Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 562

Shangguan Ning can't understand why Jing Rui likes water so much. Is it because she soaked in the sea water for a long time when she was about to give birth?

Looking at Jing Rui's appearance, it is estimated that when he grows up a little, he will be able to learn how to swim.

Give Jing Rui a bath to wash half son, MI Xiaoxiao then went to the door.

Li duo, who is guarding the door, greets Shangguan Ning with his walkie talkie and opens the door to let Mi Xiaoxiao in.

Mi Xiaoxiao is the first time to come to shangguanning's home. She has never dared to come before, because although she has a good relationship with shangguanning, Jing Yichen is the president and the highest leader of Jingsheng group. She is afraid of meeting this cruel leader.

She didn't dare to come today when she learned that he was not at home.

Shangguan Ning came out of the bathroom to meet her and gave her a hug with a smile: "director MI, welcome to visit! My humble house is full of splendor

Mi Xiaoxiao laughed and trembled: "Yo Yo, Shangguan vice president, do you always give me a promotion? I became the director? Thank you. Thank you. You are a good man

Shangguan Ning smile more brilliant than she: "sorry ah, just a slip of tongue, deputy director of rice!"

"Oh, stingy! I have such a hard relationship that I haven't got the director yet. What a good face

Mi Xiaoxiao complained discontented. She said, she took out an invoice from the small bag and handed it to shangguanning: "this is the invoice of my last blind date. Please give me reimbursement from the vice president. I want cash!"

Shangguan Ning was slightly stunned and took a look. It turned out to be the invoice for her lunch with MuQing yesterday. She couldn't help laughing: "it turned out to be the bill you bought! MuQing is really good enough! Don't worry, this meal will be reimbursed. I'll ask Mu Qing for money later. It's just for him to chase women! "

"Well, that's about it!" Mi Xiaoxiao smiles and looks around: "what about the future small president of Jingsheng group? I want to take a picture of the small president quickly. When he grows up and becomes the president, I can use the photo to make a fire! "

Shangguan Ning was amused by her and took her to the bathroom with a smile: "the little president is enjoying the bath. You are very lucky. You can take a nude photo of him!"

Mi Xiaoxiao was also happy: "are you your mother? Also let me take a naked photo of your son. I'm not afraid that I will use the photo to make money in the future! I don't dare to take pictures, otherwise the president will have to remove me as the deputy director! "

She said that taking photos is just talking about it. Although Jing Rui is small now, his identity is extraordinary. His photos from small to large will never be allowed to be disclosed.

Just like jingyichen, before he took over Jingsheng group, no one knew his appearance, even his age was kept secret.

Can't take photos, but look, kneading is always OK. Anyway, jingyichen is not at home. Shangguanning is the mother. She can play with the little guy well!

Mi Xiaoxiao squatted down and looked at Jing Rui for a long time. He said, "did the president take a bath like this when he was a child?"

This person pays attention to the point is really strange, shangguanning thought she wanted to praise Jingrui!

"You may have to ask the old president, he should know it!" she said

Mi Xiaoxiao was scared and shivered: "no, no, no, I just talk about it casually. The old president is more powerful than the new president. I'm a little shrimp. I'm afraid of it!"

Before Jing Yichen took office, MI Xiaoxiao had already worked in Jingsheng group, so she had met Jing Zhongxiu. She always felt that it was the real terror to look at Jing Zhongxiu who was more talkative than jingyichen.

After taking a bath and feeding him milk, Jingrui sleeps in the past, which arouses Mi Xiaoxiao's admiration: "children's life is good. After eating, sleeping and eating, you don't have to worry about being fat!"

"You can live this pig life, too!" Shangguan Ning laughs at her because Mi Xiaoxiao can eat, but she doesn't grow meat. Many female employees of Jingsheng envy her.

Shangguan Ning said, get up and put the sleeping Jing Rui back to his baby room, lest she talk to MI Xiaoxiao and disturb him to sleep.

Mi Xiaoxiao didn't give up looking at Jing Rui and muttered: "it's nothing bad to be a little pig. You can eat and sleep, and you're not stressed. How happy you are!"

Shangguan Ning took her to the living room and sat down with a smile: "why, are you under pressure? Not happy? "

Mi Xiaoxiao picked up the pick on the table and put it into his mouth. He said vaguely, "well, my mother forces me to get married every day. What's good about marriage? You have to wait on her husband and children. If her parents are still alive, she has to pretend to be filial to her daughter-in-law! It's going to be a yellow faced woman in a few days

"Then you won't get married again? A lifetime on your own Shangguan Ning glared at her, "your mother is for you! If you want to take care of others, save yourself! "

When Mi Xiaoxiao ate the pick, he suddenly saw a bright light and said excitedly, "Oh, by the way, I really like a person. It's more suitable for marriage."

"Oh? Who? "


"Go and stay where it's cool! The famous grass has a master, you can't play

"Well, how about this? I'll compete with Zhao An'an to see who can win the beautiful man in the end! I saw Zhao an's mental state yesterday, and I'm quite confident! "Mi Xiaoxiao elated, Shangguan Ning under her back is a slap.

"No more nonsense, I won't treat you!"

Shangguanning was very angry, but Mi Xiaoxiao knew that she was not really angry, nor did she take her words seriously.

She couldn't help being surprised: "do you just believe me? Don't you think I'm going to rob MuQing? The handsome guy is still excellent. Isn't it normal for me to look at him? "

Shangguan Ning looked at her faintly: "who are you? I don't know yet? You won't like MuQing. "

The reason why Shangguan Ning believes Mi Xiaoxiao won't have any thoughts on Mu Qing is that she knows that MI Xiaoxiao is not interested in excellent men, and that she is a person of principle. It is absolutely impossible for Shangguan Ning to rob a man's boyfriend, except for her malicious revenge.

She has no idea of a man like Jing Yichen. She has no idea about Mu Qing, who is deeply in love with other women. Forgive shangguanning. In her eyes, no one is better than Jing Yichen.

Mi Xiaoxiao's love experience is very rich, the speed of changing boyfriends is faster than changing clothes. In fact, she is numb to love, and it is difficult to be attracted to a person.

MuQing is excellent, but it is not enough to attract Mi Xiaoxiao's covet. Her boyfriends are all handsome and handsome. She has even dated with a few famous male stars, so she has strong immunity to excellent and handsome men, but prefers those honest and honest ones, because she thinks such men are more reliable.

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