Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 546

Shangguan Ning has said that Zhao an is impulsive and loves to fight. If you want to hit someone at that time, please look at her as a good friend and don't worry about her.

When Mi Xiaoxiao first heard that her life was in danger, she did not agree to make a cameo. In case she was disfigured by sulfuric acid, she had no place to cry.

Later, it was Shangguan Ning who begged repeatedly that she would not pour sulfuric acid, so she agreed to come.

Mi Xiaoxiao looks at Zhao an, who is so angry that she doesn't want to rush up and grab her man back. She decides to add fire to her.

"Mumu, it's very kind of you to give me such a precious gift. Thank you very much!"

The voice is sweet and false. Mi Xiaoxiao has goose bumps all over his body!

Mu Qing was also a "Mu Mu" cry of MI Xiaoxiao, and she yelled very loud, for fear that Zhao An'an would not hear the same.

Zhao an and the two of them are separated by a table and two aisles. If they speak in a low voice, they will be covered by music. She can't hear them clearly. However, if they speak loudly, she can hear them clearly.

After listening clearly, Zhao An'an is angry and wants to lift the table!

What are these things today!

How can there be a mother and a grandmother to her so add block, this is that she died slowly, live to let her spit blood and die!

She not only lost the man, but also sent jewelry to the man's new love. It's the acme to live on her part!

However, what makes Zhao an spit blood is still behind.

Mi Xiaoxiao's voice still echoed in the restaurant: "you gave me such a valuable gift, but I didn't bring you a gift!"

Mu Qing is very cooperative with Lang Sheng: "it doesn't matter. This bracelet can also be given to a beautiful woman like you. Other women can't deserve it. If you can come today, it's the best gift for me!"

Zhao An'an was so angry that she almost closed her breath! She felt that in this way, her heart must be unbearable, will burst!

Although Mi Xiaoxiao's smile was sweet and happy, she felt in her heart that Mu Qing's words were to Zhao An'an, not to her.

At the moment, she was not angry with MuQing, but with Zhao An'an.

How can this girl sit so well! Isn't Shangguan Ning saying that she is impulsive? Why is it that she is sulking and wrestling with the spoon? Shouldn't she lift the table in this situation?

Quickly lift the table to grab people!

Mi Xiaoxiao waited for a while. Seeing Zhao An'an still didn't move, she couldn't help murmuring in her heart: if you don't rob again, I have to sacrifice myself.

She looked up at Mu Qing, and her smile did not change at all. Her tone was soft and delicate, and she seemed to have a trace of Shyness: "Mumu, I have decided to give you a gift. I hope you like it!"

When she finished, she stood up and gave a kiss across the table on MuQing's cheek!

Mu Qing can't help but stare at big eyes and fall into stupidity.

He never thought that MI Xiaoxiao would come out like this!

Is this girl too involved in her performance? Is he an actor of Xingyao media of Jingsheng group?

Subconsciously, he wanted to see Zhao an's reaction. He was afraid that she would be angry and take it seriously. As a result, MI Xiaoxiao held his face in his hand and forcibly broke it off.

Mi Xiaoxiao with his face close to the face, gnashing teeth in a low voice: "I can lose a lot of money, you took advantage of the appearance of a big loss, believe it or not I kiss you two more, directly to your woman to run away!"

However, he didn't think it was good for him to sacrifice himself.

Zhao an was stunned there.

Are women so bold now? The first time we met?

Damn MuQing, why don't you hide! Does he enjoy being kissed by a beautiful woman!

In addition to anger and anger, Zhao An'an is more sad and desperate.

Mu Qingming likes her, but why is she so nice to other girls? Do things so close to people?

She wanted to rush over and question Mu Qing loudly. She wanted to drive away the fox spirit opposite him.

But in the end, she did nothing.

What position does she have to question Mu Qing?

She doesn't want wood green!

She doesn't want other people. Isn't she allowed to be with other women?

What's more, the woman who is on a blind date with him is perfect and has almost no shortcomings. It seems that she matches Mu Qing very well. They will be very happy together in the future.

Isn't this the life she always wanted Mu Qing to have? If the woman in front of her is really suitable for Mu Qing, she should do the best to make MuQing happy and complete them!

Her life span is unknown. She may not know when the tumor will attack again, which will take her life.

According to similar cases in the past, the recurrence rate of her cancer is very high. Most cancer patients can not be completely cured, and there will be a certain recurrence probability.She's already had a relapse, and the probability of recurrence becomes higher.

And she's basically no longer fertile.

Some time ago, when she was very close to MuQing, she never took any safety measures. MuQing had a little thought and thought that if she was pregnant, she would never leave him again.

Zhao an an did not have such a mind!

However, they have been together countless times, she has never been pregnant.

MuQing's body has been nursed by muwensheng since childhood. It's very healthy. It's certainly not his problem.

The problem is her own.

She especially likes Jing Rui now, because she knows that she can't have children, so she loves her children very much.

In the past, Zhao an was not sensible and felt that children were all cumbersome. But now she understands that a family is not complete without children.

She couldn't imagine that she would marry Mu Qing in the future, but he would never have his own children and not be a father.

Zhao an raised his head to force back his tears and looked at the intimate interaction between the two people. The incomparable anger and depression had been diluted a lot.

Although she was still in pain, she had calmed down.

Mi Xiaoxiao sat back to her seat, but saw Zhao An'an still did not rush over, but sat there in a daze. It seemed that she had lost her soul. She could not help but turn her eyes!

Fortunately, she restrained it in time, otherwise it would have damaged her image of a perfect woman today!

Mi Xiaoxiao in the heart of the stomach Fei, this girl in the end have shangguanning said so like Mu Qing ah, if it was her, would have rushed to hit people!

Today is really a tough task, shangguanning made her miserable! , the fastest update of the webnovel!