Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 547

It's true that she was a fool for three years. Shangguanning could even think of such a damaging move to make a blind date. The result is not easy to use! Had known that shangguanning was so unreliable, she would not have come to pull hatred! Maybe Zhao An'an doesn't know how to scold her now!

Forget it, since she's all here, she'll do it to the end, send the Buddha to the west, and perform the whole set of tricks.

She has to accomplish the key points set by Shangguan one by one.

"Mu Mu, I feel so cold. Can you lend me your clothes to wear?"

Mi Xiaoxiao said, pointing to Mu Qing's white suit coat on the armrest of the sofa with her slender fingers.

Mu Qing finally knows the intention of Shangguan Ning to force him to take his coat!

He said, in June, the temperature was as high as 20 degrees, and he was forced to take a suit coat. It was strange that he was waiting for him here!

The air conditioner in the dining room is very big. It's really cold. Mi Xiaoxiao wears less. It's normal to be cold.

If Zhao an an is sitting opposite MuQing, there is no need for Zhao an to speak. Mu Qing will naturally be afraid that she will catch cold, and then he will put his own clothes on her.

But for MI Xiaoxiao, he would not notice whether she was cold or hot.

However, since Mi Xiaoxiao opened her mouth, Mu Qing would naturally give her the clothes. He knew that MI Xiaoxiao must be shangguanning's friend. People came to help, so he could not even refuse to give her clothes.

Mu Qing smiles and hands over the clothes: "put it on, next time go out to wear more, indoor and outdoor temperature difference is big, it is easy to catch a cold."

Mi Xiaoxiao finally can't help, also can't take care of his lady image, mercilessly glared at him, that means, you can't come to help me put on!

Mu Qing smiles and doesn't speak.

He doesn't want to stimulate Zhao An'an like this. She has been stimulated enough today. Zhao an is sad. The one who loves is himself.

In fact, even if Mu Qing didn't help Mi Xiaoxiao dress himself, but his clothes were put on MI Xiaoxiao's body, and Zhao an was heartbroken to the point of breaking down.

MuQing's clothes were used to warm her, but now they are used to warm another woman. Zhao An'an never knew it would be so bitter!

The steak was soon served. MuQing and Mi Xiaoxiao talked to each other from time to time, while slowly eating the fresh and tender steak.

Outside the window, the bright sunlight shines in through the clean glass. The two people sitting by the window are plated with a layer of gorgeous light. The men are clean and handsome, and the women are beautiful. They are like a pair of ink and wash paintings.

Zhao an looked at them and felt that all the sounds and pictures around him were far away. In his mind, there was only their warm eating appearance.

She carefully searched for her memory, but suddenly found that she never seemed to have had such a meal with Mu Qing!

When Mu Qing was with her, she was all accommodating to her. She was capricious, like freedom, and didn't like to be constrained. She never went out with him alone for dinner. Except when they were 17 years old, when they just established their relationship, they went to see a movie together, and they never went to the cinema hand in hand.

And, the only time she saw a movie, she fell asleep on the way.

In the past few years, she has been trying to avoid Mu Qing, and she is not willing to talk to him properly. She is basically silent when eating, and she is in a mood.

Zhao an woke up in a flash.

It turned out that she did not know how to cherish, she was very much like Mu Qing, but this love is so selfish, she almost did not consider for Mu Qing, she was just capricious in escape!

Her eldest sister was so angry that she was spoiled from childhood and later spoiled by MuQing.

She was lucky and unfortunate.

There is a person, wholeheartedly love her, and she has been wantonly spoiling this love! At least, she doesn't want to be a person like Jingyi.

She doesn't even know what MuQing likes to eat or what she doesn't like to eat, because every time she eats, she leaves what she doesn't like to eat to MuQing, and MuQing always says with a smile, it doesn't matter. I like to eat what you like, and I like what you don't like.

She only knew today that MuQing didn't eat ketchup!

Because just now she heard that beauty was smiling and saying, "so you don't like ketchup. What a coincidence, I don't like it either!"

But when they were eating spaghetti together, she put a lot of ketchup, half full, MuQing did not hesitate to eat the rest!

Today, however, there is not a certain amount of ketchup in his spaghetti!

Zhao an's lips show a bitter smile.

If it is not separated from MuQing, she may never know, MuQing loves her more than she imagined, and will never know what MuQing did for her.

Shangguan Ning always scolds her for not knowing the good or the bad, saying that she does not know the good or the bad. She did not think so before. It turned out that Shangguan Ning was telling the truth!Zhao an can't sit down any longer, because she is afraid that she will delay for a while. She will really lose control of herself and rush to Mu Qing to ask him not to be with that woman. She is afraid that she can't help falling into his familiar arms!

Zhao an got up a little soft all over and staggered to the stairs.

Seeing Zhao An'an go away, MI Xiaoxiao and Mu Qing are stunned.

This is different from the script designed by Guan Ning!

Even though Mi Xiaoxiao is now the deputy director of the public relations department of Jingsheng group, he has experienced countless battles, and his methods of entrapment are so numerous that even the most difficult reporters can cope with them, he has no way out now.

The heroine withdraws voluntarily. Even if she has great ability, it is impossible to change the plot.

Mu Qing looks at Zhao an's figure disappearing at the stairway. She gets up and chases him out.

Mi Xiaoxiao doesn't care about him. After the play is over, she won't be involved in the affairs of the couple. Next, it's time to enjoy the dinner! What's more, she can eat double portion by herself, and MuQing's share has not been moved!

Until Mu Qing's figure also disappeared in the stairway, MI Xiaoxiao suddenly remembered that the meal had not yet been settled!

Mi Xiaoxiao immediately got up and wanted to chase Mu Qing back. As a result, he turned to see that he had appeared in the street, chasing Zhao An'an and running after him!

He ran so fast. I don't know. I thought he was trying to escape the order!

She's so sorry, she's done it. It's a big loss! This meal is more than half of her salary!

No, I have to go back to shangguanning, the deputy general manager, for reimbursement. This is a business! , the fastest update of the webnovel!