Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 548

Mu Qing is desperately chasing Zhao An'an, and wants to tell her that everything is arranged in advance today. She deliberately deceives her and wants her not to be angry.

As a result, he was stopped by a group of people coming out of the oblique stab before he caught up with him.

Wood green urgent want to curse, a look up, but stare big eyes, surprised way: "Zheng Jing?! Why are you here? "

Zheng Jing's face was upright, and he raised his eyebrows and said, "brother, you are in trouble. Of course I will come to save the field! I'm in time for rain, don't you know? "

"Pooh! Get out of the way. ANN is angry. I'm afraid of her accident! I have to catch up, or I won't be able to explain it in the future! "

Zheng Jing saw his burning eyebrows. Usually, Mu Qing, who was calm and sunny, had already disappeared. He could not help but feel sympathy for him. He had to tell the truth: "brother, I'm sorry, my sister-in-law asked me to come. Today, I'm sure you can't catch up with Zhao an's dead girl, but you can rest assured that I will take care of sending her home, and she won't have anything to do! ”

"sister in law? Shangguanning Mu Qing's eyes widened again, as if she had seen a ghost, "how does she know that I will definitely come out to chase An'an? No, she already knew Zhao An'an would leave! "

"I don't know about this elder brother. Anyway, my sister-in-law has orders, so I must obey them. Otherwise, let jingshao know that if I don't give my sister-in-law face, I will break my leg when I turn back!"

In fact, Zheng Jing came today, not shangguanning talked about him, but Zheng Lun talked about him. Shangguanning just told Zheng Lun about the plan, and then asked Zheng Lun to ask Zheng Jing for help.

If Zheng Lun comes forward, even if it's on the mountain and the sea of fire, Zheng Jing will go!

What's more, this is for the happiness of my good brother. Zheng Jing did not allow it.

Zheng Jing looked at wood green gradually some ugly face, quickly ordered him to bring the several people: "look after the wood doctor, don't let him run, an hour later, allow him to move freely."

Several people, led by Li duo, surrounded MuQing and prevented him from going abroad.

MuQing just noticed Zheng Jing and didn't find Li duo behind him!

He and Li duo got along with each other for half a year in England, and knew his strength like the palm of one's hand. With him, there is no need to expect to run out today!

Watching Zheng Jing trot to chase Zhao An'an, and then he himself is trapped in situ, Mu Qing completely speechless!

How many people did shangguanning ask for help? This battle is too big! Look at this, it seems that there will be later moves. Can Zhao An'an bear it!

Besides, isn't Li duo specially responsible for protecting her safety? Why did you send him here? This is very generous!

"Li duo, you see, we are old friends. I just got my woman back from England for a little face. I can't lose it any more? Can I go? " Hard Chong certainly can't rush out, Mu Qing has to play emotional card.

To my surprise, Li duo seemed not to know him. He said without expression: "if you want to go out, just step on my corpse."

Muqingdun is angry. As for it, return the body! I'm scared to death. He won't chase him! Anyway, Zheng Jing won't let Zhao An'an get into trouble.

Zhao an walked in a daze. She didn't know where she was going or where she was going.

Her heart was like a piece of her heart was dug away, empty, and the whole body was in a state of confusion. It was June day, but she was cold all over, like walking in the ice and snow in winter.

In her mind, she and Mu Qing's little past, now it seems, even before the quarrel is beautiful!

Is really lost will know to cherish?

How she wants to go back on her word!

"Zhao An'an!"

Behind him came a sonorous and powerful voice, but there seemed to be some slight surprise in the voice.

Zhao an turned to see the tall man and reluctantly showed a smile: "Zheng Jing ah!"

"What a coincidence, how did I meet you here? Where are you going Zheng Jing strode forward in an unexpected tone.

Zhao an an killed unexpectedly, Zheng Jinghui deliberately met her here, and pretended to be a very accidental appearance! You know, Zheng Jingzhen is a very serious person. In addition to his professional relationship, he seldom tells lies. He is a good criminal policeman with full sense of justice.

Of course, people with super psychological quality like Zheng Jing either don't lie. Once they lie, they will definitely say something more true than the truth, and it is difficult to arouse the suspicion of others.

Zhao An'an will not doubt that her brain cells are not enough to support such a complicated problem.

"Ah, that, I It's just going out for a stroll

Zheng Jing obviously doubted her words: "stroll? It seems that your house is half an hour's drive from here, isn't it? That's what you're doing here? "

"Oh, this, I A taxi

"Take a taxi and wander around here? And still alone? There are only a few high-end restaurants in this place. There are no entertainment facilities. It's bare. What can I do for a stroll? Aren't you grounded? Your mother allowed you to come out for a taxi? ""I..."

Facts have proved that lying in front of the best criminal police in a city is a matter of extremely wasting brain cells!

But Zhao An'an brain cell obvious balance insufficiency!

When the balance of brain cells is insufficient, muscle cells have to make up for it.

Zhao An'an just choked for a while, then hit Zheng Jing on the shoulder with a fist, and said angrily, "I love to wander around. Can you manage it?"?! I'll knock out your dog's tooth if you keep talking! I'm in a bad mood. I have no place to breathe. You'd better be sensible and don't hit the gun! "

Zheng Jing was speechless, only said two words, so quickly changed back to that insolent Zhao An'an, she can also be delicate for a minute!

He covered his shoulder which was beaten by Zhao An'an. He felt that the girl's strength was strong, but he had to comfort her: "don't be angry. I don't mean anything else. I just saw you all of a sudden. I'm afraid you'll have an accident. Last time you disappeared for so long, I took people to turn city a upside down. Although I didn't find you, I tried my best. You don't have to be so cruel to me? "

Zheng Jing took people to find her, Zhao an is aware of, although she did not say anything, but the heart is still very grateful.

When Mu Qing looks for her, she feels that she should take it for granted. Jingyichen sends someone to look for her. She also thinks it is necessary. This is her cousin. If he doesn't look for her, who will look for her.

Only Zheng Jing, who is not related to others, but also follows him day and night. It is really not easy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!