Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 544

The beauty wore a gorgeous rose red Chanel new Organza Dress with bare shoulders and low breasts, which could cover her hips and reveal her long, straight legs.

She is full of feminine sexuality and charm, but she also carries a little elegant intellectuality. The two qualities are not contradictory at all. On the contrary, it makes people want to hold her in her arms and caress her immediately!

she has delicate makeup, and she has the fragrance of top perfume, long hair shawl, hair like a waterfall, skin as white as jade, standard melon face, fine willow leaf eyebrows, a pair of talking big, watery eyes, perfect lip shape, full lips, so that people can see and want to bite.

Her bare shoulders are white and delicate. Under the crystal lamp in the dining room, it is more beautiful than the crystal lamp.

Full and very warped crisp chest, showing a small half, deep milk ditch indicates her extraordinary proud capital. Beautiful scenery looms, more and more provocative people's Visual limit.

She is steady and calm, bearing gorgeous, it seems that she did not come to the western restaurant for dinner, but on the catwalk under the spotlight!

All the people in the restaurant were amazed by her, and the women were jealous to death, while the men all forgot to eat in a moment. The knife in their hands fell to the ground without knowing it. They just looked at the dazzling woman just coming.

Mu Qing is also amazing!

He's seen a lot of beautiful women, school flowers, models, stars, and even the nudity of these people - he's a top doctor. Behind these gorgeous women, there's always a variety of diseases or injuries that need him to treat.

He has a strong resistance to beauty, but now see the beauty in front of him, he is still surprised.

However, although Mu Qing was astonished, his eyes were clear, and the eyes of beautiful women were just appreciating beauty, and there was no possessive desire.

But Zhao An'an, who is not far away, doesn't think so!

She only saw that Mu Qing had been staring at people since the appearance of the beautiful woman, even without blinking her eyes!

Zhao An'an was so angry that he almost broke his white teeth!

Why didn't she find out before? Wood green is so good color!

Staring at other people's thighs, eyes are straight, saliva will flow down!

What's the beauty of that woman? Her skin is whiter than her, her chest is bigger than her, and her legs are longer than her, OK?!

It's just She didn't take care of herself!

Zhao an looks at her wrinkled household clothes with spider man's print, and then looks at other people's high-end and high-end brand-name sexy dresses, and suddenly loses her breath.

She suddenly some do not understand, before Mu Qing in the end is like her where!

She is so willful, so untidy, so womanly, Mu Qing has been chasing her for 11 years!

He tolerated her, tolerated her, spoiled her, so that she could ignore everything and do not want anything. If it was not for her, how could he lose the position of dean!

How can she be!

Look, any blind date that the wooden family can find for him can throw her away for a hundred blocks, not to mention the appearance and temperament. There must be no cancer and other incurable diseases for this woman! You can give birth to MuQing at any time!

With such a thought, Zhao An'an thought that he should quickly find a rope to hang himself!

The beauty moved her two long white legs, which could dazzle the blind. Mu Qing was staring at her, but she saw that the beauty even grinned at him. Then, in all the men's envious and jealous eyes, she sat gracefully opposite him.

Mu Qing's mouth is wide open in amazement

"Hello, is this Mr. mu Qingmu?"

The sound is clear and crisp, like pearls rolling down on the jade plate, but it also brings a little bit of delicacy, which makes people itch in their hearts.

Mu Qing suddenly stammered: "that I, I, I My name is Mu Qing

This woman is his blind date!


Where did shangguanning find the best beauty! What's more, he's still wearing sexy clothes. Is that the rhythm of his crime?!

The beautiful woman put her exquisite and expensive white Hermes bag and held out her hand to MuQing, showing a charming smile: "MuQing, Hello, my name is mi Xiaoxiao. It's grandpa Mu who asked me to come. Happy blind date!"

She is natural and generous. Even the blind date is said by her as if it is a common meeting. It is not artificial at all, which makes people feel good about it.

Wood Green glanced at the pale pink nail polish, such as green and delicate white hands, hesitated for a moment, and then shook hands: "Hello, happy blind date!"

Mi Xiaoxiao's hands are delicate and tender, soft as if there are no bones in general, and the beauty is like art works. People can't help but want to put them in the palm of their hands and play carefully.

But MuQing is just a touch that divides, and does not take the opportunity to hold for a while.

Mi Xiaoxiao looked at him and felt that shangguanning was right. There was no other woman in the eyes of this man. Even if she dressed up beautifully, she didn't have to worry about being pestered by others.MuQing is undoubtedly very handsome, and this kind of handsome is very easy to attract women to like, not too cold, not too courteous.

Mi Xiaoxiao is very good at pretending to be a blind date, and she enjoys it very much, especially with a handsome doctor, which makes her in a good mood.

She looked at Mu Qing and found that although he had been looking at her, his eyes were obviously very clear, and there was no adulteration of anything else, which made Mi Xiaoxiao more satisfied.

I don't know how Zhao an didn't agree to marry Mu Qing. It's easy to be robbed if such a high-quality man doesn't catch it!

Zhao an bit a straw, watching Mu Qing not far away holding hands with the woman who was so enchanting that she was shaking all over her body. The straw had gone bad and she had completely lost its shape!

The soft music was playing in the western restaurant. Zhao An'an couldn't hear what the two people were saying. She only saw two people holding hands together and smiling at each other. She seemed to be very satisfied with each other!

Before Mu Qing shook hands with other women, she would not be angry at all. Today, what's the matter? Why are you so angry and jealous!

Mu Qing has nothing to do with her now. People shake hands with whoever they like. What does it have to do with her!

Don't be angry. Be calm. Be calm.

Zhao An'an tried to appease his irascible heart, so as not to be impulsive and beat people up.

She desperately told herself that she should leave here now. Two people are dating, and one of her ex girlfriends is watching here. What a shame! , the fastest update of the webnovel!