what about the former headmaster min?"? He was fired? "

"No, he was demoted and is now vice president." Jing Yichen's step does not stop, but the voice comes over.

"So he's going to be my man? I am his leader? "

Jing Yichen did not pay attention to Zhao An'an any more and went to another elegant room directly.

Zhao an doesn't mind his indifference at all, but is inexplicably excited. She has long been unhappy with the headmaster min. now is it possible to clean up the old thing?

It's very kind of you, but you'll have to settle with her if you're fired!

It's better to find a reason to make the old man shameless and expel him!

After a while, Zhao an forgot about the great pressure to be promoted to the president, and instead he only thought about how to use his position to revenge.

Anyway, she is the most clear, he can't really let her support a university on her own. The assistant provided for her can certainly solve most of the problems. She just pretends. , the fastest update of the webnovel!