Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 550

Zhao an's anger in his heart is rising slowly. This man really doesn't have a good thing now!

Mu Qing just broke up with her yesterday. Today, she got into a hot fight with a woman who met for the first time! Zheng Jing didn't have anything to do with Zheng Lun. He even wanted to find another woman!

She grabbed Zheng Jing's collar in anger and yelled at him, "I don't allow you to like others!"

The passers-by all laughed at her roar.

"Oh, girls nowadays are so domineering that they keep their boyfriends to death!"

"She just cried in her boyfriend's arms for a long time. Maybe it was the man who fell in love with others that made her angry."

"I don't think her boyfriend is like that kind of person who always gives up. She looks upright and looks good. It's the girl who is too willful."

"That is, I also think she is too overbearing, so fierce, which man would like to take it!"


All around the chatter, Zhao an wanted to scold Zheng Jing's words, and the raw one was choked back!

"What are you looking at! All side son go, idle egg ache is not! This man is not my boyfriend, but my best friend's! I'm helping my best friend teach him a lesson

Zhao An'an is not a submissive master at all. Seeing that others misunderstand her relationship with Zheng Jing, she immediately rants and explains to the public.

As a result, she didn't explain. As soon as she explained, it completely exploded the crowd!

Robbing your best friend and boyfriend is not too much! If there is no such bloody plot in any romantic drama, it will not be called a romantic drama!

As a result, Zhao an was despised by all.

"The little girl is too young to learn well! It's shameless to rob your best friend and boyfriend

"Oh, no wonder I was so sad just now. I dare say that the man refused to ask for her." The tone of the person who said this was gloomy and weird. Zhao An'an wanted to go up and give her a punch!

"I also helped my girlfriend teach my boyfriend a lesson. It's really anecdote. I don't know how to teach him! What are you pretending to be a good man

"Maybe it's time to teach in the street. I'll go home and teach in bed later! Pity her good friend, who knows nothing about the corner

"I don't know who her best friend is. We should help her and tell her about it."


Zhao an was almost angry by these people!

What a mess. These people have too much imagination! When did she rob a man of her best friend? Zheng Jing is like this. She is not rare to give her a dozen!

I don't know anything. I'm still fooling around here. If this really gets to Zheng Lun's ears, she can't explain her ten mouths!

Zheng Jing speechless looking at Zhao An'an, he would like to open her skull to see if it is full of water!

How can she speak without thinking at all!

In this way, others will certainly misunderstand him. Even he heard it, he felt that there was something fishy in it.

If Mu Qing really marries her, she will surely kill her!

Zheng Jing didn't know that at least half of the people in front of him were nurseries from shangguanning!

How can anyone be so nosy these days? People are quarrelling with each other, and others are looking at it at most and persuading them. Which idiot will do it? It's a kind of interest to make a bad family. If you go up and put a foot in it, you'll be unhappy!

Afraid that no one would support Zhao an, Shangguan Ning deliberately arranged people to follow him and was ready to "meddle" at any time in order to deliberately misinterpret the relationship between Zhao An'an and Zheng Jing, and to prepare for forcing Zhao An'an into a position where he could not retreat.

Zhao An'an didn't know that this was a trap for her. However, what she said just provided the possibility of making a rumor.

She is not very good-natured. When she heard that people misunderstood her, she was angry and anxious. She would rush into the crowd and hit people if she didn't want to!

Zheng Jing hugged her with quick eyes and quick hands: "Auntie, can you stop making trouble? I can't protect you any more. There are at least 20 people in the family. If you go up alone, you will surely suffer losses! "

"I don't care. They misunderstand me. Tell them that we have nothing to do with us!"

"Good, good, I say, I say!"

Zheng Jing raised his head and explained to the crowd, "we are ordinary friends. You think too much! Let's all go. The sun is so big here. It's not good to get heatstroke here! "

His explanation is so pale and powerless, what's more, people are not deaf. They have heard what Zhao an an asked Zheng Jing to say. They have nothing to do with them.

This embrace all embraces together, also said that does not matter, the ghost does not believe which!

Up to now, the task of "group performers" has been completed. They waved and soon dispersed.

When the "group performance" is gone, the real onlookers will not stay much longer, and they all shake their heads and leave.

Looking at those suspicious people in the crowd, Zheng Jing frowned slightly.There seems to be something wrong with this today!

Criminal Police's professional sense of smell, let Zheng Jing keenly feel the taste of conspiracy!


It must be her again!

But she only said that today let him implicitly show his heart to Zhao An'an, did not say that there was just that out!

It's a bit too big for her!

He doesn't matter, but Zhao an

Zheng Jing looked down, Zhao an gnashing his teeth, a pair of hate to eat people's appearance.

Shangguanning is trying to drive Zhao An'an crazy!

He heard from Zheng Lun about the general plan. Although his understanding of Zhao An'an was not as thorough as that of shangguanning, he also felt that the feasibility of the plan was very high and should be successful in the end.

Otherwise, he would never come to play such a bitter drama with Zhao An'an today!

He felt that he could shoot some police and bandit movies and martial arts movies, but he was definitely not suitable for such romantic dramas!

What are you doing with Zheng Fei an

Zheng Jing was excited and immediately let go!

Heaven and earth conscience, he has no interest in Zhao An'an at all, and has never regarded her as a woman! What he likes is Zheng Lun's gentle and quiet beauty, not Zhao an!

How could he touch her belly? What's the difference between touching a tiger's ass! Isn't that for death?

Back Mu Qing knew that he had to die again!

"You, you, you, don't get me wrong! I just want to stop you, otherwise you are impulsive. I want to touch my chest, how can I touch my stomach

Zheng Jing explains nervously, the result is a nervous to say wrong word!

In fact, he is not interested in Zhao an's chest! , the fastest update of the webnovel!