Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 545

However, her legs do not listen to the command of the brain, buttocks sit there motionless, do not want to go at all.

Even if the eyes stimulated by their two warm pictures hurt to tears, she did not want to go.

Zhao an looked at the waiter and handed them the menu. He heard Mu Qing's clear voice and asked the beauty what she wanted to eat.

Beauty seems to pick a good while, but also delicate handed the menu to Mu Qing, let him help order a most delicious.

Zhao an's heart is so sad that she will be annihilated! She thinks that the beauty is intentional, deliberately do not order food, let Mu Qing help her order! What a wicked woman with a heart. If Mu Qing takes a fancy to her, she is absolutely blind!

Zhao an was angry, sour and hesitant.

In the past, Mu Qing's gentleness belonged to her alone, but now it belongs to other women. She felt her whole body's blood coagulated, her body was cold, and her heart was dripping blood.

Zhao An'an thinks that staying here is just looking for abuse!

The waiter finally left, but Zhao an was already limp on the sofa, unconsciously biting a straw in his mouth, his eyes empty, tears in his eyes.

Although Mu Qing's eyes are looking at Mi Xiaoxiao, the rest of the corner of his eyes has been paying attention to Zhao An'an's movements. Seeing that she is biting the straw as an enemy, and seeing the stubborn appearance of her red eyes, he has no mood to appreciate Mi Xiaoxiao.

He moved and wanted to get up, but was held down by Mi Xiaoxiao.

Mi Xiaoxiao human spirit with a ghost, has long found that Mu Qing's eyes if not to look at them not far away that girl.

Mi Xiaoxiao pretended to turn around inadvertently and looked at the girl's expression and behavior. She knew that the man should be Zhao An'an that Shangguan Ning said.

When shangguanning asked her to come, she told her to act truthfully, and she had to take good care of Mu Qing, so that he would not love Zhao An'an and ruin his tricks on the way.

Sure enough, after only ten minutes, Mu Qing could not help it.

Mi Xiaoxiao is a little surprised. Mu Qing is so distressed that Zhao An'an is unwilling to let her suffer even a trace of grievance.

She has never seen a man who loves women so much!

The men she's been in contact with, of any type, are not as good as Mu Qing, who is single-minded and infatuated!

Mi Xiaoxiao's eyes flash a shrewd light, thinking in the heart, or, grab wood green? I don't know if shangguanning will directly chop her!

Mu Qing is stopped by Mi Xiaoxiao, and the original action stops naturally.

He frowned slightly and looked at Mi Xiaoxiao.

Mi Xiaoxiao showed a perfect smile and said: "Mr. mu, am I not beautiful? Why do you seem absent-minded? If I do something wrong, please tell me, so as not to let others see the joke

Mu Qing took a deep look at her, and suddenly felt that the woman in front of her not only had a beautiful appearance, but also had extremely keen observation and intelligence.

She is reminding him not to let Zhao An'an find out his abnormality.

Mu Qing is sure that MI Xiaoxiao doesn't know Zhao an, but she has determined Zhao an's identity in such a short period of time. It can be seen that her EQ is very high.

He had some helpless smile. Shangguanning really looked up to him. He actually found a beautiful girl of this goddess level to make a blind date with him. It was so beautiful, so gentle and elegant, high IQ, high EQ, rational and calm, and she would act coquettish properly.

Shangguanning is not afraid to lift a stone and hit his own feet. He is not afraid that he really falls in love with this beautiful woman and doesn't want Zhao An'an any more?!

However, after MI Xiaoxiao's reminder, Mu Qing did accept Zhao an's thoughts and tried to resist the impulse of her heart and not to see her.

Shangguan spent so much effort that he not only united the old lady of the Zhao family and Zhao Zhao, but also invited foreign aid with both beauty and intelligence. He could not destroy the plan.

If you can let Zhao an an wake up, he can only bear the pain to make Zhao an more sad for a while!

Mi Xiaoxiao held Mu Qing's hand and didn't let go. She turned his hand over with a smile, palm upward, and jiaodidi's soft voice said: "I think you're very good. I'll leave my phone number to you!"

, she said, pulling the wood green hand in front of her, then took out an eyeliner from her little bag, unscrewed the lid, and began writing on the wood green hand.

When she finished writing, Mu Qing took her hand back to see where the phone number was. Instead, she wrote with great disdain: brother, your acting skills are so bad! You can't catch a woman like this!

Mu Qing suddenly laughed and relaxed.

Zhao an an is sitting on one side and is about to be tortured out of neurasthenia by these two people!

Just met for the first time, so close, too shameless! The world is getting worse and worse!

She stretched her neck, eager to see what the fox spirit wrote on Mu Qing's hand, which made MuQing smile so happy!He's never had a good laugh at her!

After Zhao an bit the straw to pieces, he picked up the small spoon used to stir the coffee to bite.

The spoons in the dining room are all made of stainless steel, and they are crunchy and sour.

Then Zhao An'an saw that Mu Qing seemed to take a look at her side. She was so frightened that she fell on the table in a hurry and covered her face tightly.

Mu Qing takes back her eyes, resists her heartache and starts acting with MI Xiaoxiao.

He took out the jewelry from Mrs. Zhao and handed it to MI Xiaoxiao. A smile appeared on his handsome and clear face: "this is a gift for you. I hope you like it!"

Before Mi Xiaoxiao came, sentence had already got shangguanning's promise. Mu Qing gave her a gift, which was her, as her reward for acting.

She reached out her finger, untied the beautiful bow on the package, opened the box, and saw a bracelet inlaid with dazzling ruby.

Mi Xiaoxiao was born in a famous family, and her family conditions were excellent. She was still sensitive to good things.

She knew that this bracelet must not be cheap, and that it was actually sent by Zhao An'an's mother. She sighed in her heart, Zhao an is really a good life, so many people plan for her, want to let her be happy.

Mi Xiaoxiao glanced at Zhao an, who was struggling with the spoon beside her, and couldn't help laughing. This girl is so nervous that she doesn't have to sit so close even in order to eavesdrop on their conversation?

The goal is so obvious!

What's more, Zhao An'an didn't follow the script. Watching her interact with Mu Qing, why didn't she rush up and hit her! , the fastest update of the webnovel!