Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 561

With jingyichen's unforgettable ability, she has lived in Lijing community for such a long time, and has already remembered the appearance of these people.

This beach is a little bit biased. Most of the people who come here for a walk at night are residents of Lijing community. It is normal to see a few strange faces occasionally, but it is very abnormal to see a group of strange faces every day.

Fortunately, these people just come to inquire about the news and observe their life rules, rather than to fight for it. Otherwise, jingyichen would not dare to take shangguanning and Jingrui out for a walk.

These people are all from the Tang family. Jing Yichen has almost touched the bottom of the Tang family, and has formed a circle of encirclement. He is ready to catch all the people and leave no future trouble.

At present, the Tang family has a great influence, but this force is not in a city, so they can't suppress the Jing family.

Jing Yichen has not found out the reason why the Tang family hated him so much. It may be that after the Tang family betrayed him, he was defeated by the Jing family, which made the Tang family hate him, but it could be other reasons.

He has offended many people in his life and killed a lot of people, including jingzhongxiu and jingtianyuan.

How can the growth of every huge force be without killing or bloodshed?

It's normal to have enemies. In fact, the enemies jingyichen is facing is not one or two problems, but many and many.

However, Yang Muyan and Tang family are the only ones who dare to fight him and want his life. The rest of the enemies only dare to fight with him in the mall. They will not attack him directly, nor dare to attack Guan Ning and Jing Rui.

Through the clues provided by jingyiran, Jing Yichen has controlled part of the Tang family's forces. In a few days, all these strange faces on the beach will disappear!

After walking by the sea for a while, a family of three went home. The sea breeze is a little strong. Jing Rui is easy to catch a cold after a long time blowing. He is too small and has low immunity.

Shangguan Ning coaxes Jing Rui to sleep, and jingyichen takes AHU and others into the study.

How can you sleep in bed!

Every time Jing Yichen went out for a walk, he saw those people staring at him and his wife and children with cold eyes, and his heart would be very murderous.

But now they are in a delicate balance. Jingyichen will not take the initiative to kill those people, and the other party has not started against them. At least, even when shangguanning and Jingrui are alone outside, the other side has not started.

Therefore, without full assurance, jingyichen will not rush into action.

However, these two days, jingyichen has made breakthrough progress, can start to cut off the other party's wings!

"Ah Hu, you can arrange people to do it. Those people outside the Tang family don't need to be killed. They don't have high loyalty to the Tang family. It doesn't matter if they let go. However, none of the Tang family's cronies can be let go. There are 12 on the list now, and they will be killed tomorrow!"

Jingyichen's voice is cold. In the past, those people caught him and tortured him. The important thing is that these people must die!

Ah Hu immediately replied, "yes, young master, don't worry. One of the twelve will not survive."

Jingyichen nodded lightly, and then said to Li duo and Li Feidao: "protect a Ning and Jing Rui these days. There may be danger. You should deal with it at any time. I'll tell ah Ning not to go out these days. "

"Don't worry, young master. We will protect young lady and young master," Li said in a low voice

Li Feidao did not speak, but also nodded.

Shangguan Ning has made a huge and complicated plan for Zhao An'an, and Jing Yichen has also made a huge plan for the Tang family. The difference is that Jing Yichen is also an important part of the plan.

If he is not involved in danger, the other party will not try his best, then he can not eliminate all the wings of the other party.

Jingyichen rearranged several steps of the plan again, and it lasted until late at night before he left the study.

In her bedroom, shangguanning is half lying on her bed with a floor lamp and a bedside lamp on. Liyu technology is ready to go on the market. Her boss needs to sort out the complicated data.

Seeing jingyichen come in, she put the information aside and reached out to him.

Jingyichen smiles and goes to embrace her. She kisses her hard on her lips and says in a low voice, "I've been waiting for me to get a hug?"

Shangguan Ning blinked his eyes and put his arm around his generous waist and said, "I want to kiss again!"

"I've already done it. What else?"

"No, that doesn't count. It was your kiss before I said it. Now I say yes, you should kiss again!"

"So clear?"

Shangguan Ning angry: "are you pro or not?"

Jingyichen deliberately teases her: "if I don't kiss?"

Shangguan Ning immediately raised his head, stuck jingyichen's lips, bit him, and said with a smile: "then I'll kiss you! Anyway, you look so handsome, I won't suffer any loss! "Jingyichen lowered her head and gave her a deep kiss.

The entanglement of lips and tongue aroused a strange tide of love.

Jing Yichen breath slightly disordered, but did not forget to tell shangguanning: "baby, these days at home stay obediently, don't go anywhere, I want to clean up the Tang family, they may fight back."

Shangguan Ning looked at him with clear and bright eyes, and said in a soft voice, "OK, I know. I'm not going anywhere. I'm waiting for you at home with my son. You should be careful not to take risks."

"Well, I'll be careful."

Her promise was a little vague.

The temperature in the bedroom is rising rapidly. The two bodies overlap and caress each other. In the dim light, they climb to the top of the cloud.

The next day, jingyichen gets up fresh and clear, but shangguanning can't get up. Last night, jingyichen has made her miserable, and now she is all over with pain.

Jing Yichen looked at his wife's delicate face and sad eyes. He could not help feeling very good. He gave his wife a light kiss, and then left with ah Hu.

Shangguanning doesn't have the habit of sleeping in. Now with Jingrui, she won't sleep in.

Although her whole body is a little sour and soft, she still gets up very quickly, cleans up herself, and bathes Jingrui with sister-in-law.

Jing Rui likes to take a bath very much, which makes shangguanning feel very surprised.

Every time he takes a bath, he laughs and seems to like water very much.

Sister in law is introverted and doesn't like to talk. But she takes care of Jing Rui very much. She is very happy to see him take a bath. She has taken care of many new born babies before. Most of them don't like to take a bath. Once they get into the water, they cry and make a lot of noise. It's the first time that Jing Rui likes bathing so much.

"The young master loves to take a bath and likes water. This is a good thing. The old people often say that such a child will be particularly healthy."

Take a bath to get rid of the filth, so the old people generally believe that children who love bathing have no filth and will be particularly strong. , the fastest update of the webnovel!