Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 563

Mi Xiaoxiao was in a good mood when her good friend trusted her.

"Well, since you believe me so much, I'll give up Mu Qing's idea."

In fact, she wanted to ask where the honest and handsome guy who drove the Rolls Royce team to pick them up last time, but she hesitated for a moment, but she still didn't ask.

Ah Hu is obviously jingyichen's person, she still don't provoke.

Shangguan Ning knows that MI Xiaoxiao will not make MuQing's idea. Although she looks very unreliable and likes to seduce men, she is colder than anyone else.

After being hurt by her feelings, she always feels that men are unreliable.

Shangguan Ning stretched out his hand to pinch Mi Xiaoxiao's face and said with a smile: "you have helped me so much. I will introduce you a good one later! It's time to get married. I'll stand on the same front with your mother and help you solve your life problems

Mi Xiaoxiao bluff: "don't, one of my mother is enough for me, plus you, I will be driven crazy by you! I don't want to get married. It's so good to be alone now. I can tease and play with a handsome man. It's boring to be like you and have to look after children at home

"When you have a child, you won't say that. Although it takes a lot of energy to take care of a child, it will be more happy to watch him grow up slowly than to do anything. Besides, if everyone thinks like you, human beings will be extinct Shangguan Ning shook his head and made up his mind to help Mi Xiaoxiao find a suitable one.

Mi Xiaoxiao is not from the appearance Association. She doesn't have high requirements for men's appearance. She just likes honest people, and she likes simple personality and no love experience.

But now shangguanning does not have a suitable candidate and is not entangled with this issue. The most important thing at present is to solve Zhao An'an.

She told Mi Xiaoxiao about her next plan. Mi Xiaoxiao laughed like a fox: "don't worry. I'm good at this."

After taking the task, MI Xiaoxiao looked at her watch and was about to leave immediately. Shangguan Ning wanted to leave her for lunch at home. She did not agree, so Shangguan Ning had to give up.

Having dinner with shangguanning is no problem, but having dinner with jingyichen, MI Xiaoxiao thinks that she must have indigestion.

Shangguan Ning sent Mi Xiaoxiao out of the door. After watching her enter the elevator, Shangguan Ning turned around and entered the house.

But as soon as she entered the door, the elevator door opened again. Mi Xiaoxiao came to Li duo, who was like a door god at the door. She asked, "where is AHU, this big brother?"

Li duo slightly a Leng, but the next moment in the heart is very vigilant.

Xiaoyi Tang suddenly asked Xiaohu what the trouble is to find a secret?

"No Li duo faintly spits out two words, then looks to the other place, ignores Mi Xiaoxiao.

If Mi Xiaoxiao was not shangguanning's friend, he would not be so polite now. Ah Hu's whereabouts can never be inquired about. Knowing where he is is is equivalent to knowing the location of jingyichen. He is always following Jing Yichen.

Mi Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes with no image.

Nonsense, of course she knows ah Hu is not here. If she is here, she still needs to ask you!

However, she was very clever and didn't ask again. Obviously, the person in front of her would not tell her where ah Hu had gone. She had wanted to have a chat with ah Hu, but now it seems that she can't talk.

Mi Xiaoxiao soon left. As soon as she left, Li duo immediately ordered people to check Mi Xiaoxiao.

Although Mi Xiaoxiao's identity has been checked for a long time, she has nothing to do with any forces, but if it is found out, or what forces she has just joined recently, it will be dangerous.

Mi Xiaoxiao, who drove out of Lijing District, didn't know at all. She asked "ah Hu" because she talked a lot. Then she was investigated. Her family, work and previous boyfriends were all found out. There were more than 200 names!

Mi Xiaoxiao doesn't know that her love history has been dug up, and the list of love history will be handed to ah Hu. She only knows that she seems to have been followed.

Tracking people tracking technology is too amateur, MI Xiaoxiao easily found her - Zhao an.

At the same time, she also received a message from shangguanning to remind her: the target has been hooked, and it's up to you!

Zhao an, sitting in a taxi, said to the driver nervously, "master, keep up with the red BMW in front of you!"

"Don't worry, I'm so skilled that I can't lose it!" The driver is very confident in his tracking technology, and Zhao An'an has just given him a tip of 100 yuan. Of course, he has to work hard!

Zhao An'an looks at the BMW and the license plate number and knows that he is not with the wrong person.

She called Zheng Jing early this morning to ask him to check the vehicle information of MuQing's new "girlfriend".

Zheng Jing did not live up to his trust. In an hour, he told Zhao an an about Mi Xiaoxiao's car model and license plate number, and also gave Mi Xiaoxiao's current position as a gift.So Zhao An'an slipped out of the house again, took a taxi with the money from Zheng Jing, and went straight to MI Xiaoxiao's position.

Mi Xiaoxiao driving, not slow forward, seems to have no idea of being followed.

She made a detour and went straight to Mu's hospital.

Zhao an's road to Mu's hospital was already ripe and could not be cooked any more. Seeing Mi Xiaoxiao go to the hospital, he felt as if there was a fire burning in his heart. He was angry and anxious.

She knew that Mu Qing must have taken a fancy to that fox spirit.

We met yesterday, and today I took them to the hospital!

They didn't know where they went after dinner yesterday!

Zhao an scolded the two men in his heart, but subconsciously he felt that Mu Qing would not mix with that fox spirit.

She has known Mu Qing for so many years, but she still knows Mu Qing's character. He may like to make fun of beautiful women and even tease others, but he has never done anything sorry for her.

A person's character is impossible to change suddenly.

Even if Mu Qing is close to the beauty now, Zhao an's heart is sour to get angry, but she still thinks that Mu Qing can't roll the bed sheet with the beauty so soon.

But now they seem to have a good relationship, which is for sure. Otherwise, how could Mu Qing allow this woman to come to the hospital to find him!

This is the place where MuQing works. Let that fox spirit come. Isn't it right to say to all the people in the hospital, look, I have a heart for a girlfriend!

Mi Xiaoxiao entered the hospital, parked the car, then took a small bag, stepped on high-heeled shoes, swaying into the automatic door of the hospital. , the fastest update of the webnovel!