Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 559

This is the second time that Zheng Jing said such a thing today. However, the address is different. This time, he called "Qiqi", which is her own name.


Zheng Lun gently and softly called out, the deep feeling in the eyes, almost full to overflow in general.

"Brother, brother..."

She unconsciously repeated the two words, as if only in this way, to express the love of her heart.

Zheng Jing was called by her heart soft into a pool of water, can no longer restrain himself, bow in his long-awaited bright red lips on the kiss.

Zheng Lun's rapid heartbeat seems to stop beating at this moment!

She longed for her brother to kiss her, but she was afraid that she was greedy for such intimacy and would want more!

Under the green cherry tree, Zheng Jing is eager to take, sucking her soft lips, knocking open her shell teeth, chasing her lilac small tongue.

Between her lips and teeth, there is still a cherry fragrance and sweetness, which makes Zheng Jing intoxicated in an instant.

He repressed himself for too long and longed for too long. Once he was released, he felt like a madman. He put his big hand around Zheng Lun's waist and kiss him heartlessly.

Zheng Lun was kissed by him. He had no strength. He leaned on Zheng Jing's chest. His cheeks were moist and red, and his breath was disordered.

She likes her brother to kiss her.

But she had no experience and was too nervous and shy. She could only passively bear the kiss of Zheng Jing.

I don't know how long it took Zheng Jingcai to finish the kiss.

Zheng Lun panted a little, and her fingers unconsciously covered Zheng Jing's chest. Soon she found his violent heartbeat.

Her eyes slightly misty raised her head, looking at Zheng Jing's handsome face, and then gently stroked up.

"Brother, kiss me again, I love it..."

In a state of bewilderment, Zheng Lun said the words that embarrassed her.

Zheng Jing immediately satisfied her.

Two people's lips, again close together, even the body is also close, there is no trace of gap.

Zheng Lun tries to respond to Zheng Jing. Although she is very astringent, she makes Zheng Jing kiss more intense.

Like ordinary men and women in love, they kiss each other very much, and their hearts throb violently at the same time.

After a while, Zheng Jing released Zheng Lun, but he only gave Zheng Lun a second's breathing opportunity, and then he kissed him again.

Zheng Lun likes his kiss. He likes to kiss her!

They didn't know how long they had been kissing. Until there were other lovers passing by, Zheng Lun buried his head in Zheng Jing's chest in a panic, afraid to look up.

When the couple saw someone here and they were making love, they knew it was disturbing mandarin duck, so they left quickly.

When they left, Zheng Lun heard clearly that the man said to the woman, "honey, the scenery here is so good, let's find a place to kiss!"

She couldn't help being more shy. She was kissing her brother outside. As a result, she was hit by others. Zheng Lun wanted to find a place to drill in.

Zheng Jing looks at her ostrich like sister. The embarrassment of being knocked down and kissing quickly disappears. He holds Zheng Lun tightly in his arms and kisses her hair gently.

He wished that he could embrace Zheng Lun so tightly all his life. If only the time could stop at this moment!

Of course, time doesn't stop, it just goes on and on.

Happy time is always very short. Zheng Lun felt as if he had been alone with his brother for a while, and the sky was already dark.

Although she didn't give up, she still whispered, "brother, let's go home."

Zheng's mother is very strict with her and Zheng Jing. She is afraid that her brother and sister can't help but make something that shouldn't happen. Therefore, Zheng Lun must go home before dark.

Zheng Jing was also severely warned and reprimanded by Zheng's mother, and now he is hardly allowed to be alone with Zheng Lun.

There was a faint bitterness in Zheng Jing's heart, but also a strong sense of guilt.

Zheng Lun's existence, in fact, is not very different from his own sister. The only difference is that they have no real blood relationship.

However, her name, appearance, and family relationship are the same as his dead sister. At present, this intimate relationship with Zheng Lun has broken through the bottom line and is impacting ethics.

Zheng Jing knows that her mother's insistence is correct. Zheng Lun has actually replaced the dead Zheng Lun and become her real daughter, including her father.

He also knew that Zheng Lun was actually under great pressure, even greater than his pressure. She was very afraid that she would make her parents angry.

Zheng Jing helped Zheng Lun sort out her slightly wrinkled dress, took her hand, and slowly walked down the hill, paid cherry money, and then drove home.

Back home, it was dark.

Zheng's mother looked at her daughter and son's return as usual, slightly relieved in her heart.Zheng's mother's name is Pei Xinhua, a local.

Pei's family is not in the top ten in a city, but it is also a big family. Every generation has produced many capable people.

Pei Xinhua was a famous singer when she was young. After she got married, her mind was all on raising children and taking care of her husband. She gradually quit the singing stage.

It was not until her two children grew up that Pei Xinhua began to learn how to manage the company and the Zheng family's assets that the family assigned to her.

At the same time, perhaps because of years of managing the company and directing the staff, her personality is slightly strong, and many employees in the company are afraid of her.

However, from the point of view of being a mother, she is undoubtedly excellent.

Zheng Jing and Zheng Lun were brought up by herself, and both of them were outstanding. Although Zheng Lun was a little timid and weak because of her personality, she was taught by Pei Xinhua when she was a child. She read extensively, learned various talents, played the piano, drew, sang and danced. Zheng Lun learned everything very well, and her talent is beyond doubt.

Pei Xinhua once lost her daughter and adopted Zheng Lun. She was afraid that Zheng Lun might miss something. She didn't dare to let Zheng Lun go to any dangerous place.

Zheng Lun is so timid now. In addition to her childhood experience, she also has a certain relationship with Pei Xinhua's overprotection.

But Zheng Lun's character has been formed, it is difficult to have a big change, Pei Xinhua had to continue to protect her, and want to find her a reliable husband, protect her for life.

Pei Xinhua thinks his daughter can be called perfect, so he has a high vision of looking for a son-in-law. He should not only have a good appearance, but also have a good family background. The son-in-law should be considerate, caring and tolerant. , the fastest update of the webnovel!