Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 549

Zhao an is not the kind of person who doesn't know what's good or bad. She has already regarded Zheng Jing as her own.

She just was too angry in her heart and didn't control it well. As a result, she beat Zheng Jing.

But let her admit the mistake immediately, she can't help but hum twice, ignore Zheng Jing, and continue to "stroll".

After strolling for a long time, Zhao An'an reacted and asked suspiciously, "no, Zheng, why are you here? It seems like an hour's drive from your home? "

Zheng Jing feels funny in the heart, this silly girl, only now has the reaction, he appears here has the question!

He was smiling in his heart, but his face was very serious. He said without changing his face: "there has been a murder case recently. I came to check the scene. By the way, I can see the road section here and simulate the escape route of the murderer."

It has to be said that Zheng Jing lied much better than Zhao An'an, and they were not at the same level at all!

Zhao an had something hidden in her heart. Hearing what he said, she immediately believed it and was not in the mood to ask more questions.

Zheng Jing was not willing to let her go. She said faintly, "it's not safe for you to wander around in the wild. I'd better send you home."

"I'm not going back!" Zhao An'an immediately roared, "don't worry about it. You should check your case quickly."

"How can I do that? In case you have an accident in my territory, MuQing will take off my skin! You are my future brother-in-law. How can I let you go? The case is second, you are the first Zheng Jing said the last word, are numb by their own flesh, a goose bumps!

Zhao an an listened to him mention Mu Qing, the light in his eyes quickly darkened.

She was silent for a long time, but still felt that Zheng Jing should know that she and Mu Qing had officially broken up, so as not to mention her ex girlfriend in front of Mu Qing.

"Mu Qing and I have already broken up, and we will have each other in the future. Don't call me my brother-in-law again, so that his girlfriend will know and make trouble with him."

"Ah? When did this happen? I don't know at all! " Zheng Jing's face was full of surprise, as if he really knew nothing about it. In fact, he had heard about shangguanning's plan from Zheng Lun and knew much more than Zhao An'an!

"Did that bastard fall in love with another woman? You wait. I'll beat him up and blow you out He said, turning to leave.

Zhao an hurriedly grabbed Zheng Jing and said in a hurry: "no, no, no, it has nothing to do with him. It's my reason!"

Zhao An'an didn't have a deep thought, but she was not stupid. Today's Zheng Jing always made her feel strange, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

In the past, Zheng Jing was not such a hot blooded person! Moreover, every time they meet each other, they always look at each other, and Zheng Jing has never been so good at talking!

Zhao an has doubts in the bottom of her heart, but Zheng Jing seems to have nothing abnormal. Is it that she thinks too much?

Alas, this is not the time to doubt Zheng Jing. We can't really let him beat Mu Qing.

"I broke up with him myself. His family asked him to go on a blind date. I'm sure he will have a girlfriend. Don't worry about it. It has nothing to do with you."

As Zhao an said, her eyes turned red.

Think of just the picture, she still heartache, immediately what spirit also did not have, just want to lie down on the bed to have a good sleep.

"I'm home. You go."

Zheng Jing can't let her go back by herself. Seeing that she wants to go, she grabs her arm and doesn't let her move: "no, I'll send you back. It's very easy for you to have an accident like this."

Zhao an can't get rid of him. His anger suddenly surges up and pours on him. His fists are tightly clenched and raindrops hit Zheng Jing.

Yes, Zheng's teeth didn't move.

He thought to himself, he must beat Mu Qing back, and let him taste the taste of this "mad devil hammer"! Zhao An'an is totally spoiled by him!

Zhao an hit, and suddenly began to cry, and cry more and more loud, not to worry about the strange eyes of the pedestrians around.

Zheng Jing looked at her nose and tears on his body, suddenly showed an unbearable tangled expression.

What a dirty girl!

His clothes, back quickly throw away, let Mu Qing buy him a new one!

Seeing Zhao An'an crying a little pathetic, Zheng Jing took her into his arms. Anyway, the clothes were dirty, and it didn't matter if they were dirty.

He held Zhao An'an in his arms and let her vent in his arms. He patted her on the back and comforted her in a soft voice: "all right, don't cry. It's nothing serious. Just carry it."

Zhao an didn't listen at all. She still kept crying. She didn't cry so happily for a long time!

Zheng Jing's clothes have been wet. His expression is slightly distorted. He thinks that it's really annoying to be called by shangguanning to help today!What's more, he is also required to express his meaning in a vague way!

"An'an, there is no fragrant grass in the end of the world. MuQing can't do it. You can find other grass. You can look very comfortable in my arms now. Otherwise, you can try my grass!"

Zhao an's wailing cry suddenly stopped!

She swollen a pair of eyes, surprised way: "what did you just say?" She suspected that she had heard wrong!

What does it mean to try this grass! Can such words be said nonsense? If Zheng Lun knew it, she would be sad to death!

Zheng Jing could not hide his embarrassment at the moment. For the first time, he stammered: "Oh, that I, I, I am Don't take it seriously! I'm just trying to comfort you. I don't mean anything else! "

Zhao An'an couldn't care to cry. She took a pair of swollen peach eyes and glared at Zheng Jing. She pinched her fingers and knuckles: "if you dare to have other thoughts, don't blame me for my impoliteness! You don't want to marry anyone but Lun Lun in your life! Or I'll make you a eunuch at once

"It's hard to say about this feeling. Maybe I like this one today and that one tomorrow? You don't like MuQing any more. It's normal for me to like others! "

Zheng Jing looks indifferent. He doesn't look as solemn as the criminal police. On the contrary, he has a kind of sense of seeing!

In view of the fact that Zheng Jing once "cheated" once before and fell in love with a policewoman named Zhu ruotong and even wanted to marry someone else, Zhao An'an immediately felt that Zheng Jing was likely to "cheat" again, fall in love with others and betray Zheng Lun, who was tender to him! , the fastest update of the webnovel!