Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 551

There is no doubt that Zheng Jing's words attracted Zhao an's fierce fists and kicks!

"I didn't see that you were so dirty! shame on you! Asshole! Son of a bitch! Pervert! You want to touch your chest? I'm going to cut off your fingers for Ron! "

If Zheng Changnian had not exercised and had good health, he would have been beaten down by Zhao An'an!

Her fists are still very strong, especially now that her anger is at its peak, she doesn't leave any hands on her fist!

If she was not worried about the impact of key parts after Zheng Lun's sexual well-being, she would have kicked the lifeblood of Zheng Jing!

Zheng Jing suffered a disaster, but he had to take a taxi and send him home.

Zhao an has been talking about the education of Zheng Jing all the way, which means that he can only like Zheng Lun, and he is not allowed to like others!

Zheng Jing did not say a word, let her misunderstand, anyway, as long as Zheng Lun did not misunderstand.

Shangguan Ning gives him the task request is, let Zhao An'an misunderstand!

For the sake of Zhao An'an, Shangguan Ning has really laid down a lot of money. He has made such a big plot. Let alone his intelligence quotient, he can't see through the plan in advance!

He said, the woman who can let Jing Yichen fall in love with is definitely not an ordinary person!

On weekdays, she is gentle and easy to talk, and works calmly and calmly. It turns out that she is also full of bad water! I don't know if she is close to the ink and learns from jingyichen, or she is good at troubling people!

These women don't have a gas-efficient lamp!

Or his family Zheng Lun good, gentle, kind, simple, never to make trouble.

Almost to the Zhao villa, Zhao an suddenly stopped preaching, and then touched Zheng Jing.

Zheng Jing was stiff all over!

No, what's going on with this woman?

Shangguan Ning didn't say that there was still a danger of losing one's life in this mission!

"Zhao an, what are you doing?! I tell you, don't mess with me! You mess around, I, I, I, I'm not polite! "

Zhao an an was stunned, and then he reflected what Zheng Jing meant.

According to the back of Zheng Jing's head, she slapped him in the face and said, "bah! What are you thinking about? You're naked. Show me. I won't! Hurry up, take out all the money on your body, I'll rob you

Zheng Jing has black lines all over his face.

If you want money, just talk about it. If you don't say a word, you will touch it. Who knows if you want money or your life!

"I am poor and have no money!"

"Do you give it or not? No more touching for me

"Good, good, here! I'm really defeated by you. Can you be a bit reserved as a girl? You don't think of yourself as a woman, and I still treat myself as a man! " Zheng Jing had no choice but to take out her wallet and prepare to give her a few hundred yuan to cope with it.

As a result, Zhao an grabbed the purse and took all the money inside, even a nickel.

"Auntie, you can save some for me, otherwise I don't have any money, how can I go home! It takes an hour to drive from your home to my home. Why don't you let me walk back? "

Zhao an thought, also right, she experienced the pain of no money, should give Zheng Jing some money.

She took out two pieces of one yuan from that pile of money and handed them over: "here, take them!"

A charity tone, listen to Zheng Jing forehead straight jump, want to give Zhao an an a slap!

"You are the beggar! Two bucks, you are so generous! That money is mine. Give it back to me! Jing Shao said that he would not let us give you money. If he knew that I had given you so much money, he would have skinned me! "

"Love or not, just two pieces! If you don't have enough, I'll take back the two! "

"What can two dollars do? The starting taxi price is eleven, Miss Zhao! "

"Oh, you can take the bus!"

Zheng Jing:

"And you can change the bus!"

Zheng Jing's whole person is not good, he has a wallet, but there are more than 2000 yuan, Zhao an is stingy, only give him two yuan, also let him back!

Zhao an threw the purse and the two yuan all over Zheng Jing's body. Happily, she stuffed the more than 2000 yuan into her chest: "you can't take it back now!"

Zheng Jing has a headache. This girl has many ways! Hide the money in his chest, he is crazy to rob!

"No, it's all yours. Just give it to you. I'm very happy to give you the money to spend."

Fart! He's not happy at all!

He wants to get the money back!

Otherwise, if Zhao an had money and ran away, he would have a great responsibility!

But at the moment, it was obvious that the robbery was impossible. He could only admit that he was in bad luck.

Zhao an laughs happily, she has money!

Her personality is jumping off, and her unhappiness is usually forgotten soon. At this moment, she has adjusted herself. Moreover, she is really happy because she has robbed money. Her eyes are still swollen, and she is happy again.Zheng Jing couldn't help sighing. It was really a big heart. He forgot his troubles in such a short time. He didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

When she got to Zhao's house, Zhao an paid for the car, and then ran into the house, afraid that Zheng Jing would catch up with her and rob her of the money.

Zheng Jing shook his head and said to the driver, "master, go to Lijing district."

He has to go back and report to Guan Ning on the completion of the task!

Fortunately, he didn't put all his money in his wallet, but there were more than 100 in his pocket. Otherwise, he would really take the bus!

Zhao an crept home, carefully looked inside, eh, there was no one at home!


Today is a good day!

Otherwise, if grandma and mom knew that she had run out, she would be reprimanded for a long time.

"Aunt Qian, hasn't my grandmother come back yet?"

Aunt Qian said with a smile: "not yet. She said that she would not come back for dinner at noon. She would like to go to a friend's house with her wife. I'll make it for you."

"Oh, they're not coming back?" Oh, how wonderful! I wish they had more hospitable friends! If Zhao An'an knows that this "hospitable friend" is shangguanning, I don't know if she will run away.

"Well, I'll eat it myself. That I want to have steak, the most fragrant and tender one! "

Today, when I went to a western restaurant, I couldn't even afford the most ordinary steak. I could only watch Mu Qing and the fox spirit eat!

Well, she won't be polite when she comes home!

An hour later, Zhao an ate a round stomach, perhaps full, and her heart had no that kind of pain and pain.

She went up to the second floor with her stomach full of food and went back to her bedroom. She lay down and wanted to have a sleep and forget all the unhappy things. However, she couldn't sleep because she tossed and turned on the bed. Her mind was full of the scene that she saw today. , the fastest update of the webnovel!