Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 560

Besides, her parents should be close to each other. Otherwise, Zheng Lun would have to suffer a lot if she was criticized by her mother-in-law.

She takes her daughter as a treasure and grows up. She dotes on her like a princess. How can she allow others to bully her daughter.

Her requirements are too high, so over the years, Pei Xinhua has also found three or four suitable just, but Zheng Lun did not like one, even refused to see people.

Recently, in view of her brother and sister's unspeakable care, Pei Xinhua can't care a lot. As long as the man's character is good, she would like to introduce Zheng Lun.

Just not willing to let her daughter live with Zheng Jing all the time, how can there be no problem? When that time really happened irreparable things, where she regret to go!

The best way is to find her a close husband, let her marry out.

During dinner, Pei Xinhua took a look at her daughter's look. Seeing that she seemed in a good mood, he tried to open his mouth: "Lun Lun, do you want to go out to play recently?"

Zheng Lun looks stiff and slightly unnatural.

She only went out to play with her brother today. Did she know?

She was so flustered that she could not help looking up at Zheng Jing and asking him for help.

Zheng Jing deliberately did not look at her, so as not to be suspected by his mother. He took a sip of soup and said to Pei Xinhua, "Mom, do you want to take Lun Lun out to play? Why just ask her not me, you are too partial! I'm going out to play too

His understatement of a word, immediately resolved the plight of Zheng Lun, let the atmosphere become relaxed.

Pei Xinhua knocked his son on the head with chopsticks: "eat your meal, I'll talk to your sister, you shut up!"

Zheng Lun has already reflected now. Pei Xinhua doesn't know about her going out with her brother today. She just asked casually.

She looked up at Pei Xinhua with a smile: "what's the matter? Does mother want to take me out to play? If it's with mom, I'll go. "

Zheng Lun is pure is true, but the number of times she was pit, she will also leave a heart.

Pei Xinhua used this trick before, saying that she was taking her out to play. The result was actually a blind date. When she got to a place, Pei Xinhua would find an excuse to leave and let her get along with other men alone.

That's why Zheng Lun said in advance that if she went out to play with Pei Xinhua, she would go. If there were other things, she would not go.

When Pei Xinhua saw that her daughter didn't accept the move, he was not in a hurry. He took vegetables for her and said, "I'm sure I'll go with you, but there are others. You know more friends. Your friends are too few."

Zheng Lun was afraid that her mother would throw her away to a strange man. She didn't like blind date very much. She already had someone in her heart. She didn't want to waste time and force herself to chat and eat with strange men.

She immediately hugged Pei Xinhua's arm and said, "Mom, just let's go out and play, OK? Don't take other people. I don't know where to put my hands and feet when I see an outsider. It's not good. "

Although Pei Xinhua is a little soft hearted because of her coquetry, she has promised that she will take her daughter to see each other. What's more, Zheng Lun knows too few people, especially men, she can talk to Zheng Jing normally, other men she is not willing to say more.

She made up her mind to take Zheng Lun on a blind date, but she had to think about how to cheat Zheng Lun.

Because the date's object is very good in all aspects, and her age is similar to Zheng Lun's. The key is that she has a good temper. Her parents, Pei Xinhua, have met her. They are university professors with high quality and are very kind-hearted. After Zheng Lun gets married, no one will be angry with her.

People also want to find a quiet little Jasper girl, do not like that kind of girl who is too strong and can toss.

Pei believes that two children should be suitable.

She must let Zheng Lun meet with others. What if it is? However, she will always be with her daughter, not like the last time, leaving her daughter alone. Zheng Lun is too timid. She was scared to cry on her last blind date. She was blinded by her husband. She didn't know where she was offended.

Nowadays, blind date is a common and common thing. There are so many left over men and women. Many people get acquainted with each other through introductions and blind dates, and then get married and have children.

Pei Xinhua did not expect that her daughter should be so exclusive to blind date, even more to strange men.

She didn't press Zheng Lun too hard tonight. She planned to talk to her tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Just let her have a preparation in mind. Anyway, she was not in a hurry. Her appointment was a week later. She was specially free to do her daughter's ideological work.

Zheng Lun naively thought that his mother gave up, but Zheng Jing could see clearly that Pei Xinhua just slowed down the steps and pushed forward a little bit.

However, Zheng Jing didn't take the blind date seriously. He thought that this time would be the same as before, and there would be no progress. At most, Zheng Lun would be a little unhappy.

He did not know that Zheng Lun was shaken for the first time!……

At night, three members of shangguanning's family took a walk by the sea.

Jingyichen pushes the baby carriage, and Jing Rui lies in it comfortably. From time to time, he makes a "ah" sound, which seems to be talking to his father.

Unfortunately, he couldn't understand his Martian Language, and he laughed at him: "every day, when can we have a good time?"

Shangguan Ning refuted him for his son: "when you were more than two months old, I'm afraid it won't be ah, oh, ah!"

Jing Yichen confidently said: "when I was a child, what I learned was not Chinese, but English, so I didn't say ah, oh, well, all I said was ABC!"

"Oh, so you can speak English in more than two months? Honey, you broke another Guinness world record

Jingyichen touched his chin, this blow up!

"Er I may have got it wrong, not necessarily! "

Shangguan Ning finally can't help laughing, she is really rare jingyichen eat shriveled appearance!

Jing Yichen also followed with a smile, coagulation with Shangguan, always his most relaxed mood, the most pleasant time.

They two people talk and laugh, but not far behind the tiger and other people.

It's not that jingyichen is too careful, but there are more and more strange faces around Lijing District these two days. For example, there are many people who come for a walk by the seaside, but these people are mixed with some strange faces.

All the people who live in Lijing District, jingyichen has checked it out before moving in. Even inside and outside the property are all his people. , the fastest update of the webnovel!