Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 558

Zheng Lun is seldom so lively now. Zheng Jing thinks that he is right to bring her today. The beautiful nature can always make people more relaxed and release human nature.

Seeing her sister happy, Zheng Jing was also very happy: "OK, I'll pick it for you, so that you can eat a full! When you turn back, you can't rely on me

He has been to the cherry orchard many times. The criminal police team basically organizes the criminal police to come out to relax and relax every year. They have been here this year. However, when Zheng Jing came last time, he didn't feel much better. This time, he felt relaxed and happy. What's more, the cherry blossoms are particularly sweet.

Zheng Jing knows that the location has not changed, the environment has not changed, the cherry tree has not changed, and it has become just the people around.

He held Zheng Lun's hand and refused to let go of it for a moment. The intimacy between them would be occasional. When they returned home, they would become brothers and sisters who couldn't cross the river.

The sweet taste of love spreads in two people's hearts at the same time. They all cherish the beauty at the moment. They don't expect eternity, and the short-term possession is enough.

On their way up the road, the brothers and sisters occasionally meet other cherry eaters who come down from above. Almost all of them are lovers in pairs. Like Zheng Jing and Zheng Lun, these lovers hold hands and feed each other cherries happily and sweetly.

The hill is not high. When she got to the middle of the mountain, Zheng Jing stopped and did not go further. She took Zheng Lun under a tall cherry tree and kept picking cherries for her to eat.

Zheng Lun said with a soft smile: "brother, you also eat, I pick my own, I eat much better, you just ate a few."

Zheng Jing couldn't help touching her smooth long hair and whispered, "OK, which one do you like to pick?"

Zheng Lun ate for a while, and then circled happily under the tree: "brother, the cherries on the tree are different from those bought. They are sweet and fresh, so delicious!"

Zheng Lun is wearing a light pink bubble sleeve dress today. The skirt reaches the knee. As soon as she turns around, the skirt floats with her rotation, revealing a part of her snow-white thigh.

Zheng Jing's eyes gradually darkened, staring at the butterfly like sister, smiling and coaxing her: "if you like, we can do it a few more times. It is estimated that the cherry will not fall until July, and then there will be cherry beads that will mature and can be eaten until the end of July."

"Is it?" Zheng Lun is a little surprised. His beautiful eyes are full of hope, which is full of soft and bright light.

"Great! You must bring me here in the future. I like it here. When I get home, I'll draw a picture and let the cherry hang on the tree all the time

Zheng Lun's painting skills are profound, and his paintings of cherry orchard are no exception.

Her voice was soft and tender, with obvious joy. Zheng Jing was slightly remorseful. She had never thought of bringing her to this kind of close to nature environment before. Instead, she took her to some bloody murder scene all day long, which made her pale with fear. She would have nightmares when she went back at night.

He felt that his brain was really kicked by the donkey!

Zheng Lun didn't know his brother's remorse. He picked a handful of cherries and ran happily to Zheng Jing. Then he put the cherries into his mouth one by one.

She tilted her head with a soft smile: "brother, sweet?"

"It's sweet. It's delicious." Zheng Jing felt that he had never eaten such sweet cherries in his life. Was it because the people who picked cherries were different?

Zheng Lun was very happy. After feeding a handful, he stood on tiptoe and reached out to pick cherries. Sometimes it was sent to his mouth, sometimes to Zheng Jing's lips.

The fingers as white as lanolin and cherries as red as agate set off each other. The beauty is incredible.

Zheng Jing ate the cherry she sent to her lips, and could not help kissing Zheng Lun's fingers.

Zheng Lun seemed to be scalded. She quickly retracted her hand and then looked around with a guilty conscience. Seeing that there was no one around, she was relieved. However, her ears were red.

Zheng Jing saw her like a frightened Fawn and said with a smile: "it's OK. There is no one else. It doesn't matter."

What he said was reasonable and forceful, and he didn't mean to avoid any taboo. Zheng Lun gave him a glance with no deterrence, then turned and picked cherry again.

On the lower branches, ripe cherries have been picked up, only the high place can have that kind of very sweet slightly purple cherry.

Unfortunately, Zheng Lun was not tall enough. She could not reach the ripe purple cherry on tiptoe.

She is trying to keep trying, suddenly the whole person soars up, scared her "ah" of a cry.

"It's OK. Don't be afraid. I'll pick the best with you in my arms."

It turned out that Zheng Jing picked her up from behind Zheng Lun.

In this way, Zheng Lun suddenly rose more than one meter, and the ripe cherries were within reach.

Zheng Lun was held by her brother, and there was something strange about her whole body. She always felt that the legs held by her brother were itchy and numb.

She some flustered picked some cherries, and then nervous way: "well, brother, I picked, you quickly let me down."Holding Zheng Lun's legs, Zheng Jing's strange feeling is even more serious than Zheng Lun's. In fact, after embracing her, Zheng Jing regretted.

After being too close, he really can't control himself.

Zheng Lun raised his head and saw her red cheek.

Zheng Jing unconsciously made a swallowing movement, his arm around Zheng Lun's waist, did not loosen, the other hand pinched a cherry, gently put into Zheng Lun's mouth.

Zheng Lun is close to his brother at the moment. Her heart beats very hard. She always feels like she will jump out of the chest next time.

Zheng Jing feed her cherry, she subconsciously bite to eat in, and then gently spit out the core.

Red cherry, bright red lips, in the sun, reflecting an attractive luster.

Zheng Jing's fingers gently stroked her attractive lips, and then stroked her flushed cheek, as if touching the most beloved baby, gentle, doting, with endless attachment.

Zheng Lun's shy face seemed to be burned by fire, but she did not move. She raised her head bravely and looked into her brother's eyes.

She was too greedy for her brother's touch, and even involuntarily put the weight of her whole body on Zheng Jing's body.

"Seven seven, you are beautiful."

Zheng Jing holds Zheng Lun's face and whispers in her ear.

Zheng Jing's warm breath sprayed on Zheng Lun's ears, which made her white ears completely red in an instant.

His voice seemed to come from the deepest part of his heart, and his breath seemed to annihilate her.

Zheng Lun's heart suddenly missed a beat. , the fastest update of the webnovel!